Throwing the Little Ones Back

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I just looked for threads where the Cheese' buddy ElkHunter rode to his rescue and locked the thread because the Cheese was getting picked on....
thats the first time i have seen that thread also..........
this has left me curious as to why in the hell would Jose put a link to it?
if i were him i wouldnt have minded never seeing it again.......were you drinking?

definetly some funny shit.....this was my fav. :
I've also learned that Gunner and Matt want to be just like Buzz when they grow up
JoseCuervo said:
I just looked for threads where the Cheese' buddy ElkHunter rode to his rescue and locked the thread because the Cheese was getting picked on....
Not riding to his rescue. It was closed because you and others were being total asses Jose. Get it straight for once in your life. Don't bring me into your pathetic pissing matches.
TB- Short answer, you can legally catch bull trout and keep bull trout in the state of Montana. The restrictions are very, very high on how to deal with bull trout due to their threatened species status. Swan Lake is one lake you can have a 1 bull trout possession. You can either call the MTFWP or look on their website for further information. I called the FWP and asked about how to deal with bull trout, officially. By the pictures Elkchsr took, he could definitely be in trouble. By definition "taking" a bull trout means to kill it. Being they are a fragile fish, taking the slime off of one by letting them roll on the ground or by gripping them in the gill area could easily be construed as "taking". The FWP does little to enforce this but has the ability to do so. A person has to also be very careful to not "target" bull trout. Fishing in certain waters with certain baits can be construed as "targetting" bull trout and the fisherman can be fined for this violation also...I figured if I was going to call the FWP for bull trout regs I may as well get all the info.

Matt, this is great, except, it states you can "Keep" 1, all the rest of the regs state you must immediatly turn them loose and are not allowed to keep any on your person.

I've been very careful to state what I catch, and what I turn loose, any thing else is stated by any one else is assumption by fools.

Since it has been sorely overlooked that I had mentioned a few times about catching some 50 or so cutthroats before these guys came up on my line.

I even asked ol Butz the Putz how one could search out Bull Trout alone using worms, with out catching every other trout with in feeding distance. But as usual, the screw ball didn't have an answer for that. tsk... tsk... silly boy as he is... :D

I caught the fish a day or so before those pictures and story were posted, (the magic of digital cameras now days).

I will mention again, they were caught at the lower of the two Twin lakes, by Anaconda at the inlet.

There were a number of cuts pulled out of this area before either one of these fish were caught.

So, to answer questions about the legality of Bull trout being caught specifically by the baits used, or how you can pick one speices of trout out over another one by utilizing much of any bait... I may concede that wrong was perpetrated... Well leave it at that.

Did I learn any thing??? ;)

Maybe, Maybe not...

I may post a little differently next time, I may not share some of the better experiences of outdoor activities here for others to enjoy, so, this should make our two little gutter trolls very happy, since it is a bland board they are after.

Will I change my fishing and hunting habits because a couple spit balls think my ethics are less then theirs, or I don't fit into their small reality of how the world works in how their world turns? I really doubt it, I know what I know, and a couple losers won't change that fact. :eek: :D

Will I challenge them when ever possible over their assumptions??? Yep, you betcha, Butz the Putz had the opertunity to meet me right here in town and get most of his questions answered this last fall on the truths of a few things I've stated, but because he is far to much of a chicken shit to find out the truth for what it was, let the opertunity pass.

I suppose he will come up with some lame excuse of why he didn't want to find out if there was any truth to things I've stated, but excuses are all losers can give the world...

Should we all do a brag fest of all the good we do for others??? LMAO, thats funny...

That's only for those who don't accomplish any thing useful on a regular basis and have a pathetic need to prove to others they have meaning... :rolleyes: ;)

guner/sybil needs to buy his experiences as he is far to much of a white striped yellow belly to make his own, relying on the good graces of others to help him make memories that he doesn't have the courage on his own to accomplish.

These are some of the signs of weakness portrayed by the feable minded.

I respect how the rest of you help others, it is quite commendable and will leave it at that... :)

I can tell Greenies getting bored as he has been trying to wade into some of these pissing fests, but obviously has no heart for it any more. :)

I wouldnt expect you to change your unethical've more than proved that on many occassions.

Sorry about not stopping by to visit you in Anaconda...but I was pretty busy. With my Dad drawing a sheep tag after applying for more years than you've ever hunted, I gave that priority over coffee at the local greasy-spoon with a village idiot. I doubt you're any smarter or more ethical in person than you are on here. Its also highly unlikely you'd be able to tell me anything about natural resources that I didnt learn in 3rd grade.

On top of that, the time I did have to visit was spent with one of my best friends who is a State Forester in Anaconda.

I had no time to waste on foolishness...meaning you were S.O.L.
You are truly clueless if you somehow think catching 50 Cuts before the bulls is a defense. If you are going to catch and release, please learn how to do so correctly, and please quit using worms and barbed hooks. If the only way you can catch a Cut is to drown a worm, you don't have a clue how to fish. Your "worm of choice" probably led to 20 of the 50 Cuts dying due to your handling a bait caught trout.

You won't learn because you can't learn.
So far we've read about why we should keep some smaller fish; now if Jose' Queervo or BUZZ could post the proper "ethical" process for catch & release fishing......
LMAO Ten...

As if they post any thing "USEFUL", hahaha... this isn't the place for that, it's only a place to see what stupid comment they can post about some one else... A pissing fest so to speak to make up for all the other failings in their lives.... :eek: ;)
Ten Bears said:
So far we've read about why we should keep some smaller fish; now if Jose' Queervo or BUZZ could post the proper "ethical" process for catch & release fishing......

Actually Buzz did post this info. Probably not the best tactics to have someone learn from, but this is how they have been treating each other for a couple years.:rolleyes:
This is in the regs as well...its how to PROPERLY release particular threatened species. Read these guide lines...

Catch-and-Release Angling
Waters designated catch-and-release for one or more species of fish require that those fish be immediately released alive. (for cheese please look up the word IMMEDIATELY)

Use of proper handling techniques will improve the chance of survival for any fish released. A fish that is released may still die from: deep hooking injury; internal organ damage from being squeezed; bacterial infections resulting from loss of slime in the handling process; effects of physical stress from being played too long; low dissolved oxygen in live wells; and heat shock from being held in shallow water or live wells.

Releasing Fish
To ensure a released fish has the best chance for survival:
Play the fish as rapidly as possible. Do not play it to total exhaustion.
Keep the fish in water as much as possible when handling and removing the hook.
Remove the hook gently. Do not squeeze the fish or put your fingers in its gills. There are release devices available from most sporting/fishing stores to assist you and, use of barbless hooks makes releasing fish easier.
If the fish is deeply hooked, cut the line. Do not yank the hook out. Most fish survive with hooks left in them.
Release the fish only after it has gained its equilibrium. If necessary, gently hold the fish upright in the current facing upstream and move it slowly back and forth.
Release the fish in quiet water close to the area where it was hooked.

Hey cheese,

You pretty much're sqeezing both those bull trout, keeping them out of the water and removing the protective slime from them...not to mention the one covered in dirt that you obviously pulled up on the bank.
Ten Bears said:
Thanks again MTMILLER, I had read that earlier.

Ten Beers,

If you are unable to understand and process what you had read earlier, you should probably make it a habit to find one of the 4th graders on your bus and have them read it and explain it to you. That would save MTMiller the trouble of having to provide you the same information over and over and over because you are too lazy to learn to read.
I do think JOSE' QUEERVO has something for 3rd and 4th grade children..... I was acknowleding MTMILLER & BUZZ's contributions to the thread 'QUEERVO. Do you have a problem with that too?
JoseCuervo said:
Ten Beers,
Your assumption that the Cheese would have learned something is a bit generous.

You can read thru the previous thread and see that he never admitted remorse, refused to acknowledge he did anything wrong, and refused to accept responsibility for his actions.
Jeeeez let's rehash some shit here from another thread!

Originally Posted by JoseCuervo
It typically is confusing as people start trying to cover-up and coordinate lies. Remember Iran-Contra?

I can't see what was too confusing. Some fat guy with a heart condition drives around in a car until he sees some quail, gets out of the car and misses the birds, then stumbles to another covey and proceeds to lose track of his "hunting partnerss" (or, more accurately, other passengers) and shoots one of his campaign donors.

People like Cheney calling themselves a hunter give the rest of us a bad name.

Is road hunting even legal in Texas?

Look at Mr. ethics tell it to everyone!

"But, I think we have to give credit to who had purchased and brought the raspberry filled powdered sugar doughnuts. If it wasn't for me being "prepared", we would have not had nearly as many ducks come in, as they seemed to like it when I had powdered sugar doughnuts in my hands instead of my gun..."

Seems lazy ass fatboy is trying to fatten up also!

"I am not sure what kind of bullets Moosie brought"

Don't shotguns use shells? Nice to see you know how to use the right ammo!,

"but they must have been the pretend kind. Two mallards splash, and I think wow, that is the best I have ever seen Moosie shoot. I row over quickly and get the dead one and set it on the side of the cat, right next to me. The duck is dead in the water, I lay him on his back, and his head slumps onto his chest. I row quickly to get the one that is swimming/diving and we get to the cattails, and just as Moosie jumps to grab the 2nd one, the first one arises from the dead, tells me thanks for the ride to shore, and jumps off the boat and heads into the cattails."

Nice to see you went back to look for the Wounded Duck!

"We get down to our spot, and unload all our crap, and I go hide the boat upstream. When I walk down, I jump a crippled hen mallard, but we have ducks flying, so I let her run off into the sage brush".

Nice ethics again, you and Cheny should start hunting together!

"The Mergansers were pretty fun to watch, and when the one came up with a fish, I thought that was pretty cool too. But Moosie says we should take 'em. I ask him if he is sure, and he is, cuz he needs one for the Moosie Waterfowl Museum. Just as he says to take them, they both line up for me, and before he can even shoot, I drop both of them in a single shot.

Sluicing, only a true Sportsman shoots in this manner![/I]

"And Cheney has a long history of un-ethical hunting behaviour."

"People like Cheney calling themselves a hunter give the rest of us a bad name"

HHmmmmm seems yer a real ethical @#)(# sucker too!!! Funny how you contradict yourself! I'm surprised you didn't end up shooting Moosie and telling us how it was an accident. You are a real perfect example of how true Sportsmen get a bad name! Watch what you post on the internet dumbass!

Let's here your explanation of these (QUOTES)as to why you think you are such an ethical hunter and can pass judgement on anyone else? At least Ol' Cheney just made a mistake, seems like you just blaintly abuse the rules of Ethics and don't even give a shit! Glad we have someone on the "hunters" side like yourself helping us protect the rights of true Sportsmen!

You Elkgunner are a Lying, worthless piece of shit and this just proves it! I'm in no way defending Cheney. But you are just a piece of shit and then some for acting like you are such an ethical person! In Reality you talk a good story but seem to deviate from what you preach to people about being a true sporstsmen with ethics. I'd love to hear your explanation of these (Quotes) and explain how you are such an ethical hunter?

You never explained why you are such an ethical person on this one Elkcummer! Who in the Hell are you to tell anyone else about ethics? You are the biggest Hypocrite I've ever seen!!!! Elkgunners ethics=
Elk Slayer, I probably disagree with Jose as often as many others. Obviously, witty banter is beyond your ability but there's ways to communicate a point without being a vulgar pig. Show some class and clean it up.
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