Ukraine / Russia

A historically bad gift/joke at the end of a 5-decade nuclear button showdown that threatened all of humanity. She needs better joke writers. ;)
Here's the NYT article that got Joe to stand down so Hillary could run unopposed in 2016. At least until Bernie almost defeated her. Now Joe's our President. Messy liberty I guess.😉

December 9, 2015 Times article
Here's the NYT article that got Joe to stand down so Hillary could run unopposed in 2016. At least until Bernie almost defeated her. Now Joe's our President. Messy liberty I guess.😉

December 9, 2015 Times article
Who here has had to start paying for news subscriptions just because of this thread?
This is probably the most serious geopolitical event we have seen in 50yrs? Certainly debatable, but it involves a nuclear power so feels more serious. It will probably have ramifications for decades, but unknown exactly how until the dust settles. The west has some responsibility because we talked Ukraine into giving up nuclear weapons after USSR fell. Not sure this would play out the same or at all if they still had nukes. But then if they had some crazy pro-Russian govt then we have that to worry about. Hard to say, but sending some weapons now seems like the least we can do.

Economic effects in the immediate term will be inflationary. But don’t overreact. Russia’s GDP was about that of Texas. Significant sure, but the world can work around it. Higher prices and logistical problems will lower global growth rates. Kicking them off SWIFT is a major move but Russia will move to alternate systems (which China would love, too) and eventually the impact would decline. I read they have been planning for such a move since the idea was floated in 2014.

This is certainly a mess and no one knows where it might end. That is the scary part.

They were both Nuclear powers when Russia invaded in 2014.
They were both Nuclear powers when Russia invaded in 2014.
No. They were sold a bag of shit in the 90's. Lesson learned the hard way.

"During an optimistic moment in the early 1990s, Ukraine's leadership made what today seems like a fateful decision: to disarm the country and abandon those terrifying weapons, in exchange for signed guarantees from the international community ensuring its future security."
Nope, most hot links here are paywall city....unless your ideological vehemence aligns frequently and accordingly.

Them damn algorithms gotcha figgered...
Ukraine should have put away more of their own wealth in weapons over the past years. The Ukraine never did anything for me, I don't owe them anything.

Best of luck to ya.

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