
Ukraine / Russia

"Goes kinetic"??? cute, I suppose.

Let's instead hope that keeping Putin occupied and losing with Ukraine will prevent all of those things you hope for and against.
What am I hoping for? What the f was cute about my comment.
when the discussion comes down to cute turns of phrase and out of context videos and memes, it's time to call it quits...
When arguments pro or con devolve into sarcasm and putting words into others mouths... your right it is time to quit
If we continue to push and this gets worse and goes kinetic for this country, I hope that some of y'all that have advocated continued action will take my son's place
You're missing the point. Many of us believe that kicking this can down the road is the surest path to getting our sons called to arms. My son is prime age and my family has a lot of pain left from Korea, Vietnam & middle east "events" - I don't want war - that is why it is better to end this sooner than later.
You're missing the point. Many of us believe that kicking this can down the road is the surest path to getting our sons called to arms. My son is prime age and my family has a lot of pain left from Korea, Vietnam & middle east "events" - I don't want war - that is why it is better to end this sooner than later.
“I don’t want my son going to war, so I want to send him to war immediately”. Makes total sense.
“I don’t want my son going to war, so I want to send him to war immediately”. Makes total sense.
Last time I checked his birth certificate he was not Ukrainian. Last time I checked the papers the Ukrainians were not asking him to serve. They just ask for $$$ & ammo. Happy to send those now rather than my son in 10 years when a then emboldened Putin finally crosses a line where we do call up the boys.
You're missing the point. Many of us believe that kicking this can down the road is the surest path to getting our sons called to arms. My son is prime age and my family has a lot of pain left from Korea, Vietnam & middle east "events" - I don't want war - that is why it is better to end this sooner than later.
I am not missing your point, and while I respect your point of view and share your hope that none of our sons get involved, I just believe you are wrong.
I am not missing your point, and while I respect your point of view and share your hope that none of our sons get involved, I just believe you are wrong.
Fair enough. Neither of us can predict the future and only time will tell the best path with hindsight. As I understand it, you believe if we withdraw support it will work itself out, I believe the opposite. Nothing we type on this forum today will change our disagreement, so for now we can only agree to disagree.
If we continue to push and this gets worse and goes kinetic for this country, I hope that some of y'all that have advocated continued action will take my son's place
I think that possibly having someone shoot at you is literally in the job description for joining the military. But I have to ask if you are ok with attacking Mexico?

I think that possibly having someone shoot at you is literally in the job description for joining the military. But I have to ask if you are ok with attacking Mexico?

Those with no military or any real service come up with dumbass plans. As if special forces like SEALs have Power Ranger abilities to just surgically insert and win the war on drugs. Democrat, Independent, Republican turds, tell ya what. I just made up an acronym! D.I.R.T.
I think that possibly having someone shoot at you is literally in the job description for joining the military. But I have to ask if you are ok with attacking Mexico?

My son has not joined the military. No I would not be comfortable attacking Mexico, but I think an argument could be made that the cartels are a very serious threat particularly to the border states
I think the hubris of the West is going to be our undoing, I could very easily be wrong but I think that Putin's actions while driven by a desire to return mother Russian to her former glory were not completely driven by territorial expansion but also by a desire to disrupt dollar hegemony
This has been a long thread and clearly you have changed your position on some things.
Y'all seem to think he is threat to us; I don't see it that way. I have yet to see how the Ukrainian situation is an existential threat to the USA.
My son has not joined the military. No I would not be comfortable attacking Mexico, but I think an argument could be made that the cartels are a very serious threat particularly to the border states
Now what if one a these yahoos came up with Federal bounties for cartel captured/killed in USA?
This has been a long thread and clearly you have changed your position on some things.
Yes earlier on I did believe that the biggest threat to our involvement would be economic, as this has continued coming on two years my bigger fear has become us becoming directly involved in another European war
I haven't much changed my opinion. My SIL has served multiple tours, in multiple lands, lost many friends, and for what, exactly? Please enumerate what we "won". OK, a few of the big guys, OBL, Soli, etc., FAFO. Maybe more Mossad style next time.

"When the battle is over, and victory's won(or not)
Everyone mourns for the poor man's son"

For those who are so eager, maybe urge your sons to forgo college for a while. The Marines Are Looking for a Few Good Men.
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I wake up Saturday morning to yet another attack. While this conflict has been going on forever, there was quite the offensive happening in Israel. Civilians being kidnapped and murdered. I dont know what the death count is right now, but it is not a small number. Then I find myself down yet another rabbit hole when it comes to conflicts in that part of the globe, and how much money the UN and the United States is providing to arm these places...... Its unbelievable.