
Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

More updates!

Wheelchair company sent an update on progress. THIS step expected to be complete end of March! 3 steps after that. STILL not building it.

One of her meds to help with spasms ran out early this week. Multiple calls to the doctor plus the pharmacy making contact have gone unanswered. We go see her on Wednesday so THAT visit should be interesting!

One doctor visit next week and one the week after with someone else. Both are an hour away. Seems like every time we have to go somewhere it's raining or snowing. With wind. :rolleyes:

Wound on tailbone healing nicely. The home health nurses are impressed with how fast it's going. I've been getting a crash course in skilled nursing these past few months and I'm getting tired. Lots of things to look for and remember. Moving her from one side of the bed to the other for turning and leaning over for what I need to do is taking a toll on my back. I'm no spring chicken anymore.

Told our daughter today that I'm now "officially" old. I filled out the paperwork this morning to apply for Social Security. Yippee. Had to sign up for it now because at 62 part of my pension goes away and I have to replace it. I'll end up making more per month once it's done. Plus, my other pension has finally kicked in and adds to the total. Well, it's enough for the cell phone bill and the DISH bill. Better than nothing!

I need spring to hurry up so I can get outside and do something. Not getting much sleep lately and it's making things rough. If I can fall asleep fairly quick I wake up real early and can't get back to sleep. Other nights I lay there wide awake all night and crash for a couple hours before the alarm goes off. I need some sunshine and fresh air. Being retired means no real schedule so things get out of whack pretty quickly! May be time to make some salami to smoke.

Thanks to those of you that have reached out to us recently. We're still going!
More updates!

Wheelchair company sent an update on progress. THIS step expected to be complete end of March! 3 steps after that. STILL not building it.

One of her meds to help with spasms ran out early this week. Multiple calls to the doctor plus the pharmacy making contact have gone unanswered. We go see her on Wednesday so THAT visit should be interesting!

One doctor visit next week and one the week after with someone else. Both are an hour away. Seems like every time we have to go somewhere it's raining or snowing. With wind. :rolleyes:

Wound on tailbone healing nicely. The home health nurses are impressed with how fast it's going. I've been getting a crash course in skilled nursing these past few months and I'm getting tired. Lots of things to look for and remember. Moving her from one side of the bed to the other for turning and leaning over for what I need to do is taking a toll on my back. I'm no spring chicken anymore.

Told our daughter today that I'm now "officially" old. I filled out the paperwork this morning to apply for Social Security. Yippee. Had to sign up for it now because at 62 part of my pension goes away and I have to replace it. I'll end up making more per month once it's done. Plus, my other pension has finally kicked in and adds to the total. Well, it's enough for the cell phone bill and the DISH bill. Better than nothing!

I need spring to hurry up so I can get outside and do something. Not getting much sleep lately and it's making things rough. If I can fall asleep fairly quick I wake up real early and can't get back to sleep. Other nights I lay there wide awake all night and crash for a couple hours before the alarm goes off. I need some sunshine and fresh air. Being retired means no real schedule so things get out of whack pretty quickly! May be time to make some salami to smoke.

Thanks to those of you that have reached out to us recently. We're still going!
Taking care of yourself is essential for caregivers. What you do all day every day is what nurses do for 8 hours, then go home exhausted. It is easy to neglect your own health including mental health with all your other demands. Sleep, chronic pain, depressed mood, there is good treatment available for all these. If you don't know, find out what support groups and respite care have to offer. Rooting for you and your family, Dave.
Wheelchair place called today. Said that our appeal for not covering the hydraulic lift portion of the chair was denied by insurance when her doctor wouldn't declare it medically necessary. She does need it, so I had to pay for it to keep things going. The gal did say that things would move quickly now and the chair may be ready in a week or two!

Now some not so good stuff. Been fighting a situation with very loose stools lately. NOT pleasant. Looking like she has another round of a C-diff infection. Had that before she came home and we had lots of haz-mat precautions to follow. Hope the nurse tomorrow will send in a sample to test and get on some medication for it. Trying to change her diet with things that will help.

She rolled out onto the porch yesterday to get some fresh air while it was fairly warm and enjoyed it until the therapy gal showed up. By the time she left the sun was gone and the wind had shifted and it was a lot cooler. Maybe next time.
I caught C-diff during a back surgery. Nasty stuff. Lost 12 pounds in 4 days. It felt like I had a candle lit in my stomach. Medicine corrected me in a day but the after effects to my intestines took more than 6 months to go away.

Good luck.
I caught C-diff during a back surgery. Nasty stuff. Lost 12 pounds in 4 days. It felt like I had a candle lit in my stomach. Medicine corrected me in a day but the after effects to my intestines took more than 6 months to go away.

Good luck.
Tested positive like we thought. Started with antibiotics this afternoon. Damn things better work. 40 pills were over $900 before insurance! I would hate to have to buy stuff on my own!
Man....just read through all 15 pages. I admire your courage and resilience. I am now engaged and hope to honor my vows the way you have for your wife. You do what needs to be done, and that is all you can control. I admire that.

I saw the link to the GoFundMe and sent a small donation. I wish you and the family the best.

If mobility is an issue, I recommend a massage/muscle gun, Lots on Amazon. It will help with pushing blood around muscles and aid in soreness and blood flow.

Best of luck and Keep at it. You are an inspiration.
Long day. Canceled her doctor appointment last week because she was feeling sick. Things are cleared up and called this morning to reschedule the appointment. "Can you come this afternoon?" Uh, sure. Had 2 hours to grab some lunch, get her dressed and in the wheelchair and into the van. No problem. Uh-huh. Time to go and the van is dead as a hammer. Shit. Grab my charger and throw it on. Hit the road 20 minutes late. Then we had to detour because a bridge is closed. Do the doc thing, get some new instructions and go home. Wheelchair lift acting up again and trips the breaker part way up. Shit. Reset it and play weightlifter helping it the rest of the way up. Had planned to grill dinner but now it's already time to eat. Leftovers it is! Watched TV for a bit and it's time to hit the rack. Oh yeah, I've been up since 3:30 this morning because I couldn't go back to sleep. :rolleyes:
Figured I had better wrap this up. Didn't mean to leave it hanging.

First off, we're doing OK. I have become quite the nurse! It's actually quite boring having this routine to follow. We only get out to see doctors or the couple times she wanted a haircut. I go fetch meds when needed and go for groceries on Fridays. Not too much goes on beyond that. We watch a lot of TV and I try to figure out decent meals for dinner.

Her pressure wound on the tailbone WAS getting better. One side effect of being bedridden is weight gain. Trying to figure that out, but it has changed the way she has to be positioned in bed and she's gone backwards a bit in the healing. With both of us over 60 and pretty well set in our ways we've decided that it will probably be there for the rest of her life.

Between my old work insurance and her getting onto Medicare/Medicaid, who knows the difference, it seems like her medical stuff is taken care of. All of the wound supplies are covered and ordered by the nurse. The insurance premium goes up next year but just the amount it saves on meds is well worth it!

Now that I have started getting my SS payments I think everything will be fine financially. It bumped my income up enough to cover the bills and have a little bit to build up for unexpected things. It came in handy when the garbage man knocked the head off of our water hydrant. He kept saying he didn't hit it and the claims adjuster their insurance had decided that since I didn't have a camera showing it and his statement said he didn't hit it that they were denying my claim. I lost it over the phone on the jerk. Sitting in Missouri investigating something in Illinois without leaving his desk! There went $400 I didn't need to pay. Point is, I had it because we are able to cover expenses now. A huge reason for that is you folks here. The money you raised for us got us through the rough patch when I had to quit work and had to stretch my pension until Social Security kicked in. I've said it before, thank you to everyone! You folks gave to complete strangers no questions asked. We're very much in your debt. The gifts of elk meat, brats, offers of hunting, physical labor and all the rest were also greatly appreciated and won't be soon forgotten.

I'll close this out with a sincere sense of gratitude and appreciation for friends known and unknown. When a tragedy hits home it leaves you stunned and feeling helpless. Having a group of people rally together to aid you when you need it is something that really is hard to describe.

Thank you, all!

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