
Ukraine / Russia

If we’re going to be investing heavily in rebuilding Ukraine the return on investment damn well better be x10 what we put in.
I don’t care if it’s through natural resources or kickbacks. If you look at the recent history of the United States the war for profit has not went very well for us, we haven’t got a whole lot in return.
idk man, That region of the globe has been on conflicts since the roman empire and probably before then. They should all just drink in bars and get in fist fights and call it good.
I mean sure, some of our greatest scientific discoveries were first labeled as conspiracies.

But we also have flat earthers, election deniers, vaccines cause autism, and the whole QAnon thing...
Yep! It takes a very discerning person to spot the difference between a person offering a differing opinion on who blew Nordstream and one who is talking about Oprahs' love of andrenochrome. The difference is slight but if you listen closely you can spot it.
Has anyone ever met a QAnon person? I haven't yet. Are they related to the reptilian elites?

I have an aunt and uncle that area into Q. They also cut up their driver's licenses and went full sovereign citizen in the past few years.

It is not rare to see Q stickers on cars in North Idaho.
Fair point.

I didnt mind tulsi gabbard, but I'm afraid she's spreading a lot of fear on this war, potentially its her own fear coming out and she is just trying to communicate what could happen.

She worked in a military hospital after all, she has a good understanding of what war can look like.
Just for perspective, she’s also got strong ties to the Science of Identity Foundation. They seem pretty sketchy to me.
I have an aunt and uncle that area into Q. They also cut up their driver's licenses and went full sovereign citizen in the past few years.

It is not rare to see Q stickers on cars in North Idaho.
In the 92 Presidential election, Bo Gritz got more votes than Clinton or Bush in North Idaho. You guys do have some interesting philosophies up there.👍
If we’re going to be investing heavily in rebuilding Ukraine the return on investment damn well better be x10 what we put in.
Aggressive return expectation. EU is one of our largest (top 3) trading partner in terms of both imports and exports. If energy costs are driving them into recession then we gain from supplying them energy (oil and LNG), directly, for O&G profits, and indirectly. It is hard to calc that you the tax payer see the impact, but that is a tax issue for another thread. The rebuilding of any country after a war is a tough deal. Unfortunately the loose structure lends itself to corruption.
Tulsi's history is, indeed, somewhat questionable. It's really hard to argue with her statement on why she left the Dems though. And why she's not with the neocons either.
Aggressive return expectation. EU is one of our largest (top 3) trading partner in terms of both imports and exports. If energy costs are driving them into recession then we gain from supplying them energy (oil and LNG), directly, for O&G profits, and indirectly. It is hard to calc that you the tax payer see the impact, but that is a tax issue for another thread. The rebuilding of any country after a war is a tough deal. Unfortunately the loose structure lends itself to corruption.
So while O&G prices are unbelievably high here in the U.S. we’re going to export as much as we can to support our good friends in the EU. Mainly due to their ridiculous shortsighted by in two green energy.
Sounds great but that doesn’t help me at the pump.

I bet the corruption you will see during the rebuilding of Ukraine will be like nothing you can even imagine. It’ll make Iraq and Afghanistan look like child’s play.
So while O&G prices are unbelievably high here in the U.S. we’re going to export as much as we can to support our good friends in the EU. Mainly due to their ridiculous shortsighted by in two green energy.
Sounds great but that doesn’t help me at the pump.
Oil prices are basically the same as they were one year ago, pre-war. Gasoline prices are about $0.4 higher. It's hard to take any argument about "pain at the pump" seriously at these levels, unless you drive a diesel for your daily commute. And that's on you.
So while O&G prices are unbelievably high here in the U.S. we’re going to export as much as we can to support our good friends in the EU. Mainly due to their ridiculous shortsighted by in two green energy.
Sounds great but that doesn’t help me at the pump.
Brent is $96
WTI is $88
Henry Hub is $5.67
TTF is $29.19

We are exporting as much Natural Gas as we can, but are limited by LNG facilities. This is absolutely nothing to do with gasoline prices.

Methane <> Gasoline

Exporting is great for the US, probably the only silver lining for the US in this debacle. We are exporting as much as we can to make money.
Brent is $96
WTI is $88
Henry Hub is $5.67
TTF is $29.19

We are exporting as much Natural Gas as we can, but are limited by LNG facilities. This is absolutely nothing to do with gasoline prices.

Methane <> Gasoline

Exporting is great for the US, probably the only silver lining for the US in this debacle. We are exporting as much as we can to make money.
That's all well and good as long as the checks don't bounce.
Ok, so what is the benefit of continued funding of Ukraine?

Simple question.

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