Kenetrek Boots

UTV for Wyoming Elk


Jul 20, 2020
Buddy and I drew cow tags in the Little Mountain area East of Flaming Gorge (Unit 31). The maps show a ton of roads/trails all over Little Mountain and most of the unit. Is it worth dragging the UTV out there or can most of those roads be driven with a truck?

I've done it with a truck (Tundra) for a few years in that area, but a UTV would certainly be a better vehicle and would have shortened a couple packouts. If anything, having another vehicle is handy in case things go wrong, or someone tags out and needs to run to town. We've had success covering a lot of ground in the truck, and going for lots of short walk abouts to look into folds/areas you might not see from the vehicle. Wind was probably the biggest factor in our experience for where the elk were, and looking into sheltered areas was generally productive.

Good luck! This is a really fun area to have a cow tag.
Those units are all good UTV country - a bit more access - smoother and less scratches and dents on the truck. Not a must, but I woudl take it.
If you have access to an atv, like others have said, take it!! Most of the roads are truck 4x accessible until it rains, then all hell breaks out! I have hunted the area west of Baggs a lot and if the dirt is the same, it doesn't take much more than a sprinkle to make the roads undriveble with a full size vehicle.
It's amazing country with lots of ravines and ridges and what may appear flat can be some steep ups and downs. Make sure your atv is in very good mechanical condition and bring a pair of chains. But be careful, sometimes those roads can get so muddy that chains don't work well.
If you have access to an atv, like others have said, take it!! Most of the roads are truck 4x accessible until it rains, then all hell breaks out! I have hunted the area west of Baggs a lot and if the dirt is the same, it doesn't take much more than a sprinkle to make the roads undriveble with a full size vehicle.
It's amazing country with lots of ravines and ridges and what may appear flat can be some steep ups and downs. Make sure your atv is in very good mechanical condition and bring a pair of chains. But be careful, sometimes those roads can get so muddy that chains don't work well.
I’m a fan of mini maxxtrax for the UTV. Good luck!
I would bring the UTV. There are a lot of roads in that country and it is pretty remote, so good to at least have another vehicle. I'd bring extra gas too because it can be a long drive to get back to town. It is a really cool area and you guys should have some fun looking elk!

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