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Tinder/Hinge/dating apps in general

I met/married my wife 19 years ago on E harmony. She has threatened to divorce me a few different times, but so far she hasnt flew the coop. Anyone that has been married for a long time can see the various changes and challenges of being in a lifetime relationship. Hopefully we make it and meeting online was a good thing for us.

I've came to conclusion is we are all a little crazy at some point and everyone is different. For the single folks out there, there seems to be plenty of single/divorced people that are seriously looking for a mate, it just a matter giving up something.

Some of the craziest women I've ever met we were horse women, I'm not talking about the type that just love horses. Beware of crazy horse women single guys
Horse girls are a whole nother kind o’ crazy. My theory? They’ve been trained since they could walk that they can control 1,200 pounds of raw athleticism, ignore it for months on end and expect it to be happy to see them at a moments notice, and have someone else foot the bill for the entire experience. Not to mention “other” unrealistic expectations regarding a common idiom.

Horse girls are short-fused, spoiled, irrational, unrealistic, and controlling. Never again. For the uninitiated- don’t try it. Stay away. They’re a trap that has led many a happy man to his doom. You won’t realize it until it’s too late.
Met my partner on Hinge while sitting in a tree stand, swiping around on a slow day. This was a little over three years ago. She accompanied me back west and we've now got a dog together and a baby girl coming very soon.

I used the apps extensively when they started becoming common. My general practice was to meet for a drink pretty quickly to see if we clicked instead of wasting a lot of mutual bandwith chatting about online. Went on many a dud dates but also a ton of great ones over the years. Met a lot of lovely, interesting women I'd have likely never encountered in a social setting otherwise. Still friends with a few of them. Even killed my first deer about eight years ago with a date-turned-friend from one of the apps.

General consensus when I was using them was that women appreciated me mentioning hunting/fishing/outdoors-ing straight up without my having included photos of dead animals or me holding fish. The ethically harvested, free range food angle came in handy when interacting with folks who've had no prior point of reference when dealing with the subject of killing animals.
General consensus when I was using them was that women appreciated me mentioning hunting/fishing/outdoors-ing straight up without my having included photos of dead animals or me holding fish. The ethically harvested, free range food angle came in handy when interacting with folks who've had no prior point of reference when dealing with the subject of killing animals.
Awhile ago on a first date I had a girl tell me she was a vegetarian, after she ordered food. I told her I hunt and fish a bunch and she said "Oh that's totally cool, I'm open to eating wild game".
Several years back a coworker was on one site, so a buddy made up a fake woman's profile saying how much she enjoyed hunting, fishing, hiking, etc and posted it to the site, hoping our coworker would respond so we could bust his chops. So many of the responses were so out there, it made feel sorry for the women that actually might have to deal with that. Some downright creepy.
"YOU KNOW WHY DIVORCE COSTS SO MUCH ?" >> Because its worth it!
I did the online dating thing 12 years ago and it was alot and I mean alot of work.
Awhile ago on a first date I had a girl tell me she was a vegetarian, after she ordered food. I told her I hunt and fish a bunch and she said "Oh that's totally cool, I'm open to eating wild game".
I’ve actually met quite a few folks who claim to subscribe to that practice. Can’t blame them for wanting to avoid factory farmed meat. Though here in MT it’s nice knowing you can drive up the road and see where a lot of locally served beef comes from.

Hope the first date went well enough that you’ve had a few more.
Several years back a coworker was on one site, so a buddy made up a fake woman's profile saying how much she enjoyed hunting, fishing, hiking, etc and posted it to the site, hoping our coworker would respond so we could bust his chops. So many of the responses were so out there, it made feel sorry for the women that actually might have to deal with that. Some downright creepy.
I created a fake Facebook profile to mess with my buddy. I’d send him messages like we’d hooked up in college. It went on for almost a year but he found out who it was because I sent him a Father’s Day card from the fake girl and the fake kid. He put 2 and 2 together from the postmark on the envelope.
Several years back a coworker was on one site, so a buddy made up a fake woman's profile saying how much she enjoyed hunting, fishing, hiking, etc and posted it to the site, hoping our coworker would respond so we could bust his chops. So many of the responses were so out there, it made feel sorry for the women that actually might have to deal with that. Some downright creepy.
I’ve heard some horror stories. Hopefully some of these apps have since created filters to prevent such unwanted abuse. I wouldn’t blame most women for wanting to eschew the entire human race, let alone avoid dating apps given some of the chit they have to put up with.
Horse girls are short-fused, spoiled, irrational, unrealistic, and controlling. Never again. For the uninitiated- don’t try it. Stay away. They’re a trap that has led many a happy man to his doom. You won’t realize it until it’s too late.
I married a horse girl. She’s none of those things but, nevertheless, your warning should be heeded. After working all day today, I get to go home and haul horse crap. Next weekend I get to spend the equivalent of a NR elk tag on hay. I get to load it on a trailer, haul it, unload it, and stack it. Then, as they eat it over the next 8 months, I get to shovel it and haul it again. I get to maintain a fence, buy grain, and pay a vet and farrier. Worst part is that they are too small for me to ride, let alone pack out an elk.

She’s an absolutely wonderful wife and mother to my children, but I won the lottery when it comes to horse girls. I’d never play those odds again.
I had some wild experiences going through online dating. Met a gal whose family owned 20,000 acre ranch and hunting guide business. It was a two hour drive to get there. I met her for lunch and we hit it off. She said we could stay at the lodge because they didn’t have clients booked and no one would be there. I got tied up in all the whiskey there and she was horn hunting and we passed out. I wake up to her dad and two brothers yelling for her. That was a horrible walk of shame. And apparently she’d done this a time or two before.

I also once pretended to be a democrat because the gal was smoking hot. That was a smash and dash.
Horse girls are a whole nother kind o’ crazy. My theory? They’ve been trained since they could walk that they can control 1,200 pounds of raw athleticism, ignore it for months on end and expect it to be happy to see them at a moments notice, and have someone else foot the bill for the entire experience. Not to mention “other” unrealistic expectations regarding a common idiom.

Horse girls are short-fused, spoiled, irrational, unrealistic, and controlling. Never again. For the uninitiated- don’t try it. Stay away. They’re a trap that has led many a happy man to his doom. You won’t realize it until it’s too late.
Somebody hurt you.
Let it out brother!
Met my wife on Bumble in the minneapolis area circa 2019. My profile pic was a selfie i took with pack llamas on my way out of a successful elk hunt. She's a little different politically than me, not interested in guns, etc but we share enough in common that our differences are pretty easily overcome.

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