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Time to change FWP Director


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
Missoula MT
Dear Governor Gianforte:
We write with grave concern over the ongoing personnel management issues that have plagued the
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks during your tenure. Despite promises from FWP
leadership that these concerns would be addressed and remedied, the problems have accelerated. Our
organizations have lost all confidence in the leadership of Director Dustin Temple and believe both FWP
and Montana’s fish and wildlife resources would be best served by appointing a new Director. We call on
you to do so.
Over the last few months, the Legislature’s Audit Division has released a report that documented
significant tensions between FWP’s law enforcement personnel and FWP leadership. A senior manager
was abruptly terminated after being place on a months-long administrative leave over a misdemeanor
trespass charge that was dismissed, another senior manager with years of service was placed on
administrative leave and physically escorted from the FWP building, other senior managers have
resigned prematurely or under duress, and, most recently, Director Temple denied a long sought pay
raise request by FWP biologists and wardens to bring their salaries into line with adjacent states.
The cumulative impact of these personnel and salary issues has been dramatic. Employee morale has
suffered, as documented by a recent culture survey, experienced professionals are seeking other
employment, and fear of reprisals has greatly impacted the free flow of information and ideas necessary
for wise and publically supported resource management decisions. In the view of our organizations,
FWP, which was one of the premiere fish and wildlife agencies in the country, is in serious decline. Its
ability to protect and enhance Montana’s fish and wildlife resources has been seriously compromised.
We note that applicant pools for open positions have deteriorated in size and quality. An agency we
value is circling the drain, and that’s due to destructive leadership.
You likely are well aware that members of our organizations have taken issue with numerous changes
that have occurred during your tenure, including: reducing opportunities for public input; elk permit
changes that favor non-resident landowners and outfitters over residents; moving oversight of research
programs out of the regions and into the Director’s office; and weighting Commission and committee
appointments away from resident hunters and anglers and toward outfitters and ag. While we
adamantly oppose these changes and will work hard to see them reversed, we believe they are eclipsed
by systematic weakening of human capital and expertise in fish and wildlife science in the agency. That
damage, which lies outside any differences over fish and game management principles, will take years to
Director Temple was appointed by you after the 2023 Legislative Session had adjourned. As such, his
appointment has not been approved by the Montana Senate, and his ability and experience to do the job
has not been reviewed by either the Legislature or the public through the legislative process. Instead,
and in the absence of such public and legislative oversight, controversy has surrounded Director Temple,
and he has demonstrated that he lacks the leadership abilities that FWP needs and deserves. One small
example in addition to the examples above: the recurring issues, inconveniences, and excess numbers
brought by Temple’s software background and emphasis on online permitting have been an
embarrassment to the agency, to the state, and, as the Governor who appointed him, to you. We believe
the time is now to bring in a proven, respected manager with a strong fish and wildlife background to
lead the Department.
We look forward to your prompt response to our concerns.

Montana Sportsmen Alliance Jock Conyngham
Skyline Sportsmen Les Casteren
Helena Hunters and Anglers Steve Platt
Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Assoc. BOD Mark Oswald
Bridger Bowman Bill Siebrasse
Park County Rod and Gun Hays Goosey
Montana Public Trust Coalition Andrew Posewitz
The FWP leadership puts no value in wildlife anymore, and that's just a fact. I simply don't understand how someone in the Directors seat can care so little about the wildlife they supposedly care about.

It's also startling the lack of transparency and support that same leadership gives to their biologists and the public.

I'll have a story to tell soon...and it pisses me off to no end.
The FWP leadership puts no value in wildlife anymore, and that's just a fact. I simply don't understand how someone in the Directors seat can care so little about the wildlife they supposedly care about.

It's also startling the lack of transparency and support that same leadership gives to their biologists and the public.

I'll have a story to tell soon...and it pisses me off to no end.
That can be said for most game and fish, I know it can be said here in Iowa. My first clue is when I go to the website and things related to hunting or wildlife are buried deep, but there’s social media posts about trail runs in wma’s and rock concerts in state forests.
Dear voting-age Montanans, if you regret supporting Jersey Greg, maybe consider voting for a candidate this fall who works for constituents instead of a small group of high-profile campaign donors.
democrats put a gun control advocate on the ballot.
Please don't respond to this as another debate invitaion ... but think about it, what does "gun control" really mean anymore and with recent, as well as years continuance of firearms violence in schools? Just a rhetorical question.

I think there is strong consensus that something needs to change in Helena to get FWP back to the well respected agency it was for really over a century!
Please don't respond to this as another debate invitaion ... but think about it, what does "gun control" really mean anymore and with recent, as well as years continuance of firearms violence in schools? Just a rhetorical question.

I think there is strong consensus that something needs to change in Helena to get FWP back to the well respected agency it was for really over a century!
Please don't start, yet you started... Oxy...

Regardless, the topic of replacement leads to the two main figures. D & R. Gun control senior Advisor or the status quo. Unfortunately, Democrats sabotaged themselves.

I'll write in or plead the third.
People demand change, until there is change. Let’s just assume the guys in the “head shed” have a little more info than those in the peanut galley.
Before I demand dismissal I’d like to see what positives come from change. I’ve certainly liked some of the changes this far, like no mule deer does being slaughtered on public land, NR only being able to be obtain one antlerless license if they don’t have an A tag, and then can only have up to 2 antlerless with an A tag. These are big wins for mule deer on public land, maybe the biggest wins I’ve ever seen.
Please. It wasn't the current FWP director who essentially sold our Blue Ribbon Rivers to the Outfitters and Guides with zero consideration for Montanans, nor who allowed multiple MD doe tags.
In today's world, everyone defends their team and claims any action is politically motivated. In some cases that might hold true, yet in other instances I think it is helpful to look at history.

Here's a bit of relevant history to those claiming this effort is merely politics. Many of the folks/groups who signed that letter were also the ones who pushed Governor Brian Schweitzer to get rid of his old buddy who he appointed as FWP Director, Joe Maurier. Both of those folks were Democrats.

That was back in 2008-2010 regime. After enough pressure from many of the people/groups who signed the letter in the original post above, Maurier was eventually replaced by the successor Democrat Governor, Bullock (edited by me).

Given that history, a history I suspect some aren't aware of, it is hard for me to say this is "just politics" and the letter is due to their dislike of the current administration. To their credit, these people/groups have been taking the same position when they saw troubling signs back when it was a Democrat Governor who was making the appointments.

For what it's worth, I was asked to sign that letter and I politely declined. I didn't decline because I feel this letter was purely a politically motivated effort. I've seen these same people hammer on Democrats for similar reasons (example cited above), so I see their effort as one mostly of genuine concern.
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