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Ukraine / Russia

It only matters when people imply they know more and others are lazy because.....google.
When using google and trusting the algorithm results is the epitome of being lazy and malleable.
The person who uses Google and reads a little certainly knows more than the person who chooses not to on subjects they know nothing about but want to act like they do. It would be pretty hard for someone knowledgeable about any subject to hide under an alias here. The hunt talk fact-check committee is pretty solid.
DuckDuckGo is a legitimately less advertising-biased search engine. I haven't used Google in two years and haven't missed it.
quick comparison, I guess I'd heard of DDG but kinda forgot about it.

Conducted the exact same search, Covid Quarantine Guidelines

DDG = first three links all cdc, no "news" links, but several links to state organizations (not WA)
Googs = First link CDC, then "news" (recent NBC Montana article), then WA DOH link, back to CDC.

Image search, Surface Water Discharge
DDG mostly actual pics
Googs mostly diagrams

Translate, dos cerzesas
both nailed it with plugins

Convert, 1 acre foot to gallons
DDG links to sites for the answer
Googs plug in with the answer, quickly able to adjust #s and recalc
DDG is a bit better for privacy. Not so much for providing "unbiased" results. Taking the title of this thread, both provide links to CNCBC and CNN as the top three results for "Ukraine Russia" searches. Google provides links to AP and the BBC to round out the top 5. DDG serves up The Guardian and Yahoo.
DDG is a bit better for privacy. Not so much for providing "unbiased" results. Taking the title of this thread, both provide links to CNCBC and CNN as the top three results for "Ukraine Russia" searches. Google provides links to AP and the BBC to round out the top 5. DDG serves up The Guardian and Yahoo.
Yup that why I said less advertising-biased and not less biased. All algorithms are inherently biased by the designer, user feedback (what gets clicked, what doesn’t, web page keyword by web host, etc) and by “proof sets” used to develop and maintain.

I just like not getting all the top ad results being Chevy listings for a week after a buddy sends a supposedly private “time for a new car” email. I dropped Gmail and all other Google and Facebook products including google maps (except YouTube). The only thing I miss is google maps (Apple Maps suffices, but is far short. I never found a legit substitute for YouTube but did create an alias “spam email” account to sign in with to make a bit harder for them to track (but of course they still can with other browser bread crumbs/data).
Yup that why I said less advertising-biased and not less biased. All algorithms are inherently biased by the designer, user feedback (what gets clicked, what doesn’t, web page keyword by web host, etc) and by “proof sets” used to develop and maintain.

I just like not getting all the top ad results being Chevy listings for a week after a buddy sends a supposedly private “time for a new car” email. I dropped Gmail and all other Google and Facebook products including google maps (except YouTube). The only thing I miss is google maps (Apple Maps suffices, but is far short. I never found a legit substitute for YouTube but did create an alias “spam email” account to sign in with to make a bit harder for them to track (but of course they still can with other browser bread crumbs/data).

Yeah, didn't mean that as calling you out otherwise I'd have quoted your post. Just providing a little context for anyone who thought unbiased and not advertising-biased as being the same
Yup that why I said less advertising-biased and not less biased. All algorithms are inherently biased by the designer, user feedback (what gets clicked, what doesn’t, web page keyword by web host, etc) and by “proof sets” used to develop and maintain.

I just like not getting all the top ad results being Chevy listings for a week after a buddy sends a supposedly private “time for a new car” email. I dropped Gmail and all other Google and Facebook products including google maps (except YouTube). The only thing I miss is google maps (Apple Maps suffices, but is far short. I never found a legit substitute for YouTube but did create an alias “spam email” account to sign in with to make a bit harder for them to track (but of course they still can with other browser bread crumbs/data).
I tried going anti-google. It just made my life a little more difficult, very minor, but annoying nonetheless, and I went back. I made a hard push for Firefox instead of chrome, but those fractions of a second longer, added up, I get the product their pushing is integration, all-in-one, and honestly, I prefer that, it is simpler, and for that I guess I'm willing to see whatever ad they want me to. I'm still not clicking on it.
So... We have 3,292 posts on a hunt talk forum about Ukraine and Russia.

I'm certain we've set a Big Fin record for the most replies to a completely unrelated thread for Hunt Talk... and the thread continues.

Hats off, brethren. Well done!

Oh right, who's opinion is better than whose?
Who's media source is better than whose?
Who's search engine is less subjective than whose?

Who's, whose, and woohos! Baiting grammar nazi's. Is Webster correct? I think we can all agree this has been a good conversation between outdoor minded friends.
If it hasn't been, release the pressure on your arm bent behind your back and find a thread you enjoy. :)

On the topic of Ukraine and Russia, Where's waldo... I'm sorry, where's the truth?

I tried going anti-google. It just made my life a little more difficult, very minor, but annoying nonetheless, and I went back. I made a hard push for Firefox instead of chrome, but those fractions of a second longer, added up, I get the product their pushing is integration, all-in-one, and honestly, I prefer that, it is simpler, and for that I guess I'm willing to see whatever ad they want me to. I'm still not clicking on it.
It's less about an ad I can ignore, it is about the complete life profile they are generating behind the scenes and what they do or may do with that. At least I strongly encourage folks to drop GMAIL - it is absurd how much they learn by "reading" every email you send and receive. I feel similarly about Android phones in general.

I already used Safari and am generally in the Apple ecosystem so that part wasn't a change for me.
It's less about an ad I can ignore, it is about the complete life profile they are generating behind the scenes and what they do or may do with that.
Like? I've never been able to quantify what actual impairments on my life could come from Alphabet "knowing all about me"
Like? I've never been able to quantify what actual impairments on my life could come from Alphabet "knowing all about me"
So, you have financial docs emailed to you and your nosy brother-in-law who is a server admin at google takes a look. They can’t do encryption at rest like better email providers because they need to read it to push their ads so thousands of employees and contractors can access your stuff. Or they take personal emails that may indicate financial stresses and you get flagged on a future googleFICO product? FBI getting a loose judge to give subpoena list of folks googling a politician before an attack on that politician and you are now on a person of interest list even though you were just curious about their trip. Some of your email exchanges with a friend suggest you have honest concerns about vaccines and the search engine skews all your inquiries towards anti-vaxxer sites and you don’t get needed vaccines for your kids. Internet companies become “mandatory reporters” and out of context emails or searches are flagged for referral. And on and on.

I have largely accepted that privacy has become an illusion held by the uninformed so I am not overly paranoid and generally accept that if somebody wants to know they will find out anything, but Google’s reach, attitude, arrogance, and culture (I have done deals with them and they lack any shame in my experience) put them on a risk platform all their own in my opinion.
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Human rights group Amnesty International accused Ukraine on Thursday of endangering civilians by basing troops in residential areas during Russia's invasion in a report that Kyiv likened to Russian propaganda and disinformation.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy led fierce Ukrainian denunciations of Amnesty's allegations, accusing the group of abetting what he called Russia's unprovoked attacks on Ukraine. The human rights group, he said, was "trying to shift the responsibility from the aggressor to the victim"

If you want to know what's going on in Ukraine, watch these two utube guys give daily reports

Denys Davydov, gives daily briefings, they usually come out around 5pm cst

Jake Broe, gives updates every other day or so. He also talks other topics that probably would interest oneself.
It appears Zelenskyy needs to reign in the military leadership before ostracizing journalism of events. Not everything is peaches nor has Ukraine been a peachy country as a *former trafficking hub.

Zelenskyy has been the best leader since a heck of a list of corruption. However, war or not, he needs to take a step back and affirm this crap will not continue and will be addressed immediately.

But hey, just one Hunt Talk member's two cents. 🤔

*used extremely lightly as corruption drools over chaotic war scenes. $$$.

"AP journalists observed several scenes in recent weeks that mirrored the findings of Amnesty’s researchers, including the aftermath of weapon strikes in eastern Ukraine where Ukrainian fighters, their vehicles or items such as ammunition were at attack sites.

At two locations, the AP was told a soldier or soldiers had been killed. At a third, emergency workers blocked reporters from filming victims of a Russian strike on a residential building, which was unusual; locals said military personnel had been staying there."
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