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Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

Playing hookie today with the high winds and cold temps. Nice to go back to sleep after hearing the howling outside! I did manage to get a small buck yesterday, also in strong winds. Target of opportunitiy and meat for the freezer. Definitely not a trophy hunter! Back out tomorrow for a doe.

Spent part of the day yesterday dealing with DirecTv and the new equipment they sent that didn't work. Day 2 of that. Came down to sending a tech guy here and get charged 99 bucks for a service call. Told them to pound sand and send me the shipping info to send EVERYTHING back. Got right on the phone and ordered Dish. Can still get some stuff on my laptop and tied it to the TV. At least we can watch a few things. That will go away tomorrow sometime and then we will be without TV until Tuesday afternoon. :mad:

Lori doing good with the dressings I have to do. Things are looking better and the doc was impressed. Her attitude will probably worsen once the TV goes out!
Time for an update. Lori's pressure wound on her tailbone is still getting better. No nasty areas, just nice pink tissue. She's been gradually feeling warmer and I have even been able to turn the thermostat down a little! YES!!! Still having multiple muscle spasms and the meds don't really seem to be doing much to help.

Filled out the paperwork for the LINK card (the new name for food stamps) and it sounds positive for getting it with my reduced income now. The agent told me an amount that was probably coming and that would really about cover us completely each month. Got our insurance figured out for the time being and things are starting to look like we will be alright here. With all of that plus the generous amount you folks have contributed we seem fairly well set for the winter.

Also, I can't leave out the addition to the freezer we got today. I'll start a new thread for that. Yeah, gonna make you look!
Forgot about one thing. Had a meeting with a case worker about being paid as a caretaker for a handicapped spouse. Got told it was very likely to happen and then I found out the state has what I would call a "clawback" clause to it. That means that after the wife and I have died the state would reclaim any money paid to me from our estate. NOPE! Not going to put the kids through that.
Forgot about one thing. Had a meeting with a case worker about being paid as a caretaker for a handicapped spouse. Got told it was very likely to happen and then I found out the state has what I would call a "clawback" clause to it. That means that after the wife and I have died the state would reclaim any money paid to me from our estate. NOPE! Not going to put the kids through that.
Welcome to Illinois. At least your pension isn't being taxed so there's that.
Forgot about one thing. Had a meeting with a case worker about being paid as a caretaker for a handicapped spouse. Got told it was very likely to happen and then I found out the state has what I would call a "clawback" clause to it. That means that after the wife and I have died the state would reclaim any money paid to me from our estate. NOPE! Not going to put the kids through that.
That’s the wildest thing I’ve ever heard. State is one of the richest in the country and it still takes from tax payers. Broken system.
Cool! Looks like the other bill I turned in to be negotiated down has been dropped! Little over $800! Have to see when the full statement comes. Also got approved for food benefits. If the amount they said was for current Covid rules is added we will receive pretty much what I spend each month for groceries. That's a huge help. Frees up that money for power bills for the winter. With hunting and the garden both providing lots of goodies our freezers are pretty full. ALMOST running out of room! Started cutting up my latest deer yesterday after getting the elk meat done and packaged. Going back out Friday to try and fill my last tag.

Lori has a surgery set for mid January to install a more permanent catheter. Out-patient procedure, so no big hospital stay. Looks like I know where we will be using more of your donations! I've been hanging onto the account money for stuff like this because I knew it was coming. Still have plenty to cover next year's deductibles, co-pays and out of pocket stuff until my insurance takes over 100%. That's a big load off of our minds. Thank you all again for that!
Guess it's time for an update. She was still having bad muscle spasms so some meds got changed up a few days ago. She said it helps a little but now she's hurting in her shoulders so bad it's hard to get comfy when turned on her side. Not much of an appetite lately. Making a ham today and maybe that will trigger some hunger!

I stocked up on most of the groceries so we can be sure to make it through the storm coming later this week. Cold, lots of snow and very windy. Or so they say. We'll have some leftovers and munchies on hand to keep feeding on just in case. We're good as long as we don't lose power.

Not sure about both of us going to the family Christmas on Saturday. It will depend on if she feels better by then as well as the weather. Below zero every morning and windy isn't great in a wheelchair! Won't be much fun for me Sunday when I'm smoking our rib roast for dinner. I better go check how much wood I have split out there. Need to put the plow blade on my ATV anyway.

Time to get the ham going!
Heading back down to the hospital tomorrow to have the catheter installed directly into her bladder through her belly. They say it will make things easier. Yeah. Up at 5AM and get us both ready and hit the road by 6:30 or so. Surgery scheduled for 10. At least she won't feel any pain from it!
Good luck tomorrow Dave. Praying all goes well.
10 o'clock my ass! As usual everything is delayed. Finally sitting in the waiting area trying to stay awake. Still fighting this damn insomnia and last night only got MAYBE 1 hour of sleep. Trying to get the IV started was a cluster@#*;. Told them that the foot was the best way to go because of pain but no, they had to try the pain sensitive arm. After yelling and crying from the pain the IV wasn't working right, and the anesthesiologist was called and she had it started in her foot right away. Told you that in the first place! Just getting her undressed to and into the gown was a hassle. Getting dressed to go home won't be pleasant.

Oh joy. Just got the text saying the procedure was starting. Probably another 2 hours before we can get out of here. Time for another Mountain Dew.
10 o'clock my ass! As usual everything is delayed. Finally sitting in the waiting area trying to stay awake. Still fighting this damn insomnia and last night only got MAYBE 1 hour of sleep. Trying to get the IV started was a cluster@#*;. Told them that the foot was the best way to go because of pain but no, they had to try the pain sensitive arm. After yelling and crying from the pain the IV wasn't working right, and the anesthesiologist was called and she had it started in her foot right away. Told you that in the first place! Just getting her undressed to and into the gown was a hassle. Getting dressed to go home won't be pleasant.

Oh joy. Just got the text saying the procedure was starting. Probably another 2 hours before we can get out of here. Time for another Mountain Dew.
Prayers for a speedy recovery after this ordeal. Hopefully you will be able to get some rest tonight.
All is well in the household. Long day for no apparent reason besides too many people in a hurry. Got back home 10 hours after we left. For a 15 minute procedure. Ugh. Did stop long enough to grab a Chick-fil-a sandwich for her to eat while I ran into the store to grab a few things that were on sale to stick in the freezer. Going to wait until tomorrow to go get her new meds. I'm beat.
Lot of stuff happening lately.

FINALLY seems like the paperwork for my other pension is going through. Only $218/month but it helps! Not sure when it will start, still needs to be reviewed.

Found out our wonderful government is doing away with the COVID bonus on the food cards. For us, it was an extra $356 per month! Damn. Easily 3 weeks worth of groceries.

Lori's wheelchair outfit asked for more info from the doctor regarding details of why it was needed. Insurance purposes. They did say it was going to be around 18.5K for it and our share would be over $5600. Sounds like it's going to be a while before it's even built at this point. At least we have a loaner.

At the last wound doctor visit she told us things were going great and she was going to look into a plastic surgeon to plug up and cover what is left of her wound on her tailbone. The hard part will be finding one to do it.

Her muscle spasms continue but the one med helps her relax so they are somewhat tolerable.

Guess I'm going to have to call in an electrician to see about getting the one radiant heater fixed in the kennel building. I've been limping along so far using the one from the other side to heat the entire building but some colder weather is coming and I would rather not tempt frozen lines again. Hate paying someone to fix things but this is above my paygrade! 🤷‍♂️

As usual, one day at a time! All a guy can ask for.