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Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

Dave, you are an inspiration to everyone here! Keep up the work, even if it seems unbearable and fruitless at times. We are all fighting this fight with you!
Nah, I'm just some schmuck that had some bad things happen and I felt like getting it off my chest here would help me cope somehow. Now after all of this I have to keep going to let you all know how it turns out! And I didn't even draw a nice tag for anything! ;)
FINALLY got started putting up the wheelchair lift today. Painted the plywood that covers the opening where the steps used to be and with an assist from my dad when he stopped by got the body upright and legs bolted on. I put everything else together, leveled it and ran an extension cord to it. Yippee, it goes up! Uh oh, it won't go down. Had a small trouble shooting section about jumping terminals and such. No luck. Time to look online. I have one idea what may be the problem but need to check it out.

Praying that it all goes smoothly for her return home, that's a pretty impressive job you've done on getting that lift installed.
Don't want to do THAT again! Man, that thing is heavy. The shipping crate said 707 pounds. The hard part was getting it moved as close to the porch as possible. The leveling bolt "nuts" stuck down past the feet and dug into the concrete. I had to lift and push sideways at the same time and only have a grip by bear hugging it and barely reaching around. 2 people would have helped. Glad it's done! Except for the anchor bolts.
Looks like it's "go-time" here for us. Just got informed she will be released next Wednesday. The hospital bed is supposed to be on it's way. Hope so, I'm not the one who ordered it! So now I'm going to be rushing all that much more getting ready. Have to put the patient lift for inside the house together yet, and put some steps back on the front porch. My sister said we can borrow their wheelchair van but it needs a new battery. Have to do that unless they already did. Daughter MAY be going back to work Monday and needs an oil change. And the biggie. CLEAN THE HOUSE!! Ugh... Guess this is my last day at work. Plan on using FMLA leave for 2 weeks and vacation for the 3rd. Can't afford a full 3 week loss of pay. On the bright side, I won't have to get up at 2AM any more! (y)
Been home a couple days now. Still working on getting some things figured out. I don't know if we can get a routine together for morning duties that is quick enough for me to return to work or not. So far it has been quite a long process. 2 more weeks to prepare and practice on making it simple and easy. I've been seriously looking at having to retire to take care of her and not have 2 "jobs". Not sure I'm ready for that but I don't know what I can do to keep from running myself into the ground. 34th anniversary today and I spent part of the day cutting her toenails! Sheesh! Time for bed.
Been home a couple days now. Still working on getting some things figured out. I don't know if we can get a routine together for morning duties that is quick enough for me to return to work or not. So far it has been quite a long process. 2 more weeks to prepare and practice on making it simple and easy. I've been seriously looking at having to retire to take care of her and not have 2 "jobs". Not sure I'm ready for that but I don't know what I can do to keep from running myself into the ground. 34th anniversary today and I spent part of the day cutting her toenails! Sheesh! Time for bed.
One day at a time, still sending wishes for peace and strength as you go through this.
Wow, as others have said, cutting her toe nails, that is love and dedication!
Wishing you both well for the future
p.s our 37th wedding anniversary was last week, my wife forgot! (so did I but remembered 2 days later!) so thought I would guilt trip her and bought 12 red roses :ROFLMAO:
Wow, as others have said, cutting her toe nails, that is love and dedication!
Wishing you both well for the future
p.s our 37th wedding anniversary was last week, my wife forgot! (so did I but remembered 2 days later!) so thought I would guilt trip her and bought 12 red roses :ROFLMAO:
You can always use the excuse that the whole COUNTRY was distracted for the past couple of weeks. Please say hello and congrats to the Mrs. for us!
Need to better explain the toenails. VERY hard to put on compression socks with claws hanging up on them and she can't lock her leg straight. Zippered ones are on the way.
OK, home health was here today to do wound care. Told us more about her wound that pretty much wasn't explained fully while at the hospital. After thinking things over this afternoon I've made a decision. I'm calling my boss Wednesday morning and telling her that I am retiring effective immediately. I'll go in one day to get paperwork done, get my laptop turned in and to hand over the keys to my toolbox. I'm sure there will be a party and cake type deal, and handshakes and hugs for a while. 28 years in the joint. Senior dozer repairman. Go-to guy for answers. Sure will be strange. Taking care of the wife now has really become a fulltime job and I just can't leave her here all day. Too much to do with her wound to take care of and such. It may be hard financially, but I don't have much choice. I'm not getting any younger! Sure do hope I fill my deer tags this fall. Any edible critters nearby don't stand a chance. :devilish:
OK, home health was here today to do wound care. Told us more about her wound that pretty much wasn't explained fully while at the hospital. After thinking things over this afternoon I've made a decision. I'm calling my boss Wednesday morning and telling her that I am retiring effective immediately. I'll go in one day to get paperwork done, get my laptop turned in and to hand over the keys to my toolbox. I'm sure there will be a party and cake type deal, and handshakes and hugs for a while. 28 years in the joint. Senior dozer repairman. Go-to guy for answers. Sure will be strange. Taking care of the wife now has really become a fulltime job and I just can't leave her here all day. Too much to do with her wound to take care of and such. It may be hard financially, but I don't have much choice. I'm not getting any younger! Sure do hope I fill my deer tags this fall. Any edible critters nearby don't stand a chance. :devilish:
I don't know beans about this stuff but before you pull the pin, see if you can find some folks to talk to about this and if there are any other options. I don't know who those people are (retirement counsulors or retirement planners, etc). You may have options for medical care help that will allow you some flexibility.

You might also talk to your employer (or other employers) about part time work.

Last, does your wife have any family nearby that could help?

While I don't know the first thing about your situation, I just worry that you may make a quick decision that you could regret later. Jumping off the retirement high board doesn't come with do-overs.

Hang in there. We are all pulling for you.
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