Top college towns for trout bums

Madison you could go north, east, or west a few hours and be in good fly fishing.
For fly fishing proximity, UW-Madison is in a primo spot. Just a short drive west and it gets really good.

The abundant hunting and fishing based in Madison likely cost me an extra semester in school :) Note I was being paid to sell gear and guided a little bit for some of those years, but still. So much at your fingertips.

Don't even need to leave the city: Catching smallies off Picnic point or in front of the Union. Float tubing for muskies and white bass on Monona. Flinging poppers in golf course ponds if you know the right folks.
The abundant hunting and fishing based in Madison likely cost me an extra semester in school :) Note I was being paid to sell gear and guided a little bit for some of those years, but still. So much at your fingertips.

Don't even need to leave the city: Catching smallies off Picnic point or in front of the Union. Float tubing for muskies and white bass on Monona. Flinging poppers in golf course ponds if you know the right folks.
Between the fishing and the locker room photos of the women’s volleyball team applications should be double this year.

I'm just glad these elitists haven't discovered JuCo's.

Or fly fishing for species that aren't trout.
I wish I would have done a few years at rainy river community college or vermillion community college in northeast Mn. Probably still would have been asked to take a semester off for “poor choices.”
Between the fishing and the locker room photos of the women’s volleyball team applications should be double this year.

I wish I would have done a few years at rainy river community college or vermillion community college in northeast Mn. Probably still would have been asked to take a semester off for “poor choices.”

I spent 5 years at Casper College chasing trout and an Associates Degree.

Caught a lot of trout. Still don't have that degree.
It's puzzling that I graduated from MSU ... as it's likely I spent more time in the Gallatin and Madison Rivers than in the classroom!
Montana State! Go CATS! For me it was four years of fishing and fun ... followed by four years US Army, with two trips to Vietnam as "payback" for all my fun.

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I'm not so sure that is a "politially correct" photo. Smoking cancer sticks while drinking and driving. Wait... that's root beer! I knew it! and the cancer sticks? Marlboro man would endorse. /humor. Awesome pic! - I would have that blown up on canvas! I dig it! /serious.

Bozeman tops the charts for people looking for a new home. While the kitty cats have their occasional days in the sunny championships... Griz are the kings. Outside that, the fishing in NW MT is crap. Flat out terrible and UM Biology is gaarbage. People wanting their new home, looking for a biology degree while fishing and hunting - i.e. enjoying life to the FULLEST, "Yellowstone" Bozeman is where it is at, hands down!

On a serious note:
As frequently discussed in public and PM's, greatly appreciate your service for our country. You carry a lot on your shoulders. All respect!
I didnt know the midwest had much for fly fishing. Judging by the license plated i frequently see - they dont either.

Laramie at #2 was suprising.
WVU or UVA 4 National Forests between them with some the best trout fishing on the east coast, a good chunk of it in national radio quiet zone.
I had never heard of the national radio quiet zone, had to look it up. Interesting. Learn something new everyday.
yikes, they missed ft lewis college and western university. best two colleges in colorado for anglers.

flylords fly fish for fish and they're not biologists, they're influencers so this has negative levels of anything to do with fisheries programs. it has to do with solid schools in solid towns with great fishing all around you.

in any event the whole point of posts like these is to rile people up and create engagement. works every time.

Yeah, they're just fishing for attention, I wouldn't put CSU-Ft. Collins or CU in the top 10 of that list, CSU Pueblo has better fishing than Ft. Collins if drive times are considered...
The fact that UofI didn't make the list is laughable. The amount of fishing that is available w/in a two-hour drive of Moscow is crazy. Cuts on the Joe, and Kelly Creek, B-run Steelhead on the Clearwater, and a secret pond full of small mouth and sunfish less than a mile from campus.
I don’t think of college station Texas when I think about trout fishing.
That was a huge mistake on their part in my opinion. You can drive a few hours and trout fish like one stream in the whole state that has stocked trout below a deep lake dam. Or you can drive a few hours in another direction and catch spotted seatrout on the coast.

Maybe the grabbed their metrics from the number of students who claim to trout fish. In which case oil money families owning a timeshare in Pagosa Springs would heavily skew the numbers coming from TAMU
I think we're getting played here, like "what's your favorite memory of you childhood pet?" questions on the face books. It's a scam to get us to give up our best spots.

Casper College was awful. And the N. Platte only has suckers in it. So stay away.

I hear that UT is really close to the river and has some great fishing!
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