Welcome Fellow NAHC Members

Only if it is capricious, unwarranted, improper, and I'm innocent Moosie.
Sue you?? One flashy grin at the judge and your boyish charm would kill me.
Not so with a room full of "Big Business Corporate Suits" versus Little Joe Schmuckatelli!
Just so I know for my own personal knowledge, what is NAHC????
And so I don't post anything that will or could offend anybody affiliated with the NAHC.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.
Quick Draw
I think it Stand for National Ass-hoe-chits of Horse Crap

But I could be wrong ?!?!

HHHHHHHHHHHHhheeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvy !!!!!!!!!! Long time no see bud. Looks like some of your co-harts are bombarding me again
Ya bro sheet has been hitting the fan over there. place has got real lame. But what ya going to do. Im sure i'll be in and out of here. so until then peace my niggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Welll to tell ya Moosie I agreed with Paws on the other Board and so when YH directed us this way thought I would check it out.
HEAVY.. IN and out ? Ahhh jsut like I like it

Scotty.. OHHH, At first I read your Post thinknig Paws was in the Wrong. Thats why I asked
Welcome aboard mate !!!
I'll shoot you an e-mail Rick. Won't my address function for you out of the NAHC link?
Well Nothing surprises me out of them now anyway. NAHC is the North American Hunting Club. It is one of several "club emulation" enterprises owned by a wealthy conglomorate headquartered in England. The schtik is this: Find an interest, offer you a club membership, sell you junk related to the group topic interest and provide a bulletin board and a magazine at your expense. Only two problems I have seen with the concept: It isn't a club and this confuses a lot of the "members" who believe it is and therefore the organizational management system perplexes them and When management is "called" on the quality of the products or benefits they get defensive to the point of becoming offensive. Other than those two little items it is a hell of a concept. All they need do is give the members a free hand in organizing and managing genuine "club" interests and respond more favorably to the input of their customer base regarding product and benefit quality.
Marland! Send over the boots for the goat's hind legs! Paws has had her too long and she really is spirited!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-08-2003 12:43: Message edited by: NICK W ]</font>
HO! HO! HO! Hey "Pawclaws"; where are you boy?? Pawclaws; hmmmm, wonder if he might be related to Santa!!
Anyway old Santa has got some news for you boy. The Vice President of Marketing over at NAHC says you are being reinstated over there today.
Old Santa has a lot of influence on those marketing folks this time of year!!


Really? Great news, Paws!!
Of course, the VP of marketing can poke it, as far as I'm concerned. I'd like to give him a swift kick in the NAHCers.
I'll stick with my new-found friends over here, thanks.
Thanks for the "Heads Up" there Santa!

Got to tell you YH I'm with you. I won't neglect my fellow NAHC members; but, NAHC Management, Executives, Employees, etc; ain't Members!
Welcome to all the new people from NAHC.
Sure glad I gave up on them arses over at NAHC a few years ago.My Dads a life member there and I just couldnt see sending them anymore money when all I got was a magazine.Now I just send Moosie money,BTW when is that due man.
Thanks Kraven!!
Lots ofgood people over at the NAHC site. I'd pray for them; but, I don't think that's permitted any longer!
Kraven "I just send Moosie money,BTW when is that due man." Newsletters are done, jsut getting them Proofread

JAn 1st starts new Membership. At least with giving me money you get something in Return.. Even if it's jsut an A$$ WHOOPIN'
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