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Trapping ban! Initiative in Montana makes ballot.

I moved from Colorado to Idaho (and back again). But when I was in Idaho, the California invasion seemed, to me, to be composed mostly of right wing conservatives trying to escape what they perceived to be communism. They fell right in with the Idaho political norm, all about hating on the feds, cut, damn, pro-creation, subdivide, build, pave, plow, bomb, shoot, trap, graze, etc. They were all about the "Western Idea" while, at the same time, hell-bent on turning the west into the east. While many an Idahoan talked S about Californians, I saw a lot of political bedfellows.

I see *somewhat* the same with Texans in Colorado, bringing their Texas conservatism here. But, unlike Idaho, it doesn't fly as well where the air is thinner and the liberals are thicker.

In the end, though, it's a human population issue. And it's not politically correct to address it. Don't worry though, it will be addressed, sooner or later. :D

James, your absolutely right. Many of the transplants in Western Montana are really nuts. Very uneducated on any subject, just anti gubermint for the most part. I don't know if many even vote, and are social outcasts. BUT, we also get our fair share of the new wave bunny hugger types. That's where this came from. My hope is we can get the voters out, and educate them.
How will this effect houndsmen? I could assume they will be next? I'm a transplant also, from Colorado, previously Oklahoma. Quite of few of transplants from Kali are pretty much good people trying to avoid communism like James Riley posted.
How will this effect houndsmen? I could assume they will be next? I'm a transplant also, from Colorado, previously Oklahoma. Quite of few of transplants from Kali are pretty much good people trying to avoid communism like James Riley posted.

Well, I wouldn't go that far . . . ;)
Due to the complacency of the average outdoorsman, an/or general citizen, trapping will be gone before long, I predict. The varmints rule now In California and other states that have become stupid beyond belief. Before long, the only thing traps will be good for, is the recycle value. For anyone that votes to ban trapping, I hope that a plague of raccoons invades your neighborhood.

Stupid, careless trappers have also brought a lot of this on. It will get no better. Anybody want 400 muskrat traps?
Too many Californians moving to Montana, Idaho, etc. Soon the locusts will destroy those states like they did their own and are slowly doing to Colorado....just a matter of time. Even if they fail this time, they will be back, election after election, until they win. Death by 1000 cuts is how they play. Hunters/Outdoorsman think year by year, they are playing a longer term game.

Crazy Californians ruining everything :p :D :D ...I'm not a born and raised Californian, but I spent 8 years of my life there. There are literally millions of people in that state that don't support the ideas and laws in place there. Alot of them leave for better opportunities to express there 2nd amendment rights and chase critters, myself included.
That's a bad deal for MT. Hopefully you Montana guys can rally enough support to defeat this. Pretty sure there were trappers in Montana long before anybody else (other than Native Americans of course ). Hard to believe that something so rooted in history can just be voted out by a bunch of citified transplants.
I'm a trapper and I know I spend way more days trapping a year than I do hunting. Makes me sick to think about losing that privilege. If there's anything we can do from Utah, Let me know.
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Initiatives can be a good thing if people follow the rules and exhaust every opportunity for change before going for the nuclear option. A good example is the Cyanide Heap Leach Initiative. After several attempts to reform mining law in MT, organizers followed through with an initiative that has greatly benefited Montana's aquatic wildlife. Same goes for the Game Farm ban. When the legislature and executive won't act, then the people should have the ability to take matters in to their own hands. It has been abused in the past, and like you, I did not vote for I161. I won't vote for the trapping ban either.

Too bad we couldn't get the mandatory trapper ed bill passed in 11. It would have been incredibly useful right now.
I have a love/hate relationship with Ballot initiatives - and this case falls into the hate category.

I will be discussing this with as many folks as I can to help educate on all of the pitfalls of the initiative.

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