Unit 52 nm bull

Nice write up! I just finished 8 days hunting 52 as well for the 2nd archery hunt with my brother last week. The place absolutely cleared out of people Sun-Tues prior to the storms. We covered 80+ miles on foot over 8 days. It was hot and the bulls were pretty quiet except for when we were 2 miles deep off a road :) Neither of us launched an arrow at an elk, but we had a blast and came really close a few times. I appreciate all the advice on the forum. Similar to last year, we did not get into the elk the first few days, so packed up camp and moved to another part of the unit. It almost paid off!

Good luck to those that still have tags! I am bound to a desk until next year...
I killed my first bull there as well. nice place, lots of elk. Packed it out on my back, it was miserable since everything is downhill from where you park.
second year hunter,and I got a bull tag in Unit 52. can you give me any tips on the area?
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