PEAX Equipment

Tinder/Hinge/dating apps in general

Also my buddy who experienced that is a member who never views this site - used to go by silent but deadly or weekend warrior. @FREAK has met him.
That’s a heck of a story, I’m sure he navigated it like a champ.

Glad I never had to use a dating app. One woman, happily married for 10 years.

@antlerradar, sorry to hear about Louie, he sounds like a bad ass. Sometimes you just gotta send it like Louie and see how it goes😂

The only dating advice I’d add is to try and find one that can cook. Guys don’t realize this when their necks all swelled up on the hunt…after the fire cools down a bit and you settle into the child raising years all you want is to come home and sit down to a nice meal. You’ll be in a half asleep fog for about 5 years. An organized woman that can cook and clean goes a long ways.
The only dating advice I’d add is to try and find one that can cook. Guys don’t realize this when their necks all swelled up on the hunt…after the fire cools down a bit and you settle into the child raising years all you want is to come home and sit down to a nice meal. You’ll be in a half asleep fog for about 5 years. An organized woman that can cook and clean goes a long ways.

Instructions unclear, continuing to only value how nice their ass is when finding potential mates
Instructions unclear, continuing to only value how nice their ass is when finding potential mates
No reason to compromise. There are plenty out there that can keep a house in order and have a nice ass. They may be harder to find but they're out there. It's gotta be easier than finding a mature buck in Montana.
No reason to compromise. There are plenty out there that can keep a house in order and have a nice ass. They may be harder to find but they're out there. It's gotta be easier than finding a mature buck in Montana.
Cooking and personality is still pretty important as well know from experience the backside doesn't always keep the same shape. Neither do we for that matter.
Pre algorithm fueled social manipulation, people had to rely much on natural selection played out in disparate venues . . . from churches to bar crawls.

From my perch this is a deceiving statistic;
  • Overall Divorce Rate: Texas boasts one of the lowest divorce rates in the nation, with a rate of 1.4 per 1,000 population in 2021. This rate has consistently declined from a high of 3.3 in 2010. Gender Differences: Women initiate 69% of divorces, possibly due to perceived gender inequalities in marital responsibilities.
Pre algorithm fueled social manipulation, people had to rely much on natural selection played out in disparate venues . . . from churches to bar crawls.

From my perch this is a deceiving statistic;
  • Overall Divorce Rate: Texas boasts one of the lowest divorce rates in the nation, with a rate of 1.4 per 1,000 population in 2021. This rate has consistently declined from a high of 3.3 in 2010. Gender Differences: Women initiate 69% of divorces, possibly due to perceived gender inequalities in marital responsibilities.
I took a family law class 7 years ago, and the statistic I learned then was that the divorce rate from the 70s through the early 2000s was around 50% of all marriages, and now it is nationally down to about 33% of all marriages. The theory at the time I took the class was that more people were living together longer without getting married and then breaking up; not that relationships were doing any better.
It's nice to have a hell of a view while they're cooking!

In all seriousness, my girlfriend is gorgeous, and she is a hell of a cook. To boot, she's cool with me spending a lot of my free time on the water and in the woods. She even likes to come with.

Online dating is pretty cool, you can sift through 100s of women to find the ones that peak your interest. I went on plenty of dates with women I thought might be alright, but I was wrong. A few that really knew how to take pictures that made them look about 40lbs lighter than they really were. Not that there's anything wrong with thicker women, but not what I was looking for...
Horse girls are a whole nother kind o’ crazy. My theory? They’ve been trained since they could walk that they can control 1,200 pounds of raw athleticism, ignore it for months on end and expect it to be happy to see them at a moments notice, and have someone else foot the bill for the entire experience. Not to mention “other” unrealistic expectations regarding a common idiom.

Horse girls are short-fused, spoiled, irrational, unrealistic, and controlling. Never again. For the uninitiated- don’t try it. Stay away. They’re a trap that has led many a happy man to his doom. You won’t realize it until it’s too late.
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