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Utah Blocks Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Delinquent Child Support Payments


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
One way to enforce delinquent child support payments:

This is objectively a great idea that I support. However, important caveat: nothing like this should ever be applied without case by case consideration to some extent. I have a close friend who is a good father and hard worker, who has absolutely been obliterated by lawyers and his ex-wife when it comes to their child support, alimony, and parenting legality. He has never been criminally delinquent, but he has had to work with the lawyers and judge on extensions, exceptions, etc.

Again, I support this law in principle, and probably in 90% + of the instances it is appropriate. Let's just remember that there can be (and are) cases where there is more than meets the eye with this sometimes.
They should do it like Iowa. When my boys were younger the state had it deducted right out of my paycheck. Im glad they did it that way so nobody could ever say I was behind.
I just bought some property with a cabin in MT and the owner had child support judgments against him that had to be cleared as part of the closing process. I know several states also match tax refunds against child support judgements before paying them out.