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Ukraine / Russia

I know its not public hunting but I always wanted to do one of those eastern European estate type hunts maybe 1/2 driven pheasants and half driven big game. Sorta seemed like a nice sporting relaxing vacation. Food/Wine/Hunting/Shooting
I met a guy last year who hunted in Germany for a number of days when he was over there to purchase and import a Drahthaar. Said it was a lot of fun.
I made a comment about this earlier. Off top of my head I know there's lots of big $$ in Kamchatka hunts for moose and brown bear. Surely some folks hunts have been cancelled

To me Russia has always seemed like a great place to go hunt. I believe that notion is pretty well shot out for now though
Im guessing for a few years anyway.
Thanks for the post.

I just don't see that level of planfulness by "the west". The west is largely trapped in internal cultural wars (it's not just the US dealing with polarization problems), focused on immediate-term stock market maintenance, and challenges of how to fund an ever-growing list of entitlement programs in the face of ballooning budget deficits and aging/shrinking populations.

No doubt we love our rhetoric and platitudes about global democracy, and no doubt we leave once claimed friends in the lurch when our political winds blow (see, US supporters in Vietnam, Iran and Afghanistan if you need reminders of how this goes), but I don't see this as in any way orchestrated against Russia over the last couple of decades. In fact, part of Putin's petulance is driven by the realization/insult that Russia isn't center stage anymore and frankly no one is paying that much attention until he acts badly.

The US, UK and Russia all agreed in writing to guarantee Ukrainian sovereignty in return for the then-new Ukraine giving its nukes to Russia. An agreement Russia has openly violated for the last decade and of which the US and UK have done little to live up to.

But none of this makes me think the west has orchestrated this and provoked Russian aggression as a result. I view Putin as a bully with dreams of reuniting Stalin's empire. This was happening with or without our public displays of "support" for a democratic Ukraine or various "colored springs around the globe". We love to cheer the "springs", but we haven't lifted a finger to support any of them - as they are internal movements, not specific policy of the west.
Do you think Ukrainians agree with this quote: "Ukraine did not understand its true place in the world as a buffer state"

The authors other work doesn't leave me feeling like I need to read any more...
Why war has such a profit margin is beyond me though I suppose a vacuum of consequence predictably spells out profit.
View attachment 213999
Here is the "End Game"...

Should we add this to the list?

Redman - "Not my prediction.. Just the one that I know as "Truth"."

As a Christian myself, those posted lists are full of folks that thought they could decern the Lord's "Truth" in their own human terms. So far they have all been wrong. I trust the Lord will act in his own time and his own manner and I can not fully know or predict either.

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