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Time for a new muzzle loader sight. Open to suggestions.

Thanks for the offer, but I think I want to stick with a regular front post. Looking at this Williams model in Amazon, since it isn't plastic.
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haven't shot a peep sight on a hunting rifle, just a garand. Is there a reason people prefer them, or is it just personal preference?
I prefer a rear peep on my hunting rifles because it's one less thing to get in the way of the sight picture. I have the same fiber two dot insert shown above, but I took it off and replaced it with a peep straight away. I find those fiber optic dots distracting and they obscure too much of the animal and what's around it. Even if you use a larger peep (best in dim lighting) you can still get great accuracy and you can see what's "around" the critter at the same time. A peep also provides faster sight picture acquisition in my experience.
Even better:
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Interesting concept, but wouldn't that insert sitting inside the globe defeat the purpose of gathering light for the fiber optic? I ask this because I have a fiber optic front sight on one of my leverguns and one day I slid the factory hood on that sight base just to see what it would look like. The fiber optic went so dim it was useless.
Interesting concept, but wouldn't that insert sitting inside the globe defeat the purpose of gathering light for the fiber optic? I ask this because I have a fiber optic front sight on one of my leverguns and one day I slid the factory hood on that sight base just to see what it would look like. The fiber optic went so dim it was useless.
The newer globes are slotted that let light in, but still a little darker for sure.
Just use a red dot that’s what i got on my side hammer love it
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