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Welcome Fellow NAHC Members

I had some serious reservations about the NAHC for years. Immediately after I got a tag in AZ (about 10 years ago) I also got the NAHC package in the mail. It welcomed me to the club as member # ?????? and gave me a sticker to put on my back window and promised me all sorts of freebies for testing and evaluation.

I threw the whole thing in the trash. I never applied for membership. I had never heard of them at the time. I didn't believe in the freebies for testing and evaluation. I'll be a member of the clubs of my own choosing, not just a fool for a sticker and a sham.

For all I know it might be a decent outfit, but piggyback on the AZ G&F with a bogus "Welcome Aboard and Congratulations" letter.
Welcome guy's...
Bring it on!!!
Hey Chairman.. Go ahead and Recruit from here !!!! I'm trying to get these guys to leave anyways... BUT I think they like it here

Sorry you got the Crappy Email. MErry Christmas From Moosie anyhow !!
Paws I am with you. I have been feeling that way for quite a while but I think it goes a little futher than just the club.
CG I'm glad you are here regardless of the reason!
I knowyou will like these guys. Considerit expanding your friendship list. John I amtotally flabbergasted at NAHCs action! I knew they were sphincters; but, I didn't realize they were hemorhoid proof!
Man I got to do something about this crap!
Dang Phil, must have been something pretty bad huh? You were the LAST person I thought would leave! Oh well, I know you have your reasons. You always have a great head on your shoulders when it comes to logic and understanding so I'll back ya on anything you need. Feel free to float in and watch the comedy!

Finally found the place, thanks to YH for posting the site on the NAHC BB.

Looks like the "discussions" are also migrating with the members.

Paws, how many more people will need to follow before you part Strouds Run?
Well Florida only one; and I'm married to her!
She came terribly close to pushing the wrong button this past month and to tell you the truth if packing wasn't so much of a chore; I'd have been headed your direction.
Guys and gals, my beef with NAHC boils down to this: They call it a Club and it ain't. They sell it as a Club, and it's a bold faced lie. They talk about Club benefits and want you to buy them. Then they get all bent out of shape when the Members (their term) ask to be treated like members! What NAHC is: A fee paid service which in return for your dues (their term) you get
.put on a mailing list and bombarded with adds for foreign made merchandise
. a subscription to a maganize which, by actual measure, is fifty four percent advertising and a few hunting stories which are recycled on a biannual basis
. a field test program that is proven by we members to be corrupt having one member threatened with the potential loss of his employment if he didn't clam up, and several others banned from the bulletin boards for mentioning shoddy test items, inequitable distribution of items, etc
. a few prizes randomly drawn occasionally
. Approved guides and outfitters that we can trust who are approved and recommended as long as they pay NAHC off!
. a bulletin board for NAHC Members use unless you say anything which questions NAHC integrity, ownership rights, or the honesty of their programs.

These are not my opinions, they are documented, quantifiable facts.
You bet your bippy! If there is a GT and I can be there; I'll be there! Notice that NAOG or NAHC Corporation doesn't sponsor any.
Somebody ought to suggest to them a GT where they can sell booths to sponsors and campsites to members so they could make a profit for their club!
Cool! I haven't watched "Laughin" in quite awhile!

oops! Forgot! Don't give the "club" any ideas "they" haven't thought of yet!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-28-2003 13:48: Message edited by: GLW ]</font>
I never understood why people joined these clubs, Too me it seems like a waste of money. I am in aw to how many suckers actually joined clubs like this.

B.A.S.S. is one of them as well but in order to fish federation tournys I have to belong to it, so I dont fish federation tournys anymore . Why should I pay 65 bucks a year for membership dues and a stupid ass magizine so I can be in one of there clubs? Makes no sence to me.
if you think about it what will any club really do for you? Ummmm nothing. you can find places to hunt by just being civil and talking to people, you can find good deals on guns and equipment by shopping around. Hell you can even find friends on the internet

As far as a magizine, is it really going to teach someone how to shoot, hunt or fish? I mean think about it, how many of you learned how to fish hunt or shoot from a magizine?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As far as a magizine, is it really going to teach someone how to shoot, hunt or fish? I mean think about it, how many of you learned how to fish hunt or shoot from a magizine?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You've got a good point, but I really do enjoy reading all of the other articles about people's adventures and learning about places that I would love to visit. The only problem I have is the day the magazine comes in, I head to the john for a marathon reading session. Once I'm done reading it (usually in an hour or so), it takes me another hour to pick myself up off the floor because of sitting for so long
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Delw:
I never understood why people joined these clubs, Too me it seems like a waste of money. I am in aw to how many suckers actually joined clubs like this.

B.A.S.S. is one of them as well but in order to fish federation tournys I have to belong to it, so I dont fish federation tournys anymore . Why should I pay 65 bucks a year for membership dues and a stupid ass magizine so I can be in one of there clubs? Makes no sence to me.
if you think about it what will any club really do for you? Ummmm nothing. you can find places to hunt by just being civil and talking to people, you can find good deals on guns and equipment by shopping around. Hell you can even find friends on the internet

As far as a magizine, is it really going to teach someone how to shoot, hunt or fish? I mean think about it, how many of you learned how to fish hunt or shoot from a magizine?


I suppose you want the real truth!! Well here it is. The big come on is the promise of "club" and all that entails plus free gear, prizes, trips, etc. For the NAHC, the hook is the membership give away package which one justifies the cost of membership and the "biggie" The Field Test Program where you get to test great gear and keep it. Well after thinking through things the prospective member just knows that Life Members get preferred treatment and therefore rationalize that they will get to test and keep more goodies and talk themselves into believing they will actually save money anyway and sign up. Not too many days past NAHC offered a super membership FTP deal to Life Members where greater numbers of products of special quality would be reserved for select members who paid an additional fee. Super deal huh, deplete the existing stock of available products and screw the members who don't pony up more dough.
Anyway, I feel kind of stupid fo r allowing myself to be hooked into "the program". I am thankful for the friendships made via the boards though; makes up for all the crap in spades!
Glad you put that last sentence in there Phil!

Delw, Many join to have a feeling of belonging! Not specifically myself, but many have posted and expressed that statement in detail. I've gotten some money back in FTP products. I have friends all over the place that will open their door to me when traveling.(priceless) The GT's we designed are priceless (wouldn't have happened without the close relationships found in the club). The money we have put together for people in need and seeing how it greatly helped a brother is more than worth the lousy $300.00 for the life membership.
I don't regret spending that chunk of change at all! Couldn't even get a decent rifle outfit for that or a bow! Dont get me going!
It's all in how you fit yourself into this world whether it be negative or positive.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-30-2003 07:06: Message edited by: GLW ]</font>
Paws, glad to hear the house is back in order.
The best benefit provided by the NAHC, IMO, has been the BB. Through it, I was able to find other members in the area, and a few managed to get together to hunt. I tried for several years to find hunting partners in the Central FL area, but my co-workers don't hunt and it was difficult to get information on private land. Seems like the 'native' residents didn't want the 'transplants' to hunt their land, or wanted you to take out a loan to pay for a lease. As I normally hunt alone, when the chance to hunt with others is available and I can make it fit my schedule, I take it, as I enjoy the bs sessions you have with hunting partners. The NAHC bb always provided the bs, but lately, the bs was getting too deep. I received excellent advice and information on the BB from the members, not the Club Mgt. At least the BB gave me this BB!
Received an E-mail from a fella regarding NAHC. His comment: "That NAHC is a real racket like a lot of the other hunting groups. it seems all we do is pay for the board of directors to go on hunts that we can only dream of, and then telivise them just to slap us in the face. " I won't use his name because I guarantee each and every one of you would recognize it and all of you hold him in high esteem. (No, it wasn't Jesus, Moosie, or Jim Shokey; but real close!)

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