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Utah Anybull Unit Nine Mile


New member
Feb 3, 2019
Hey guys, I just got into elk hunting 2 years ago. I took my first elk (cow) this last year on Black Friday and I have the itch and am 100% sold on hunting elk. I have hunted spike elk in 2017 and 2018 with no success, but I am taking Randy's advice and have subscribed to onX and GoHunt. I'm wanting to hunt OTC General elk tag this year in the Nine Mile unit and am willing to hunt it 5-7 days this upcoming year. Wanted to see if anyone is interested in doing that with me, I don't care if you've hunted the unit before or have never hunted it. I just need a hunting buddy or buddies to go. Out of all the anybull units, this one seems to be the most promising for shooting something larger than a raghorn. Don't get me wrong, I'd shoot a raghorn opening morning. I just know that the unit has hella tons of private land and I'd like to use Randy's advice in finding elk near private land and hunt where people aren't willing to go. Let me know if this is something you're seriously interested in doing. I'm already committed to hunt that unit but could use a buddy...Outside of my uncle, I've had to learn to hunt on my own and prefer to DIY.
Also, there's a general deer tag hunt that goes on during this hunt as well...I think its the early season hunt. I'd also be willing to draw that tag and hunt elk and deer on the same unit during the same hunt.
I hunted there years ago and had a hard time with the land owners, I had put a herd of elk to bed about 1/2 mile onto public the night before the opener. About 4 a.m. a truck came off the private out onto an overlook just beyond the herd and starting making lots of noise - the herd had all moved back onto the private before first light.

It is a gorgeous area with a great elk herd. I saw 3 bulls I would have taken in a heart beat but they stayed on private after the first morning. You may want to signup for the walk-in permit for the Range Creek property, that will open a big piece of country up to you.
Interesting. I wrote the range creek north down last year as my backup plan if I didn't have a full load of tags. I did get a good AZ bull tag but I'm addicted so I'm always willing to try new areas. I like the mix of public / private and the rough terrain which will keep a lot of weekend warriors away. PM me if you want to set up some preseason scouting. Happy hunting!!
I dont know if this thread is still open but I have a Buck tag for Nine Mile and an OTC tag for a Bull Elk. I am in Midvale, UT and this is my first hunt go on this year, I would always welcome company and help of other hunters!
I dont know if this thread is still open but I have a Buck tag for Nine Mile and an OTC tag for a Bull Elk. I am in Midvale, UT and this is my first hunt go on this year, I would always welcome company and help of other hunters!
I will be there for the General Buck tag. I’m not familiar with the area so plan on getting there a couple of days early to check out the area. Pm me if you are interested in meeting up.
I am planning on hunting the Range Creek anrea and reserved my walk in permits. How was your guys experience in there?
I hunted there years ago and had a hard time with the land owners, I had put a herd of elk to bed about 1/2 mile onto public the night before the opener. About 4 a.m. a truck came off the private out onto an overlook just beyond the herd and starting making lots of noise - the herd had all moved back onto the private before first light.

It is a gorgeous area with a great elk herd. I saw 3 bulls I would have taken in a heart beat but they stayed on private after the first morning. You may want to signup for the walk-in permit for the Range Creek property, that will open a big piece of country up to you.
I am planning on hunting the Range Creek anrea and reserved my walk in permits. How was your guys experience in there?

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