Trapping ban! Initiative in Montana makes ballot.

If we don't get control of the state initiative process, we are going to lose these. It's only a matter of time.. Out of state money, celebrities, paid signature gatherers, manipulative ads.. This is how anti-hunters will stop hunting, state after state.
I've never voted favor of a ballot initiative in my life, and I don't see that changing. I struggle to see why we have elected representatives, if we just want to make everything a popularity contest.
Don't see this one making it but what scares me is I don't believe most people know what they're voting for when they vote on an initiative.
I agree! Now how do we connect with those people and educate them?

Screw that, it's a losing proposition.. Need to pass a law stating wildlife management decisions and rules can only come from the management agencies, or it's welcome to California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington..
here is my are going to lose.........................

I fear you might be correct. I am a life member of the MT Trappers Association. With MTA taking high doses of political advice from SFW the odds of defeating this are not improved.

I will do all I can to help people understand the problems with this kind of ballot box biology. I agree with Rancho; I would support some sort of statute governing what wildlife decisions can/cannot be handled via ballot initiatives. But, that in itself would have a hard time passing.

I will work to defeat it. I hope hunters understand what is at stake, though I know many who have told me in the past, "I hunt, but I just can't support trapping." Take them off my contact list.
I fear you might be correct. I am a life member of the MT Trappers Association. With MTA taking high doses of political advice from SFW the odds of defeating this are not improved.

I will do all I can to help people understand the problems with this kind of ballot box biology. I agree with Rancho; I would support some sort of statute governing what wildlife decisions can/cannot be handled via ballot initiatives. But, that in itself would have a hard time passing.

I will work to defeat it. I hope hunters understand what is at stake, though I know many who have told me in the past, "I hunt, but I just can't support trapping." Take them off my contact list.

Montana does have Randy and his platform on trappings side, plus the WWW, something Colorado didn't have many years ago, good luck fighters!

The bumper sticker was "Colorado Division of Wildlife- the Evil Empire" ................trappers felt like the CPW was on the antis side. No help from that side at all.

In the end, it didn't matter when you counted the votes from places like Fort Collins(Bozeman) or Boulder(Missoula). I miss checking rat traps in the fall.
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Montana does have Randy and his platform on trappings side, plus the WWW, something Colorado didn't have many years ago, good luck fighters!

The bumper sticker was "Colorado Division of Wildlife- the Evil Empire" ................trappers felt like the CPW was on the antis side. No help from that side at all.

In the end, it didn't matter when you counted the votes from places like Fort Collins(Bozeman) or Boulder(Missoula). I miss checking rat traps in the fall.

We also have something that Colorado didn't have. Wolves! The wolf might be the one thing that saves Trapping in Montana.
Screw that, it's a losing proposition.. Need to pass a law stating wildlife management decisions and rules can only come from the management agencies, or it's welcome to California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington..

Rancho, we don't have time to go that route. It will be on the ballot in Nov., Our legislature doesn't convene until the first of the following year.

We must reach the average voter in Montana.
Screw that, it's a losing proposition.. Need to pass a law stating wildlife management decisions and rules can only come from the management agencies, or it's welcome to California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington..
Ironically, the only way to get that in statute would be via initiative. The MT Legislature surely wouldn't pass something that would limit their ability to manage fish and wildlife.
Too many Californians moving to Montana, Idaho, etc. Soon the locusts will destroy those states like they did their own and are slowly doing to Colorado....just a matter of time. Even if they fail this time, they will be back, election after election, until they win. Death by 1000 cuts is how they play. Hunters/Outdoorsman think year by year, they are playing a longer term game.
Like someone mentioned, welcome to the new west. The HSUS isn't a Californian organization..

Weeping and moaning about who's moving where and what bar is supporting this isn't going to make these initiatives go away. Irony is, I'm a Californian and this issue is the first thing I brought up when we moved here in 2008, and I was looked at like I was a space alien.

Too many Californians moving to Montana, Idaho, etc. Soon the locusts will destroy those states like they did their own and are slowly doing to Colorado....just a matter of time. Even if they fail this time, they will be back, election after election, until they win. Death by 1000 cuts is how they play. Hunters/Outdoorsman think year by year, they are playing a longer term game.

Locusts is right, but ask the Californians you meet were they were born and most likely you'll find yourself talking to someone who is from the northern half of eastern time zone. (just defending the native Californians :))
I will vote against it. Likewise, This will be another revenue hit for an FWP that can only talk about how broke they are. Will they divert additional resources to catching the big, bad muskrat 'poacher' ? And if so, it only would further reinforce many of our beliefs that the commission needs to go, yesterday.

A side from the occasional wolf set, I don't trap, but I understand its importance.
I moved from Colorado to Idaho (and back again). But when I was in Idaho, the California invasion seemed, to me, to be composed mostly of right wing conservatives trying to escape what they perceived to be communism. They fell right in with the Idaho political norm, all about hating on the feds, cut, damn, pro-creation, subdivide, build, pave, plow, bomb, shoot, trap, graze, etc. They were all about the "Western Idea" while, at the same time, hell-bent on turning the west into the east. While many an Idahoan talked S about Californians, I saw a lot of political bedfellows.

I see *somewhat* the same with Texans in Colorado, bringing their Texas conservatism here. But, unlike Idaho, it doesn't fly as well where the air is thinner and the liberals are thicker.

In the end, though, it's a human population issue. And it's not politically correct to address it. Don't worry though, it will be addressed, sooner or later. :D
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