UPOM suing FWP over elk regulations

Straight arrow can u hunt all of rmef land.
No since I think the only land they own is in Missoula with the RMEF HQs housed within.
The land RMEF acquires is typically turned over to a public land agency such as USFS or BLM. Access for hunting is up to that agency and license to hunt is up to the associated state wildlife agency.
No disrespect intended, but let me reiterate, Quite obviously you have no clue as to the extent of elk and other wildlife habitat land acquired, improved, conserved and turned over by RMEF to USFS or other agencies, resulting in public land with public access occupied by public wildlife.
Since Lord Shed keeps bringing up RMEF: I used to be a bit more dubious about them but am now personally very grateful for their land acquisition program. I've been using a ton of space that wouldn't be as readily accessible to the public today were in not for them. Happily started started sending money their way since this thread's original inception.

I'm still curious why they'll go full throttle on certain issues yet remain silent on others. But, these groups don't need to be everything to everyone all the time. I'm happy with the results of their work.
I have a great idea! Let’s start a private foundation with me in charge of all access to make sure the resource is managed properly.

I’ll have my name on the title to make sure no one else is bothered. I have some great ideas for turning the N-Bar, Broken O, and CA Ranches into great wildlife properties.

Please make all donations in cash. PM me for my address.
I have a great idea! Let’s start a private foundation with me in charge of all access to make sure the resource is managed properly.

I’ll have my name on the title to make sure no one else is bothered. I have some great ideas for turning the N-Bar, Broken O, and CA Ranches into great wildlife properties.

Please make all donations in cash. PM me for my address.
OK, let's start with the 1,940 acre Running Elk Ranch just north of Bozeman in the Bridger Mountain foothills, abutting vast forested public land and full of elk, deer, and other wildlife.
Just put together your first $78.9 million and it's all yours ... I mean ours ... Gerald. Check's in the mail.
OK, let's start with the 1,940 acre Running Elk Ranch just north of Bozeman in the Bridger Mountain foothills, abutting vast forested public land and full of elk, deer, and other wildlife.
Just put together your first $78.9 million and it's all yours ... I mean ours ... Gerald. Check's in the mail.

I thought you were joking. That’s outrageous.
OK, let's start with the 1,940 acre Running Elk Ranch just north of Bozeman in the Bridger Mountain foothills, abutting vast forested public land and full of elk, deer, and other wildlife.
Just put together your first $78.9 million and it's all yours ... I mean ours ... Gerald. Check's in the mail.

Excellent idea. Let’s start with a small project as a pilot to see how it goes.😁
I agree gerald. So let's do something. A foundation that all proceeds go towards buying private land, and turning into public.
What would you say if I told you that there was a program that was set up by the state to do that very thing. Money from adding more Non resident hunters to the fields in Montana was put in a fund and from that fund the state was suppose to purchase worthy lands for hunting and Wildlife. Current political groups don't like that now that the Genie got out of the bottle. So now we just lease lands from becoming subdivided. Don't get me wrong, there's some leased lands that are great hunting areas that are coming from this money too, but outright purchase was the deal.
That seems to be about all you have. And you have lots of them. When was the last time you actually did something to improve things besides typing rants on a keyboard or throwing stones at others who are genuinely trying? Serious question.
I think you will see skeptical Montanans if they have tried to improve things or if they haven’t. They have lived here and seen it. It doesn’t improve. Organizations that gladly take our money won’t take a stance on the management side of things. That is exactly what needs to happen. It’s a dumpster fire that continues to burn hotter on public land.
IMO RMEF is the best bang for your donated buck when it comes to enhancing and acquiring habitat for elk and other wildlife.
I challenge you to prove that instead of it just being an influenced self opinion.

Two years or so ago, I dug deep into various non-profit groups that support wildlife and their habitats and RMEF didn't even land in my top 5 and I was quite surprised by those that did. The main metrics that I used was $ donated vs $ used for the cause but there were a few other things I considered.
I challenge you to prove that instead of it just being an influenced self opinion.

Two years or so ago, I dug deep into various non-profit groups that support wildlife and their habitats and RMEF didn't even land in my top 5 and I was quite surprised by those that did. The main metrics that I used was $ donated vs $ used for the cause but there were a few other things I considered.
'Don't know specifically what metrics or criteria you considered, but I do know that RMEF has been instrumental in enhancing and acquiring large pieces of public land elk and other wildlife habitat in Montana and elsewhere. Examples are readily found, but most significant have been in the Paradise Valley near Gardiner, in the Madison Range up Taylors Fork and elsewhere, in the Pintlars west of Anaconda, and many other locales. RMEF's role in acquiring many lands has prevented certain adverse impacts from private development. The history is there if you care to "dig" deeply into it.
"Influenced self opinion", although a vague and hopefully not derogatory comment about me, may be accurate as I have been a member of RMEF since the 1980's, close to the inception of that organization. I volunteered and served on the RMEF Gallatin Chapter for many years and served as chair for several years. As unpaid volunteers we raised literally millions of dollars for the projects aforementioned, as well as many others. I am surprised that RMEF did not make your top 5, but I guess it does depend on what you were seeking since you chose the criteria. Regardless of your deep dig and your personal opinion of the value of RMEF, I firmly stand behind the opinion previously expressed on this thread, "IMO RMEF is the best bang for your donated buck when it comes to enhancing and acquiring habitat for elk and other wildlife."
Those RMEF volunteers and I have earned the right to be proud of RMEF and to express an opinion based on decades of successful efforts ... not merely one "influenced self opinion" deep dig.
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