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Thompson Center coming back


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
In the Sagebrush of SW Montana
Gregg Ritz (outdoor media dude and several time game violator) announced this morning that T/C is coming back with American Made Products.

I seem to remember that he ran T/C and then sold it to S&W. S&W fumbled the ball and now he is back again. To be fair, I'd like a T/C Encore. I had one years ago and regret selling it. I'd like to get one for pistol hunting/shooting in 30-30.

Been shopping Contenders for suppressor hosting. Prices on old ones seem high enough to support selling new ones. I predict any new manufacture Contender will be too heavy and not have as good a trigger, though.
This sucks - was excited and then I saw who this guy is - almost entirely from HT. Maybe older contender values will go down.
Could do with an Encore as well. Maybe a 300 H&H just to tick the old timers off.
Been shopping Contenders for suppressor hosting. Prices on old ones seem high enough to support selling new ones. I predict any new manufacture Contender will be too heavy and not have as good a trigger, though.
Wanted to do a .410 Turkey pistol with one, but the costs of putting it together get steep quick
From a business perspective, it seems CVA got a pretty good jump on TC, the CVA Cascade is hands down a superior rifle to the bolt gun TC tried to release, albeit a little pricier. Not a huge black powder guy but I like my CVA Wolf.
Wanted to do a .410 Turkey pistol with one, but the costs of putting it together get steep quick
Lost interest in that concept when I got Yildiz single barrel .410. folds in half and so light you can shoot as pistol if you want.
The original "Platform" gun. I have a Contender. Anyone need/want a .44 mag barrel (plus a few accoutrements)? I have zero use for it. The .22 match barrel is pretty cool, however.
I've git an encore with 2 barrels that is a great gun and an omega muzzleloader that shoots lights out. I had both way before the Ritz violations. Unfortunately won't be giving them another dime of my money as long as they affiliate with that phoney piece of shit.
Have an old Renegade 54 hanging over a window. My go to gun is a Pro Hunter 50cal and I have a 300 WM barrel for it that I used elk hunting. No plans to buy any more regardless of who they have on board. Hell, I'll sell the 300 barrel if someone wants it!
I have an Encore. ML barrel, .45 long/.410 barrel, 44 mag and a 7mm08 pistol barrel.
I been wanting to hunt whitetails with the 7mm08 for years but just never have.
I am somewhat doubtful I will by any more barrels. I use my ML barrel and thats about it.
Interesting...I have a Prohunter model in the 50 cal muzzle loader that shoots great. My affinity for odd calibers has bit me as I don't reload and have a 338 Federal barrel, which is a great caliber...just can't find ammo. Shot a couple of black bears with it. Think I have 7 rounds left!
Interesting...I have a Prohunter model in the 50 cal muzzle loader that shoots great. My affinity for odd calibers has bit me as I don't reload and have a 338 Federal barrel, which is a great caliber...just can't find ammo. Shot a couple of black bears with it. Think I have 7 rounds left!
Interested in a 300wm barrel for it?
I have an Encore. ML barrel, .45 long/.410 barrel, 44 mag and a 7mm08 pistol barrel.
I been wanting to hunt whitetails with the 7mm08 for years but just never have.
I am somewhat doubtful I will by any more barrels. I use my ML barrel and thats about it.
What barrel lengths?

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