Trumps murky stance on public land

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Oh look another political thread that won't go anywhere or change anyone's mind. Hopefully it's locked by morning so we can get back to hunting season.

It's simple, do what I do, don't click on the ones you don't like.
Oh look another political thread that won't go anywhere or change anyone's mind. Hopefully it's locked by morning so we can get back to hunting season.

I get what you're saying, but a big peace of the ALC saying he will be considered as part of a candidates team on those lands that make my hunting season possible is worth noting. November 8th Carnage and this matter of voting politics will be toned down a bit. Can't wait for the rifle deer hunt this weekend, should be a blast.
MoGreen, please provide a list of all the constitutional amendments that have been repealed by the US supreme court?
Meanwhile back to the original topic... Trump will tell Dahl whatever Dahl wants to hear at the time. And Dahl will tell the story exactly how it benefits him and his cause the most. The conversation very likely either never occurred or was not that specific. Dahl is spinning it.
Why does anyone ever start these threads? Lock it up Big Fin!

Because in the west public land is damn important. A lot more important then say, "which wool socks to wear" for the hundredth time.
Oh look another political thread that won't go anywhere or change anyone's mind. Hopefully it's locked by morning so we can get back to hunting season.

OK. I've been on the road for the last 24 days. Overall, Mrs. Fin says you guys have been pretty well behaved.

But, seeing no value to the discussion, this is locked.
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