Caribou Gear Tarp

Tikka or X-Bolt

I like both. Pick the one that fits you best. Both are accurate with slick bolts.

I own a Tikka and the safety does not bother me one iota. My dad has two x bolts and we both like them well.
I have had both and still own multiple tikka. Lightweight, good balance, all have been very accurate. T3x stock are definitely a upgrade from the t3. Both have a bolt lock, which I prefer in a mountain hunting rifle. Neither safety is my first choice but the tang safety just never grew on me.
Whichever fits you better wins. FWIW, Browning is having an 8% rebate April 1-15.
Turns out Cabela's is running a 10% points bonus for using their card on several rifles including the Xbolt! If they had the Hells Canyon in 28Nolser or the 300Winnie with 1:9 twist I'd be all over that deal
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If you are happy with your Tikka why switch. Both will be accurate. I have had many Brownings and liked all
of them so if I was getting a new rifle it would be a Browning. I never shot a Tikka but I doubt it would change my mind.
I shot my wife's .270 a little last weekend. It impresses me to look at the display on the magnetospeed and see 3011. Its a Remington 700 w/ a 24" barrel. After last week's range time I went back to considering a Weatherby Vanguard Wilderness pretty seriously, just for that extra couple inches on the barrel.

So I did an obsessive amount of internet reading since then on barrel length and its effect on MV. The most definitive thing I found comes from the Lyman handloading guide. It indicates the following as it pertains to the .270 WIN:

The average loss for the .270 Win./130 grain bullet was 37 fps per inch.
The average loss for the .270 Win./150 grain bullet was 32 fps per inch.

So now I'm back to looking at the Tikka with its 22.4" barrel. It seems that all else being equal in terms of the load, I probably stand to loose maybe 60fps due to barrel length, which in turn equates to only like .3 inches of drop at 300yds. Pretty negligible for what I intend to do with it. Yes, I'm over-thinking this, I know. But it's what I do.

Considering that I'm very familiar with Tikka, how lightweight and comfortable they are, and know I like what they do, I'm probably gonna go with that. Most likely, until I get distracted by the next squirrel.
I own 2 x-bolt Hells Canyons, really like them. I prefer the Browning Safety but that is a personal preference.
I have an X-Bolt Hell's Canyon and love it. Have you considered a Remington 700 AWR? Its got the 24" barrel, good stock, cerakote, and its under 7.5 pounds. Looks like you can pick one up for about the same price or a little more than the Tikka or X-Bolt.
I've got a tikka t3 in .270 and an xbolt in 300 winmag. Bought them both brand new and followed barrel break in procedures. Both rifles are better than anything I owned before but that tikka is a tac driver. Most accurate gun I own. I love the xbolt and use it more often because it just has that 'tough' rifle feel to it, and with ther power of the magnum load it has the knockdown power for anything. If I was going to shoot in a competition id take the tikka. My son is convinced the tikka is his and hunts with it. I also do not reload so it's all factory loads coming out of my guns so maybe the tikka is just more forgiving to that. My son's cow elk taken with tikka and my oryx taken with xbolt. Screenshot_20190406-195113_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20190406-195303_Gallery.jpg
I've read reviews on the internets and seen pictures, etc. Of the Weatherby Vanguard Wilderness (mentioned it previously), but I've never seen one in person. So I was in Missoula yesterday and swung by Sportsmans Warehouse just to see if they had one on the shelf. The only one they had was a .300 WM, but I got to examine it, cycle the bolt, handle it, dry fire it. Man thats an impressive firearm. Its light weight, probably slightly heavier than a T3X, but not enough to really tell. Although I'm not crazy about 2 stage triggers, but I've decided this is going to be my next rifle. Lots to like. I'm still squirreling away $ but I'm intending to get one in a .270 in a moth or 2.
Since you have a Tikka and are happy with it, I'd go that route. The operation will be exactly the same.

That said, a 308 and a 270 will do the very same things. Might be one where that $$ could be used for a hunt somewhere new or for a different piece of gear...
They are both great! I have a tikka .270 and it is an absolute laser beam!! I put a Leupold scope on it, and everything I have pointed it at has died! I have friends that swear by the X-bolt... can't imagine you'd go wrong with either one.
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