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Ukraine / Russia

Why you gotta drag me into this? My biggest, whitest problem is inequity in Montana hunting. I am a stakeholder and an expert on the future of elk in Montana. I am neither expert or stakeholder in future of Europe. Half you mf’ers couldn’t have found Ukraine on a map 2 weeks ago. Stay in your lane.
Maybe we could give Putin and Co. some eastern MT elk permits to sooth him over. He’s got like 100+ billion. Think of all the positives to our local economy and the hunting industry.
So, who isn't bright? Us from here, or the new ones? mtmuley
This type of hate and ignorance is what I was pointing too. Although the Ukraine Russian war doesn't seem to be racist in any way, other wars are fought over, and because of it.

Weird how I read this right after my posts with you.

It’s been a tearful day for me. I had many Ukrainian coworkers when I worked in ND 15-20 years ago who were here on visas. Their faces keep flashing through my mind. I can’t imagine what they’re all going through right now.
Heard today that Putin has something like 100B in personal wealth. That dude should defect, buy some property over here and hunt the rest of his life! Seriously though, I pray for all involved in this situation. We need the Lord now more than ever.
My thoughts and prayers have definitely been with the Ukrainian people this week.
It's made me look at my family and ask myself the questions a lot of dads have been forced to over there this week.
Bruh with a manbun, ears tucked in his flatbrim, and a creed 6.5 could end this with one 10,000 yard shot.
It’s been a tearful day for me. I had many Ukrainian coworkers when I worked in ND 15-20 years ago who were here on visas. Their faces keep flashing through my mind. I can’t imagine what they’re all going through right now.
Same when I worked in Medora.
This is probably the most serious geopolitical event we have seen in 50yrs? Certainly debatable, but it involves a nuclear power so feels more serious. It will probably have ramifications for decades, but unknown exactly how until the dust settles. The west has some responsibility because we talked Ukraine into giving up nuclear weapons after USSR fell. Not sure this would play out the same or at all if they still had nukes. But then if they had some crazy pro-Russian govt then we have that to worry about. Hard to say, but sending some weapons now seems like the least we can do.

Economic effects in the immediate term will be inflationary. But don’t overreact. Russia’s GDP was about that of Texas. Significant sure, but the world can work around it. Higher prices and logistical problems will lower global growth rates. Kicking them off SWIFT is a major move but Russia will move to alternate systems (which China would love, too) and eventually the impact would decline. I read they have been planning for such a move since the idea was floated in 2014.

This is certainly a mess and no one knows where it might end. That is the scary part.
Serious Geo-political event all right. As a matter of fact, I agree with everything you've posted. Though, I'm not sure the nuclear weapons placed in Ukraine would do much to deter Russia. Their removal was more about our piece of mind.

A mess all right.
Ukraine serves as a further reminder of how intertwined the global economy has become and how many essential areas the US doesn't even play in.

It’s been a tearful day for me. I had many Ukrainian coworkers when I worked in ND 15-20 years ago who were here on visas. Their faces keep flashing through my mind. I can’t imagine what they’re all going through right now.
Same when I worked in Medora.
By far the largest concentration of Ukrainians live on the east and west coasts, but in middle America, many have settled in Texas, Colorado and Arizona . Yesterday, they had a large gathering in Phoenix and unfortunately, I no longer am able to attend, but one of my grandsons did and he said a fair amount of the attendees are arranging to fly to Poland and then cross the border into Ukraine and help however they can. And not just the men, the women as well. Some were asking for help with travel costs, some where asking for help with their family here in the States, after they leave and until they return, and of course contributions for their motherland to help fight Russia
Just fascinating:

"RIA Novosti accidentally published a pre-prepared article for the "end of the operation" on February 26th. Due to the defeat in key areas, the article was deleted, so you can read what kind of future they planned for Ukraine. thread with translation of the article."

Or, if you don't wanna access it via twitter:

By far the largest concentration of Ukrainians live on the east and west coasts, but in middle America, many have settled in Texas, Colorado and Arizona . Yesterday, they had a large gathering in Phoenix and unfortunately, I no longer am able to attend, but one of my grandsons did and he said a fair amount of the attendees are arranging to fly to Poland and then cross the border into Ukraine and help however they can. And not just the men, the women as well. Some were asking for help with travel costs, some where asking for help with their family here in the States, after they leave and until they return, and of course contributions for their motherland to help fight Russia
2 of other young men I worked with in West Yellowstone and we took on a 10 day houseboat vacation to Lake Powell to celebrate the end of tourist season are also from Kyiv. I have lost touch with them since I moved but have been praying that they are well.
So we are a few more days into Putin’s invasion of a sovereign country. It appears that the Biden Administration is still buying Russian oil, therefore funding Putin’s invasion. STOP IT !! Allow oil companies to get back to work here at home. Lift the restrictions this Administration put on them and the pipelines. I even heard Canada has a bit of oil they would like to sell us.
Man, from my perspective this is really hard to watch. There is nothing about war that is glorious. Its ugly, and the worst of the worst and the very best show their colors.

This one feels different from Iraq and Afghanistan, but in some ways feels the same. I do believe some of this is triggered due to resources in Ukraine and also geography. Part of me feels like there is a much bigger play in the back ground.

I really hope it stops, But I am afraid this is going to get bigger and may last a number of years. Eventually I think US involvement is inevitable, I know my marine friends I served with are ready, but I really hope it just never comes to that. I really don't want to bury any more of them.

This sucks.
Just fascinating:

"RIA Novosti accidentally published a pre-prepared article for the "end of the operation" on February 26th. Due to the defeat in key areas, the article was deleted, so you can read what kind of future they planned for Ukraine. thread with translation of the article."

Or, if you don't wanna access it via twitter:

The language here is pre-modern, this way of viewing the world through the lens of People and Nations is so foreign to American minds like mine. Fascinating
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