Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Traditional Cap Guns - Let's See 'em!

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I've been so busy looking into other gun projects, I'm not sure if I mentioned or even posted this but finally got the Williams peep on the renegade awhile back. Haven't shot it yet, but soon I hope. Supposed to help with mature eyes.
I love the peep on my .54 T/C Hawken. It doubles the sight radius. I'm not sure how "traditional" my fluorescent green front sight is though. I take out the aperture in low light to make a ghost ring.

As far as old eyes go, I had trouble with it before my cataract surgery. Any time I looked though an aperture, my right eye would impose a black dot in the middle of it. I asked my eye surgeon about it. They put me through a whole bunch of macular degeneration and detached retina tests. Thankfully all negative.

When they replaced my lenses in the cataract surgery, the black dot went away.
What kind of F.O. front sight do you use, Hunter? I bought a Lyman 17A globe front sight but read some trouble people had with them in low light so never installed it.
What kind of F.O. front sight do you use, Hunter? I bought a Lyman 17A globe front sight but read some trouble people had with them in low light so never installed it.
I think it was made by Hi-Viz. My only complaint is that its got sharp square edges. If I get another I will look for one shaped like the T.C front sight.
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50 cal. kit gun I bought super cheap cause the bore was rusted out and pitted pretty bad. Was going to turn it into a black powder shotgun but discovered its actually pretty accurate considering. I shot my muzzleloader deer with it four years in a row with it now. 120 grains pyrodex with 245 power belts puts me dead on at 75 yards with roughly 31/2" groups IMG_20231215_153528158~2.jpg
That second one might be a lyman trade rifle, but I don't think its a Great Plains.

The old man had a lymans plains rifle, I remember the barrel being longer. I think you are correct with the trade rifle label. With that said, I would love those in the arsenal!!! Many a great times shooting black powder with the old man and his brother.
Next year’s fork-horn medicine. 300-400 yard hammer, also doubles as a trekking pole.
Gorgeous! Is that a Volunteer or a Whitworth? Would 100% be my muzzleloader of choice in CO if .45 caliber was legal for elk. What projectiles are you shooting? Was interested in tinkering with No Excuses conicals if I ever pulled the trigger on a Volunteer.
Gorgeous! Is that a Volunteer or a Whitworth? Would 100% be my muzzleloader of choice in CO if .45 caliber was legal for elk. What projectiles are you shooting? Was interested in tinkering with No Excuses conicals if I ever pulled the trigger on a Volunteer.
It’s a Volunteer with Rigby rifling. It’s coming to me with a buddy, a P-H 1858.
This one is a correctly handed Lyman great plains, love shooting and competing with black powder, have yet to hunt with it, but that will change this yearIMG_20240125_190424878.jpg
If anyone needs a match maker in this type of thing reach out to @BrentD. Thanks again! Can’t wait to learn how to do all this stuff!


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