
Weight Loss Drugs

i guess i'll tell my story. My oldest son died at the age of 24. That was followed by a divorce. I let myself get up to 300 lbs.; A1C 10.4 and diabetic. Started Mounjaro about 1.5 years ago. I'm at 180 lbs and A1C is 5.1. I'd still like to lose another 20 lbs.
It should be hard to get these drugs, not being handed out like candy by a doctor. What I mean is the doctor should first prescribe seeing a dietician and exercise coach. Seeing a shrink about addictions wouldn't hurt but guess what, half the shrinks and health workers are fat. I get it that some people have addictions and food IMO is the addiction our media is trying to constantly cover up. No fat shaming... fat is beautiful, plus size models, fat people in all the ads and TV shows trying to normalize it. This country needs to get back to saying out loud being fat is NOT healthy, NOT normal, and NOT something to be proud of and promote. Both of my parents were very obese. My Mother and Brother both got stomach bypass surgery, My wife is obese with no signs of wanting to curb it. I have carb addictions and love beer and sweets so I know the problems with my weight but I hardcore MTB and or trail run a min of 3 times a week to justify eating what I like. If that doesn't keep my pant waistline from getting tight I cut back on the bad foods and control it. I am not ready to take the easy way out and start taking a drug for my bad habits. This country needs to get on board with bitch slapping the sugar industry and GMO food industry out of our stores. Half the reason people are fat is the crap they eat, the other half is being a couch potato. Again, not against these drugs, just against them being used by doctors and people as a first path of losing weight. I read a good quote the other day. : "If grocery stores have a health food isle, what is the rest of the store?" And again, I am not against people who take these but it should not be the easy way out. Even more alarming is seeing the kids these days being so fat.
It should be hard to get these drugs, not being handed out like candy by a doctor. What I mean is the doctor should first prescribe seeing a dietician and exercise coach. Seeing a shrink about addictions wouldn't hurt but guess what, half the shrinks and health workers are fat. I get it that some people have addictions and food IMO is the addiction our media is trying to constantly cover up. No fat shaming... fat is beautiful, plus size models, fat people in all the ads and TV shows trying to normalize it. This country needs to get back to saying out loud being fat is NOT healthy, NOT normal, and NOT something to be proud of and promote. Both of my parents were very obese. My Mother and Brother both got stomach bypass surgery, My wife is obese with no signs of wanting to curb it. I have carb addictions and love beer and sweets so I know the problems with my weight but I hardcore MTB and or trail run a min of 3 times a week to justify eating what I like. If that doesn't keep my pant waistline from getting tight I cut back on the bad foods and control it. I am not ready to take the easy way out and start taking a drug for my bad habits. This country needs to get on board with bitch slapping the sugar industry and GMO food industry out of our stores. Half the reason people are fat is the crap they eat, the other half is being a couch potato. Again, not against these drugs, just against them being used by doctors and people as a first path of losing weight. I read a good quote the other day. : "If grocery stores have a health food isle, what is the rest of the store?" And again, I am not against people who take these but it should not be the easy way out. Even more alarming is seeing the kids these days being so fat.
Our medical industry is built on treating, not prevention. Prevention is bad for business.
Doing what it is suppose to do! Awesome. Were you able to get off or reduce Metformin or Gilpizide? or did you stop those when starting Oz?

I went from 257 down to 234 and am just on a maintenance dose. 230 was my target and I will redraw all my lab numbers in a few months to verify that it helped. Felt better up on the mountain without 20 extra pounds!

Same dosage of met and glip thru it all.
It should be hard to get these drugs, not being handed out like candy by a doctor.
OZ costs $42/month when prescribed for diabetes and covered by Medicare. A whole lot cheaper than the medical costs associated with obesity and diabetes. I’d like to see it available to the gen pop for half that.
OZ costs $42/month when prescribed for diabetes and covered by Medicare. A whole lot cheaper than the medical costs associated with obesity and diabetes. I’d like to see it available to the gen pop for half that.
As a diabetic who uses Mounjaro to control my condition it does suck to have it constantly out of stock. The last six months I have only got my prescription filled on time twice. Wish the folks who actually need it would have priority over those who are taking for weight loss only.
OZ costs $42/month when prescribed for diabetes and covered by Medicare. A whole lot cheaper than the medical costs associated with obesity and diabetes. I’d like to see it available to the gen pop for half that.
Because too many people taking drugs instead of adjusting diet and activity levels. Not everyone but many. We didn't have this problem 40 years ago like today. What's changed? Type 2 diabetes in kids wasn't even a thing 40 years ago.
It should be hard to get these drugs, not being handed out like candy by a doctor. What I mean is the doctor should first prescribe seeing a dietician and exercise coach. Seeing a shrink about addictions wouldn't hurt but guess what, half the shrinks and health workers are fat. I get it that some people have addictions and food IMO is the addiction our media is trying to constantly cover up. No fat shaming... fat is beautiful, plus size models, fat people in all the ads and TV shows trying to normalize it. This country needs to get back to saying out loud being fat is NOT healthy, NOT normal, and NOT something to be proud of and promote. Both of my parents were very obese. My Mother and Brother both got stomach bypass surgery, My wife is obese with no signs of wanting to curb it. I have carb addictions and love beer and sweets so I know the problems with my weight but I hardcore MTB and or trail run a min of 3 times a week to justify eating what I like. If that doesn't keep my pant waistline from getting tight I cut back on the bad foods and control it. I am not ready to take the easy way out and start taking a drug for my bad habits. This country needs to get on board with bitch slapping the sugar industry and GMO food industry out of our stores. Half the reason people are fat is the crap they eat, the other half is being a couch potato. Again, not against these drugs, just against them being used by doctors and people as a first path of losing weight. I read a good quote the other day. : "If grocery stores have a health food isle, what is the rest of the store?" And again, I am not against people who take these but it should not be the easy way out. Even more alarming is seeing the kids these days being so fat.
Very well said! I've always had the belief that if you can't easily pronounce the ingredients, your body can't process said ingredient. Avoid the middle of the grocery store, shop around the edges, fresh foods, whole foods, avoid the processed crap, your body will thank you. The lines at the fast food places is always long at lunch time and after work. Take leftovers for lunch, cook your own meals, don't go out for dinner or stop for fast-food on the way home.
What’s the cause for the obesity epidemic in the US? Could it be the food industry being allowed to poison us? Compare the US multinational food companies US ingredients vs the same product they sell in Canada and the EU.
Well obviously it is because there is a lack of available pharmaceutical drugs to treat it.
Well obviously it is because there is a lack of available pharmaceutical drugs to treat it.
I read Putin banned GMO grain in Russia. True? I have a friend that went to Italy with his sisters that were both gluten intolerant. He said they had no problems eating pasta and bread there