As you well might know any unclaimed controlled hunt tags go on sale Aug 30th,here is what your up against, they are sold at the vendors pos'm machines and some regional offices, the general public is out of luck , every vendor that I have checked with has a waiting list already formed up full of employees and family members and all say the same thing , They will punch in a license number about 9:00am and keep hitting the enter button until the machines go on line at 10:00AM and continue the process through out the morning, so unless your connected you don"t have a prayer!!It's even rumored that a couple vendors put the chance up for the highest bid and for a few hundred bucks you can get your name in first on that particular machine, not hard to believe when you see that one of the best late buck hunts in the state has one unclaimed tag...There has to be a better way, E-Mail the dept and let them know your preference this is their first try and I'm sure it can be changed, why not draw out several reserve numbers in the normal draw and then if some are unclaimed those reserve license holders are given first chance, or hold a seperate lottery and everyone kick in ten of fifteen bucks to try for them, How do other States handle it??h2m