Yeti GOBOX Collection

Ukraine / Russia

Good guess would be that the tariffs get taken away. They just increase the cost of goods for US anyway. There are lots of things to negotiate to placate China’s faux outrage over her visit.

Knowing US position in global production of semiconductors is not blue or red, it’s just a fact. One that is easily looked up. So yeah, lazy. Disagreement is good, disagreement without good facts is just a waste of time.
I like a handy imperious disagreement definition.
The American people have the full ability to bring China to its knees - no presidential involvement is required. Step 1 - Realize that most of us have too much stuff we really don't need. 4 tvs, 3 refrigerators, 6 coolers, 8 pairs of jeans, etc etc etc. Step 2 - Realize that you could go two or three years without buying any more non-essential crap. Step 3 - refuse to buy any non-essential crap made in China or with primarily Chinese components. Step 4 - watch China's economy and govt crumble. May seem like a big ask, but a lot less than sending our 18-year-olds to die in the pacific again, while risking nuclear war.
Does it matter? Some chose to live in a world where the craziest ideas are possible but nothing is true.
It only matters when people imply they know more and others are lazy
When using google and trusting the algorithm results is the epitome of being lazy and malleable.
It only matters when people imply they know more and others are lazy
When using google and trusting the algorithm results is the epitome of being lazy and malleable.
Lazy is a continum not a light switch. There are lazier people out there than those who "google" something.

Also, what internet search do you prefer that is not biased, that doesn't give you fake news, that doesn't market links that it thinks you want to see based on an algorithm in an attempt to turn a profit to fund those pesky software engineers to create and maintain that search function?
Lazy is a continum not a light switch. There are lazier people out there than those who "google" something.

Also, what internet search do you prefer that is not biased, that doesn't give you fake news, that doesn't market links that it thinks you want to see based on an algorithm in an attempt to turn a profit to fund those pesky software engineers to create and maintain that search function?
Good points neffa but thou shall not cast aspersion upon big tech...big petro and low energy recalcitrants are the boogeymen.
Lazy is a continum not a light switch. There are lazier people out there than those who "google" something.

Also, what internet search do you prefer that is not biased, that doesn't give you fake news, that doesn't market links that it thinks you want to see based on an algorithm in an attempt to turn a profit to fund those pesky software engineers to create and maintain that search function?
I do use google some, among other search engines. I use google because I AM LAZY. But I also understand that I am being manipulated and take that into consideration.
I do use google some, among other search engines. I use google because I AM LAZY. But I also understand that I am being manipulated and take that into consideration.
My point is that there are no better options. In fact, there are no perfect options in existence, in any form, on any topic. So the idea that using Google is "lazy" is no more or less accurate that saying watching TV is lazy, or reading the paper is lazy, or talking to your neighbor is lazy, or reading the e-newsletter your congressman puts out is lazy. Google is arguably the least bias, because you can, in fact, find all kinds of different perspectives and ideas through google. You simply can't get that through anything else. I mean have you tried to use a library lately? Talk about biased! Books don't have to luxury of selling you ad space on the side for some Hey Dudes, they literally have to sell themselves, which makes them way less likely to be unbiased.

When using google and trusting the algorithm results is the epitome of being lazy and malleable.
I can't sit by and allow this kind of nonsense to stand without contest. Using an internet search function to find information is about the least lazy or malleable form of knowledge acquisition that exists. Is it perfect? NO, absolutely not. But that lack of perfection does not diminish from it's value and ability to provide facts, opinions, and research, or more depth and a broader spectrum, on more topics, in a faster timeframe than any other source that has ever existed.
My point is that there are no better options. In fact, there are no perfect options in existence, in any form, on any topic. So the idea that using Google is "lazy" is no more or less accurate that saying watching TV is lazy, or reading the paper is lazy, or talking to your neighbor is lazy, or reading the e-newsletter your congressman puts out is lazy. Google is arguably the least bias, because you can, in fact, find all kinds of different perspectives and ideas through google. You simply can't get that through anything else. I mean have you tried to use a library lately? Talk about biased! Books don't have to luxury of selling you ad space on the side for some Hey Dudes, they literally have to sell themselves, which makes them way less likely to be unbiased.

I can't sit by and allow this kind of nonsense to stand without contest. Using an internet search function to find information is about the least lazy or malleable form of knowledge acquisition that exists. Is it perfect? NO, absolutely not. But that lack of perfection does not diminish from it's value and ability to provide facts, opinions, and research, or more depth and a broader spectrum, on more topics, in a faster timeframe than any other source that has ever existed.
All search engines and media are lazy and untrustworthy today, in my opinion. I'm guilty of using them like everyone else. But if you really want to know if the fisherman are catching anything, you better drive down to the docks.
But if you really want to know if the fisherman are catching anything, you better drive down to the docks.
... and find guys that didn't, swear there's not a fish in the sea and hasn't been since the last administration/generation caught them all. And find guys that swear it's never been better, they consistently catch nothing but big ones... "I can take you tomorrow for a modest fee of $XXX. You want to see todays catch? Sorry just sold it to another guy, you'll have to take my word on it"

Talking to individuals is about as biased as you can get.
Good guess would be that the tariffs get taken away. They just increase the cost of goods for US anyway. There are lots of things to negotiate to placate China’s faux outrage over her visit.

Knowing US position in global production of semiconductors is not blue or red, it’s just a fact. One that is easily looked up. So yeah, lazy. Disagreement is good, disagreement without good facts is just a waste of time.
Are you including in the cost of these chips, or any goods you want to pick, the cost of having our people on unemployment, trading drugs, sitting on their asses getting fat etc? That's also a cost, right? Those are externalized costs. Why hand out freebies to the chip companies? Start presenting them with a bill for the unemployment costs? Tarrifs are absolutely better because they don't put the taxpayers further in debt.
... and find guys that didn't, swear there's not a fish in the sea and hasn't been since the last administration/generation caught them all. And find guys that swear it's never been better, they consistently catch nothing but big ones... "I can take you tomorrow for a modest fee of $XXX. You want to see todays catch? Sorry just sold it to another guy, you'll have to take my word on it"

Talking to individuals is about as biased as you can get.
Who said anything about talking?

Laziness is taking the first Google result as fact. Anyone can exercise some critical thinking and evaluate search results for bias and quality.
Are you including in the cost of these chips, or any goods you want to pick, the cost of having our people on unemployment, trading drugs, sitting on their asses getting fat etc? That's also a cost, right? Those are externalized costs. Why hand out freebies to the chip companies? Start presenting them with a bill for the unemployment costs? Tarrifs are absolutely better because they don't put the taxpayers further in debt.
How many of the people currently unemployed would be employable in the semiconductor industry?

... and find guys that didn't, swear there's not a fish in the sea and hasn't been since the last administration/generation caught them all. And find guys that swear it's never been better, they consistently catch nothing but big ones... "I can take you tomorrow for a modest fee of $XXX. You want to see todays catch? Sorry just sold it to another guy, you'll have to take my word on it"

Talking to individuals is about as biased as you can get.
Isn't that what this is...

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