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Tips for field judging elk.

I like the idea of going to the elk refuge and shooting a dozen or so and then getting the game warden to help us score them. I don't think he'd mind a bit, do you?
Well you better hurry up before they all leave for the spring and summer Jimmy.
Probably not much help but i always look to see if the main beams at least go back past the dark colored main on his neck/back. You will sometimes see little compact 6pt bulls that have a nice shape but are on the small size and dont have the beam lenght to get out of the main.
This is a good thread with some good pics. This is how I judge a bull in the field and you can then look at the pics to verify what I am saying.

1. Look at the bowtine eyeguard (G1 and G2) these should be at or passed the nose of the elk.
2. Count the points and look at the mass at the same time. Look at the elk's ear if the main beam is thicker then the ear's width.
3. Look at the G3 length if this is triple the length of the ear it is about 20 inches.
4. The sward tine or G4 needs to be thick and long.
5. Look at the backs. If the G5 and G6 are an ear length or better you are looking good.

By looking at the pic's on this thread you can gauge the size of the bull. I have done this so much I can come within 15 inches by looking at bull a distance of a foot to 900 yards away.

FACT: less than 12% of successful elk hunters each year will shoot a mature trophy quality bull. Remainder of successful elk hunters will shoot young bulls and cows. These figures from the Wyoming Game Dept.

Here is how I judge an elk cow for the freezer: Can I get my first shot into the neck-to-shoulder joint? Does she appear healthy? ka-pow ka-pow. Elk hunt is over for the year.

Young bulls are good eatin' too.

The big trophy quality bulls are all yours. I have no interest in an exhausted-from- rutting and pee'd all over himself animal for my freezer. Keep 'em.


Heres a couple...LOL...
I can't seem to find the other pics that I had, but all well...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-11-2003 20:32: Message edited by: ELKCHSR ]</font>
Dale, That top one I don't have a score.. I'm guessing like 180 or so
The second one is around 265 third one is around 150 if I'm lucky
and the 4th one is 312 0/8 the last one is 23 2/8 (Tha last one is jsut an estimate though....)

I always look at the 4th point. But then again, I usually am happy if it has 4 points

ELKCHSR.. thats a DAM FINE HuntTalk.com TEE-SHIRT you're sporting there bud !!!!!
This thread has defined that a trophy is in the eye of the beholder. Some are happy to kill any legal bull, cow or calf. Some are only hunting for bulls. Some are only hunting for bulls better then 300. Some are higher. The initial question was how to field measure a bull. If you are a pure trophy hunter look at description above and go for it.

A hint is that the larger the bull the older the bull the wiser the bull. This makes taking a large bull 350+ difficult.

Good luck

Either Oscar is 3 feet tall, or that is some trick photography.

Those two bigger bulls look like they would score higher. Is that the net score?????

I have been practice scoring on the few sets I can get my hands on, and I think I will be in pretty good shape by this fall.
Dale.. Which picture looks like Trick Photography ? I'm 6' Even... And weight 180 (Actually 220
) Pounds...

Like "thehunt" says, not only are the Big ones Smart, But they're not dumb either

Your two big bulls look like they would score a lot higher than what you posted. It reminded me of a pic Jimmy and I took of some big yellowcats we caught. My girlfriend was 6 feet tall and these fish were huge and the girl Jimmy was going out with was 5 feet tall and 80 pounds. When we sent the pic around, no one commented that the fish were huge, They all though Jimmy was going out with a 3 foot tall girl.

After that we figued out to take the tall girl out of the pic. Then just an average day looks like Bonanaza!!!!!!!