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Ukraine / Russia

If we ditch the Ukes, yes. Absolutely.
Not going to happen. Why do those with little historical perspective or knowledge on a conflict feel like they have a grasp on it? Ruskies aren’t going after Western Europe. There is a sizable portion of Ukraine who are ethnically Russian, oh and btw Ole Zelenskie is treating them about as well as we treated the Japanese Americans during WW2…
War for corporate gains was publicly identified by Eisenhower in 1961. Shortly thereafter everything went to shit. DuPont and Colt did real well.
To summarize: Putin – khuylo. Maybe Gaza would have devolved into this on its own in time, but I am sure that Russian nut accelerated the action. Maybe it’s also a great time to stir shit up in Northern Ireland again.
Now yeah, you know I’ve not yet once seen any reports of an F-35 being worth the money? Boeing really screwed the pooch out of billions in that contract. And just why does the Bradley need replaced today? The DOD is a cash machine and we can do better.

Right now there are domestic non-issues blown way out of proportion that are threatening to all of us. The lack of unity here indirectly benefits enemies like Putin’s Russia. It’s a vulnerability that will be cultivated by institutions keen on burning down the Western world. So we all need to take stock of what we are, who is the enemy and stop being whiny bitches.
Wrong defense contractor. Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor of the F-35 and F-22. Lockheed screwed up these programs so bad the government is to award a contract for a new generation fighter next year.

Wrong defense contractor. Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor of the F-35 and F-22. Lockheed screwed up these programs so bad the government is to award a contract for a new generation fighter next year.

Thank you for correcting my error! I’ve fixed that now. Flying dogshit that works best on sunny clear days against disabled enemies.
All the Nato allies know the F-35 is a garbage plane and that they all sunk billions into it. The Typhoon is a better aircraft then the F-35.
I'm curious if the ICC will ever go after Israel after all the war crimes they've committed in the last few days? Like I know the answer is no because they're being protected by the US(for now). I wonder what the tone in Washington will be once they acknowledge that Israel has killed Westerners that are in Gaza with their indiscriminate bombing
I'm curious if the ICC will ever go after Israel after all the war crimes they've committed in the last few days? Like I know the answer is no because they're being protected by the US(for now). I wonder what the tone in Washington will be once they acknowledge that Israel has killed Westerners that are in Gaza with their indiscriminate bombing
Any thoughts on this thread? We have gone 220 pages without a lock on this thread - take this lock-bait musing somewhere else.
Wrong defense contractor. Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor of the F-35 and F-22. Lockheed screwed up these programs so bad the government is to award a contract for a new generation fighter next year.

Unfortunately large scale weapons procurement is now more about how many sub-unit parts can be spread across all 435 congressional districts than about top notch engineering.
As for Ukraine - now that Ukraine’s summer offensive is stalled and Russia’s most recent counter has failed to move, we are in a race to see who blinks first, western governments or the Russian people. Other than that we risk years of costly (lives and $$$) stalemate
Ukraine has the time to wait this out, Russia doesn't. This really was all for nothing. I bet it will go back to Russia controlling Crimea and Ukraine controlling all the mainland. I don't think the UN will patrol the border
As for Ukraine - now that Ukraine’s summer offensive is stalled and Russia’s most recent counter has failed to move, we are in a race to see who blinks first, western governments or the Russian people. Other than that we risk years of costly (lives and $$$) stalemate
We will see if giving them jets speeds thing up. This is the result of slow playing the whole thing from the start. Rather than moving toward a positive conclusion, it just gave politicians and facebook trolls something to do for 12 months.

We will see if giving them jets speeds thing up. This is the result of slow playing the whole thing from the start. Rather than moving toward a positive conclusion, it just gave politicians and facebook trolls something to do for 12 months.

Just spitballin' but perhaps someone could have lent credence to a super secret no nuke handshake from the onset...
Um SAJ-99, the crazies are running the show right now.
Putin is losing, or at least in a stalemate, so he’s not running anything there. Xi can’t get his economy up and running better than a used 1985 Yugo. The US, well, we have had better moments. But we rarely have the crazies in charge of everything, so even the current shitshow is entertaining. But we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Putin is losing, or at least in a stalemate, so he’s not running anything there. Xi can’t get his economy up and running better than a used 1985 Yugo. The US, well, we have had better moments. But we rarely have the crazies in charge of everything, so even the current shitshow is entertaining. But we have no one to blame but ourselves.
I would argue most of our upper level of government over the age of 72 could be considered on the crazy part of the spectrum.
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