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UPOM suing FWP over elk regulations

I'm very happy with this outcome, but I think it is a shame a judge had to step in and give UPOM a reality check:

You can't harbor elk, not participate in any of the many programs FWP has available to assist with managing herds to objective, and then turn around and sue the state for your own lack of participation and self-created problem.

UPOM just wasted a significant amount of the State's (citizens, the taxpayers') money, as well as all the intervenors who had to hire counsel to help them defend the obvious.
Good outcome. UPOM needs to stop getting high off its own supply. You are not gods. You own land. You make choices to harbor elk while valid hunting tags go unfilled which the tag holders would gladly accept an invitation to fill that tag on the land you own. Price access for a nominal amount to cover wear and tear on gates, roads, etc, and you will reduce elk number this year and for a few years into the future even if do not rinse and repeat with providing access. Or, try to monetize everything above what would take to get all those tags filled and you need to look in the mirror. There, see that person in the mirror? That is your problem.
“ However we ain’t going back, so let’s deal with what we have today”

I heartily concur.

Part of what we have today is unnecessary contention because of a lack of collaboration between shareholders to try and achieve shared goals when possible. Currently, the political tug of war is allowing a certain segment of shareholders to goad FWP into implementing policies that directly harm the resource and the interests of other shareholders.

There needs to be a dramatic reduction of hunting pressure on public lands to allow elk to spend more time there instead of on private sanctuary areas. That is going to require less cow tags being issued and less harvest in those areas.

UPOM and MOGA relentlessly elbowing their way to the head of the line when it comes allocation of access to bull tags is directly harmful to hunter/landowner relationships. They claim to be advocating for working landowners but are using them as pawns to advance their financial interests.

Another reality is that some landowners want more elk. Their perspective is just as valid as the landowners who are suffering financial hardship from elk and want less. FWP cannot legally force those landowners to allow access or reduce elk when they are on their property. That’s a landowner/landowner relationship dynamic that hunters are not really relevant in affecting. However the policies that are implemented because of the demands for less elk definitely affects hunters in a negative manner.

I would way rather work collaboratively together to implement management strategies that benefit shareholders than I would fight other interests at the Capitol every legislative session. However, if it takes a legal fight to see better herd management implemented and improved hunting experience on public land then you can guarantee I will be doing my best to ensure that my interests are represented.

The shameful thing is it really doesn’t have to resort to that. Unfortunately, I have no confidence that our current administration and FWP leadership is as concerned about forging durable management agreements as they are interested in getting some quick political points and continuing conflict.

I spent some time tonight reading through the back and forth of a couple year old thread. This ruling was a breath of fresh air and welcome news.

Another breath of fresh air and something hugely encouraging to me is that several of us on this thread who were arguing about policy are now collaborating together and are actively advancing changes that can benefit all shareholders of MT wildlife and the resource of MT wildlife. Who knows what this is going to look like two years from now, but I am hopeful about where we’re headed.
I spent some time tonight reading through the back and forth of a couple year old thread. This ruling was a breath of fresh air and welcome news.

Another breath of fresh air and something hugely encouraging to me is that several of us on this thread who were arguing about policy are now collaborating together and are actively advancing changes that can benefit all shareholders of MT wildlife and the resource of MT wildlife. Who knows what this is going to look like two years from now, but I am hopeful about where we’re headed.
Thanks for your efforts!
I spent some time tonight reading through the back and forth of a couple year old thread. This ruling was a breath of fresh air and welcome news.

Another breath of fresh air and something hugely encouraging to me is that several of us on this thread who were arguing about policy are now collaborating together and are actively advancing changes that can benefit all shareholders of MT wildlife and the resource of MT wildlife. Who knows what this is going to look like two years from now, but I am hopeful about where we’re headed.
Going back and reading I am much more beat down today on the state of Montana hunting, I had hope back then. “Newberg” and company had impacts that took out region 7. I know things will never look the same and that is damn sad. Maybe I’m not old enough to see when it was actually good but I saw the hit campaign that came in and the changes in my lifetime. It would have to go limited entry to have any semblance of the way it used to be. Shame on the people that took part of it.
Going back and reading I am much more beat down today on the state of Montana hunting, I had hope back then. “Newberg” and company had impacts that took out region 7. I know things will never look the same and that is damn sad. Maybe I’m not old enough to see when it was actually good but I saw the hit campaign that came in and the changes in my lifetime. It would have to go limited entry to have any semblance of the way it used to be. Shame on the people that took part of it.
Why is anyone thats hunting to blame? FWP issues the licences, surveys the animals, and setting season dates.

They havent kept up with demand on the number of hunters and have only increased tags post "youtube" world. It really wouldnt matter who "discovered" it.

Thats no ones fault but the state of montanas voters and fwp.
Why is anyone thats hunting to blame? FWP issues the licences, surveys the animals, and setting season dates.

They havent kept up with demand on the number of hunters and have only increased tags post "youtube" world. It really wouldnt matter who "discovered" it.

Thats no ones fault but the state of montanas voters and fwp.
Sure, but you could certainly have a resource in mind when you do something. I know you don’t with your job. Enlighten me on how to vote to change things.
Sure, but you could certainly have a resource in mind when you do something. I know you don’t with your job. Enlighten me on how to vote to change things.
That's rather polite of you to assume, par i guess. Maybe save the ethics speeches for the prescription painkiller addicts you've made?

I'm not expressly saying theres a "right" person to vote for that will solve all of our wildlife problems. My point is that until more people engage our state politicians about their legislative priorities and wildlife - things wont change.

Certainly more of a hope than a reality - but it beats trying to hold an "influencer" boogeyman accountable for ruining your hunting.
That's rather polite of you to assume, par i guess. Maybe save the ethics speeches for the prescription painkiller addicts you've made?

I'm not expressly saying theres a "right" person to vote for that will solve all of our wildlife problems. My point is that until more people engage our state politicians about their legislative priorities and wildlife - things wont change.

Certainly more of a hope than a reality - but it beats trying to hold an "influencer" boogeyman accountable for ruining your hunting.
Watched it buddy. See the windtowers on the way to work every day.
Huge phuking win for the public land hunter.

Phuck moga and upom. Eric albus be more transparent. Moga is montans outfitters and guides. Nothing to do with trump. But we probably vote the same way.

Who did this. They should have shout outs
Rmef blows so does the mule deer foundation. Do some good yes. But the true tell is there videos. Not public land.

Might as well be jo Rogan and cam hanes
Going back and reading I am much more beat down today on the state of Montana hunting, I had hope back then. “Newberg” and company had impacts that took out region 7. I know things will never look the same and that is damn sad. Maybe I’m not old enough to see when it was actually good but I saw the hit campaign that came in and the changes in my lifetime. It would have to go limited entry to have any semblance of the way it used to be. Shame on the people that took part of it.

Have a Snickers, bro. 😎

I have called Dustin temple many times. No answer. Refuse to leave a message
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