Yeti GOBOX Collection

trouble with the old elk gun

Sometimes the truth does hurt.

Once you have checked everything as suggested i offer another solution, i'm sure we all have friends who are more accurate than us, i was pulling my hair out once with a new gun, so i looked closer to home, me!
I was lucky in that a guy i know has shot in top level competitions, i fired 3 shots, not great, he fired 3 shots, better, but not great, it quickly ruled me out of the equation, turned out the mounts were not great.


I've been shooting the same Savage Model 99 .300 since I was 12 years old (I'm now 64). It's dead on at 100, 200 or 300. However I'm using a bullet drop compensator scope that I just crank up the yardage on.
If your using the same point of aim at 300 yard you are using at 200 yards, there is an excellent possibility that the round is falling short and landing in the dirt before it hits an 18 inch target. Try raising the point of impact by 10 inches at 300 yards. That should put you on the paper anyway.