PEAX Equipment

The Gun Cabinet of Regrets,,,Wish I didn't sell it, or Wish I bought it.

Wish I hadn’t sold my mint condition Brazilian contract Mauser in 7x57.
I’m only 23 so I haven’t bought and sold too many guns yet, but one i wish I didn’t get rid of was a laminate stock, bull barreled 10/22 w/ the old style mag release. But I only ever shot it once so I sold it to fund something else
I wish I hadn't sold a Ruger #1 chambered in 7x57 Mauser, I couldn't get it to shoot better that 1.25" with that rifle/caliber combo that would have been plenty good.
John Barsness of gun writer fame once did an article about the 7x57. In it he described what he had to do to get his #1 in 7x57 shooting sub MOA.
Back when Walmarts in CA still sold guns, I saw a Browning A5 12GA Light for $275.
Money was tight back then and although I knew it was a steal I didn't "need" it.
It bothered me all day and night so first thing in the morning I went back to buy it and of course it was sold.
On a different note, I regret buying a Barretta A400 plus. Tomorrow I go and pick it up.

I've been shooting the same A5 since I bought it new in the late 70s.
Two years ago it began jamming a lot so I took it to a gunsmith to strip clean. I had never stripped cleaned it after 4 decades of abuse riding in a kayak in geothermal mud and saltwater.
It worked good for a couple of seasons but then jammed horribly. I thought maybe it gave up the ghost and it was time for a new shotgun.
I had dropped it off with the gunsmith again and figured it would just get strip cleaned again but this time he found a worn out part and replaced it. I shot 64 shells through it and it was as good as new. But I had already bought a replacement.
I'm not ready to retire it yet so I guess the new A400 will be waiting on the sidelines for the veteran to get injured.
I have a few that I really regret. First was a colt anaconda that had the realtree camo finish on the gun and the scope. only 1500 were made. Second was a winchester model 94xtr in 375 win mag. Lastly ,the worst regret was years ago I had a full auto FNC 223 caliber paratrooper model with a folding stock. I had the class 3 paperwork. Sold it for 1500. Back then a case of black hills 223 ammo was selling for 109 a case. Lol.
I have a couple regrets selling. One was a stainless savage 93 17hmr i bought in highschool from a friend and then stupidly sold it to fund another dirt bike. Another was trading my Yugoslav SKS, was a ton of fun to shoot with cheap ammo, and like an idiot I traded it for a pistol at one point. Definetly wish I had that one back.
When I was 15 my parents bought me a Remington 870 wingmaster magnum for Christmas. It was a beautiful gun before Remington started letting the quality of the 870 go to hell. A few years later I started getting into waterfowl hunting more and decided I needed a 3 1/2" chamber. Traded it in on an 870 express super magnum, still before the quality went down, but not nearly as pretty. Dad's gone now and I wish I had never let that one go. The 3 1/2" chamber was nice but not as nice as that wingmaster or the sentimental value of it.
The first .22 I bought was a Ruger 7722 that was in amazingly good shape. I can't remember what I paid for it but certainly nowhere near what I have seen them sell for now. My love of lever actions talked me into trading it for a Winchester model 255. I enjoyed the 255 but never saw the point of having a .22 magnum and sold it on GunBroker for a lot more than I thought it was worth after a bidding war broke out. That Ruger 7722 was a sweet little bolt action.
Years ago, I put some money down on a savage 99 chambered in .308. seems like it was a 99c, but can't be sure about that. It was in beautiful condition and had a vintage scope on it, I think it was a weaver fixed power. I decided I didn't have a use for the 99 since I lived in Illinois. It was one third of the cost that I would have to pay now for one in that kind of condition.
Would there need to be a separate, completely opposite thread about "The Gun Cabinet or Regrets...Wish I sold, or Wish I didn't buy it"?????
Everything. I have had so many wonderful guns over the years. But for one reason or another, they have gone down the road. In hindsight, I wish I had just bought a bigger safe.
Had a cheap Marlin .25-06 that I sold to a friend. Wasn't an expensive gun, but it shot well, and had a decent scope on it. Wish I still had it for deer and antelope hunting.
Two guns that I regret not getting, but was a poor college student at the time, Ruger Red Label blued 20ga with fixed chokes for $500 and a Remington 700 Classic in 35 Whelen with a low power Burris $350. Still looking for each. Did kill a bull with the Remington, it was my cousin's rifle, oh the regrets. Think I have only sold three or four over 43 years of collecting.

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