Well-known member
I agree. The pipeline was in the Baltic Sea, so the thought that Ukraine did it is ridiculous, but Russia blamed the US and NATO allies. Basically what the person said is it was simply floating the idea of doing something and see how the world would react when they blamed the US. It would also make no sense for Ukraine to set off a dirty bomb in Kiev, but if Russia did it, they would just say Ukraine planted it just so they could put the blame on Russia. Everyone gets its information from the web/podcasts today, so it is easy to create stories to shift views.You think government or military officials really believe Ukraine destroyed a pipeline that sends fuel to its potentially allies? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if our admin thought that.
I just get skeptical hippo eyes when the first thing I see on google news is Ukraine rebels destroyed pipeline. Come on, why would they do that. If they did, how dumb. I have to be missing something obvious, this is really looking like we are driving ourselves into a wall on purpose.
The Brookings Institute has tracked how the information in Nord Stream spread post-event and the tilt in the narrative. It seems mostly traceable to the political divisions in US. Regardless of how ridiculous the news to some of us, a lot of people really attach to the idea of conspiracies.

U.S. podcasters spread Kremlin narratives on Nord Stream sabotage