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observation on sexual assault accusations that I’ve seen.

I’m from Frenchtown, where Troy Bashor the HS choir teacher has plead no contest or taken a plea agreement or whatever to sexually assaulting students and engaging inappropriately. I’ve always thought the guy was a f’ing chomo, and disliked him, but he had a very loyal group of students and former students (people 15 into their early 30s)
Being the artsy fartsy lovely singers they all think they are, many of them are quite left leaning. It amazes me to see people I know, like and get along with, personally attend hearings on behalf of Troy, post all over their social media that he is innocent and personally attack the alleged victims on their own social media as well as the comment section of any news source that will allow it, all the while posting and sharing demanding rants that we HAVE to believe this Ford lady, who they know nothing about.
Could Kavanaugh have assaulted her? Sure. Would democrats stoop to make something like this up to benefit themselves politically? Of course they would. Only two people know the truth and it isn’t you, me, CNN or DiFi.

I just find it aninteresting example of people being so biased and jaded to what they believe that they’ll defend a pedophile and verbally attack children that are very likely real victims of an actual predator, but the same people also ‘know’ that a stranger accusing another stranger is telling the truth.

If the Trump (and word is they might) Administration moves to legalize pot, you’ll see democrats come out against it, just like you saw war hawk republicans throw a fit over Obama killing some foreign children with drones. People don’t think for themselves. They’re ideologically aligned with a tribalistic mentality and believe what they’re told by those they identify with , even when it’s unprincipled.
You can't fix stupid and there are idiots of every walk of life. But there is zero correlation between them and anything else. You can't say that this idiot believes X therefore nobody should believe X. They are completely independent.
I'll vote for guns, hunting, life, liberty and prosperity.

The libs (maybe not the Montana dems, but the DC, and CA ones) might like public land, but they don't want you hunting on it with guns, killing animals.

It's funny, Dark Money has been filling the airwaves against Tester since June and this is what causes you to have heartburn about money in politics. In fact, of the outside, dark money that's been spent on this race, over 2/3 of it has benefited Rosendale.

Gomer - fair point. Here's my story about sexual assault. my sister suffered from a husband who beat her and did unspeakable things to toddlers. We didn't know about it for a while, then she couldn't hide the black eyes anymore. Then we found out about the molesting. We didn't report it, because he was out of our lives by then, and we didn't have the proof. He's currently serving 2 consecutive life sentences for child rape. Something like 30 counts of it.

Point is, people do despicable things and their victims hide it. Blaming one side or the other doesn't help end the abuse, it just prolongs it. I can see not reporting for so long, Because after a long time, you want to get beyond it and forget. Dr. Ford likely did just that, and having a man who assaulted her get elevated to the highest court in the land was too much to bear, so she went to the ranking member hoping to find justice. I can easily see that based on my experience with the subject.
I grew up and went to highschool with Kate Faber - Kobe and am related to Heidi Thomas - Cosby through marriage, confronting a popular public figure about assault is incredibly difficult. After knowing their struggles I don't know if I would be able to do it.
Now you are just making stuff up Ben. You are smarter than that. Big difference between super pacs running ads and what happened here. Tester supporters did the same thing last election and got away with it. Looks like they got caught this time.
NRA, Club for growth, AFP, NRSC, etc, all hide their donors & don't disclose funding.

It's dark money no matter how you slice it. The mailers in question are illegal since they don't disclose who sent them, that's not on Jon. That's on the people who sent them.

Just like the mountain of lies in the ads against Jon are on those who spread them. But to compare the two is ridiculous.

Your bias is showing Paul. Be honest about who you support & stop trying to villofy a man who is working to stop this crap.
Ben, you said the sleazy super pac ads supported Rosendale 2 to 1. That's not true. It's just the opposite. You are making things up. Look at the funding sources and amounts for both candidates in an UNBIASED manner. None of the sleazy super pac ads come close to the dishonest sleaze that this illegal mailer tried to do. It backfired though. It will not take too much effort to track down who authorized and paid for this, and then hopefully the perpetrators will be prosecuted. On board with that Ben?
Ben and Paul, before you get into a full-on peeing match perhaps establish criteria / definition. I think Ben is referring to ads without the candidate stated approval or disclosure of funding versus "dark money" ads with lack of stated candidate approval and transparency. Although I have not been keeping score, agreement with Ben is the perception.
Ben and Paul, before you get into a full-on peeing match perhaps establish criteria / definition. I think Ben is referring to ads without the candidate stated approval or disclosure of funding versus "dark money" ads with lack of stated candidate approval and transparency. Although I have not been keeping score, agreement with Ben is the perception.

I pointed out a specific illegal act. Are you interested in finding out who funded it? Ben wants to distract from it.
Dark money comes in different flavors.... NRA is dark money, but at least we know who they are. More problematic are the fake dark money groups like "Mother's against child predators" that come out of nowhere and send out mailers with lies in them days before the election. The accused has no way to defend him/herself. However, the mailers in question are far beyond "dark money," they were flat out illegal as nowhere on them does it say where it came from. Not even a PO box... And of course the desperate pea-brains want to blame these ads on Tester in spite of him doing far more to get rid of dark money than any other candidate out there.

Dark Money is a great watch if you want to see how it works...

The mailers are illegal and need to be taken care of. No question.

And you're right. It's not 2:1 on dark money from outside groups. I was relying on an earlier assesment. Rosendale has $19 million in outside, dark money groups propping him up while Tester has $16 million. My apologies for the discrepancy.
While I agree dark money is an issue it isn't the only issue with how money influences our system. Try getting anything done without money involved.

Take a look at just one issue on this thread: Big Pharma

It is equal opportunity on both sides to fill their coffers with money which isn't "dark".

dark money, opaque money or open money, what matters is the volume of money needed to be viable in politics today. Most on here don't have the size of wallet to get their voice heard.
Citizens United endorsed Rosendale, btw ;)

End Citizens United is backing Tester.

Hate all the money in politics? Vote for Tester.
Dark money comes in different flavors.... NRA is dark money, but at least we know who they are. More problematic are the fake dark money groups like "Mother's against child predators" that come out of nowhere and send out mailers with lies in them days before the election. The accused has no way to defend him/herself. However, the mailers in question are far beyond "dark money," they were flat out illegal as nowhere on them does it say where it came from. Not even a PO box... And of course the desperate pea-brains want to blame these ads on Tester in spite of him doing far more to get rid of dark money than any other candidate out there.

Dark Money is a great watch if you want to see how it works...

The same illegal ads were used in the last Tester election Rob. They were printed in Nevada that time. Coincidence that Harry Reid was Senate Majority leader in 2012? No. Tester may not be responsible for the mailers, but the Democrats are. Will he hold them accountable for this? No.

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