Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

I don't know beans about this stuff but before you pull the pin, see if you can find some folks to talk to about this and if there are any other options. I don't know who those people are (retirement counsulors or retirement planners, etc). You may have options for medical care help that will allow you some flexibility.

You might also talk to your employer (or other employers) about part time work.

Last, does your wife have any family nearby that could help?

While I don't know the first thing about your situation, I just worry that you may make a quick decision that you could regret later. Jumping off the retirement high board doesn't come with do-overs.

Hang in there. We are all pulling for you.
Good advice there..
Dave you might also look at the disability laws where you are. I have a cousin who’s wife had a brain aneurism that burst and left her mentally on par with a toddler. She worked, and part of her disability is paying for her in home care, a.k.a my cousin.

It doesn’t replace both their salaries but it’s better than nothing.
Really good thoughts from BrentD regarding seeking some wisdom from folks whose business is retirement options. In retirement planning there are so many "what if" scenarios, and understanding how your insurance policies might handle long term disability, benefits and coverages both now and in the future could be key with regards your current and future financial positions.
I don't know beans about this stuff but before you pull the pin, see if you can find some folks to talk to about this and if there are any other options. I don't know who those people are (retirement counsulors or retirement planners, etc). You may have options for medical care help that will allow you some flexibility.

You might also talk to your employer (or other employers) about part time work.

Last, does your wife have any family nearby that could help?

While I don't know the first thing about your situation, I just worry that you may make a quick decision that you could regret later. Jumping off the retirement high board doesn't come with do-overs.

Hang in there. We are all pulling for you.
I'm planning on researching more about insurance and coverage today. I have my "income" mapped out from any sources I have. She was approved yesterday for Medicare/aid, whichever one it was, for now at least. I'm sure lower income would make it more likely.

Can't work part-time. She needs repositioning for her wound every 2 hours. It takes an hour just to get there!

Nope. And my parents are both 83. Not doing that. Hiring someone like a nurse to stay here would be way more than I make working! Home care for her wound-vac is already a joke as far as covered visits.

There MAY be something I can do from home to make a few bucks on the side. Not really worried about it at this point.

I mainly need to wait until insurance pays for her wheelchair. Going to call about status on that soon.

Not an easy choice, but I don't see any real options. Appreciate the concerns. I always bitched about folks not working who lived better than us. Looks like it's my turn to work the system for help.
Paperwork done this morning. Keeping my current insurance until the wheelchair gets paid for. Figured the higher premium for a few months would make up for deductibles and such with a new policy. Talked with my boss and have a plan to go in for a few hours to clean out my desk and allow them to have a party for me. Guess there are a few folks that like me! Sounds like panic has already set in. One of the other repairmen was just fired today for multiple drug test violations. Had 2 people stop already to look at buying my truck. I'm thinking it should be OK until next May when I can get SS and more money than now. Not taking any more trips to Alaska anyway... 😞

Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and advice! You folks are great!
I hate insurance companies! Granted, they paid for a LOT of things and my out of pocket kept my costs down. Now I'm getting letters wanting more info on things the doctors ordered as a condition for getting released to come home. Some have been outright denied. I'm appealing those. Ambulance transfer between the main hospital and THEIR long-term care center is out of network and only partially paid for, leaving me with a good chunk to pay. Appealing those as well.

Physical therapy gal blew off her visit yesterday with no notice. Got her dressed and into her wheelchair just to be put back to bed later. Not an easy thing to put sweatpants on her laying in bed.

Playing doctor with her tailbone wound and doing a better job than the gals that came here to treat it. Had (emphasis on had) a vacuum system on it when she came home and after a while the doctor said to take a break for a while to let the surrounding skin to heal and stop breaking down from the tape. I did the cleaning and packing with gauze and medicine and covering with the pad and tape. Home health care came once a week to check it and do reports. Doc said 100 percent better between visits. Vacuum went back on Wednesday. 4 hours later it was leaking. I figured out where and taped it to stop the leak. Did that a couple times Thursday. Gals came yesterday for scheduled rework and just a few hours later another leak. Wound also had a small area that looked bad. In 2 days. Fixed the leak again. 11PM the alarm went off. Leaking. Fixed it. 12:30 alarm again. 5:30 once again. Did ok until this evening and we decided to take it off and go back to packing by hand again. SLEEP!!! Too old for this crap.

Buddy from work called today catching me up with things. Said everyone misses me and that a bunch of previous retirees are going to be there for my retirement party. Damn. Hope I can keep it together!

Ok, enough typing. Rattling on too much! Guess I needed to vent a little bit. I need to kill a deer or something. Several actually with the price of groceries lately. Once the retirement checks start I'm going to be scraping to cover the bills. That will be the next chapter.
I hate insurance companies! Granted, they paid for a LOT of things and my out of pocket kept my costs down. Now I'm getting letters wanting more info on things the doctors ordered as a condition for getting released to come home. Some have been outright denied. I'm appealing those. Ambulance transfer between the main hospital and THEIR long-term care center is out of network and only partially paid for, leaving me with a good chunk to pay. Appealing those as well.

Physical therapy gal blew off her visit yesterday with no notice. Got her dressed and into her wheelchair just to be put back to bed later. Not an easy thing to put sweatpants on her laying in bed.

Playing doctor with her tailbone wound and doing a better job than the gals that came here to treat it. Had (emphasis on had) a vacuum system on it when she came home and after a while the doctor said to take a break for a while to let the surrounding skin to heal and stop breaking down from the tape. I did the cleaning and packing with gauze and medicine and covering with the pad and tape. Home health care came once a week to check it and do reports. Doc said 100 percent better between visits. Vacuum went back on Wednesday. 4 hours later it was leaking. I figured out where and taped it to stop the leak. Did that a couple times Thursday. Gals came yesterday for scheduled rework and just a few hours later another leak. Wound also had a small area that looked bad. In 2 days. Fixed the leak again. 11PM the alarm went off. Leaking. Fixed it. 12:30 alarm again. 5:30 once again. Did ok until this evening and we decided to take it off and go back to packing by hand again. SLEEP!!! Too old for this crap.

Buddy from work called today catching me up with things. Said everyone misses me and that a bunch of previous retirees are going to be there for my retirement party. Damn. Hope I can keep it together!

Ok, enough typing. Rattling on too much! Guess I needed to vent a little bit. I need to kill a deer or something. Several actually with the price of groceries lately. Once the retirement checks start I'm going to be scraping to cover the bills. That will be the next chapter.
You never cease to amaze me. Thoughts and prayers!
Has there been a gofundme set up for you Dave? If so I’d like to contribute. If not, can the hunt talk community make that happen? Maybe @Big Fin can help to make it legitimate? I dunno
I'd love for Hunt Talk to host and promote that. I've never setup a GoFundMe or similar effort. Anyone else ever set up an effort like that?

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