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Thoughts on Wilderness and Turning 40


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
I turned 40 and something happened. I guess passing life’s halftime forces some unexpected introspection. And even my hunting plans have become ensnared by the probing thoughts of this aging man. In my twenties, I dreamed of 190” mulies or 180” rams. I now ponder the places I want to experience and the landscapes I want to see with a rifle in hand way more than I consider the trophy quality of the game. My hunting bucket list centers primarily on wilderness experiences now. I grew up hunting SW Montana’s Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness and the spell of wild, roadless places remains undeniably enchanting. I’ve been fortunate to make many trips into wonderful wilderness areas like the A-B for elk, mule deer, or trout, Colorado’s Weminuche for elk and mountain goat. I’ve fished deep in Montana’s Bob Marshall but never hunted there. I think that needs to change. And before my God-given days in this earth end, I’d like to experience other wilderness hunts like:
— Nevada’s Jarbridge for mule deer or cow elk
— Idaho’s Frank Church for elk or mule deer
— California’s Trinity Alps for blacktails and black bears
— Wyoming’s Teton Wilderness (specifically the Thorofare country) for elk
— Alaska’s ANWR for caribou

My question is: What needs to be added? In your opinion, what am I missing? (I realize my list here doesn’t include any desert country and I’ll soon be sitting on 12 AZ deer points with a desire to hunt Coues.) Thoughts anyone?
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Some of the most beautiful country I've visited was the Thorofare in the Bridger-Teton Wilderness. I was gifted with the employment of USFS at the time back many years ago. horseback in for 8 day repeated tours.

That is a "Bucket List" hunt for me. One day when a friend's timing works to overcome the WY Federal Wilderness Outfitter requirement.

Best to you striking trough your list. Some great endeavors ahead of you.
Frank Church for mulies is on my list. You should consider coming to the boundary waters canoe area wilderness if you have never been, pristine waters, and great fishing. You can even come in the fall and hunt for grouse, ducks, or whitetails.
Jarbridge is pretty high on my list of travels. If you need to add a desert hunt where your not going to run into anyone, the Gold Butte National Monument is pretty remote country since you can only get in from the north. I have only looked for pigs there but its awesome every trip.
Thats a great list and Thorofare should be #1, but might add northern selway in idaho, aint crap for animals (maybe wolf hunt) anymore but dam beautiful country. I would also recommend fishing southern tetons down into the salts and wyo ranges, not wilderness but my favorite place on earth...
Bitterroot/Selway for muleys would be cool. Easy draw on the Montana side. I'm gonna do it after I draw the other side of the Valley. mtmuley
Grizzly somewhere in the lower 48. Something in one of the Wind River Wilderness' . Something in the Eagle Cap. Look for bighorns while mule deer or even just chukar hunting in the Frank Church. Maybe a mountain goat hunt there as well.
I sure hope this does not rub you the wrong way. Perhaps you are searching for the wrong thing. I have friends in Cody and had the opportunity to visit and go fly fishing. You have some gorgeous country there. I hunt every Thursday in the same area. I never get bored or tired of the area because for me hunting is more than just killing an animal. It is an enjoyment of the whole package. I have often watched animals without shooting just for entertainment. I hope this makes sense to you. You are very fortunate to be able to explore what has to be one of the most beautiful places in North America. For myself, a day walking in that wilderness would be priceless.

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