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The Gun Cabinet of Regrets,,,Wish I didn't sell it, or Wish I bought it.

Had a line on a barely used X-Bolt with a 26" barrel chambered in 280 Remington for $500. I hesitated to assess my personal finances and think it over. A few days later, it was gone. Still kicking myself occasionally over that one.
15 years ago, I was wandering through the gunshow in Birmingham and bumped into a guy with a martini henry sporter similar to this photo. It was a "newer" build that he said was a 45/70. He wanted $400 for it. I didn't know enough about them to properly inspect the rifle, so I turned it down. By the time I got to my truck, I already was thinking "What the hell was I thinking? Why didn't I buy that?"40282_600x400.jpg
1. SKB 12 ga, (purchased in 1966), imported under the Ithaca label.
2. Ruger 77 280 Rem - given to my son who turned around and traded it on a WBY Vangard (grrr.)
3. Win 24 12 ga - it wasn't pretty but killed a LOT of birds.

At one time my son owned 3 Browning Superposeds in 12 ga. One was a really sweet gun with 26" barrels, bored Imp Cyl and IMP CYL. When he told me he had gotten rid of all 3, I came as close to having a conniption as I ever want.
I still have every firearm I have ever owned except for a 10/22 I traded when I was in my late teens. I still regret that.

I came upon an absolutely pristine Winchester Model 12 in 20 gauge in a pawn shop a few years ago and did not buy it. I still kick myself for that lapse in judgment. It sure would look good next to my grandpas old model 12 in 12 gauge that I have.
Had a 6” barrel Python that I bought from a guy I worked with. Paid $500, sold for $600 a couple years later. If I’d only hung on for 20 more.
Passed on a Browning Express rifle in 30-06. Dumb move.
Ruger #1 in 30-06, with I still had.
Any one of the 3 Remington 700 BDL SS rifles in 300 RUM I’ve owned.
looked at a 700 cdls in 257 wby like Ken has, and didn't buy it, bought a wby vanguard in the same caliber, for 75 dollars less. Never loved it, sold it off and kick myself all the time for buying what I thought was cheaper, instead of what I wanted.

Had a s&w in 45 colt that I purchased from a retiring law officer. Tritium sights, great trigger, was shooting at an indoor gun range back in okc, and someone asked what I wanted for it. I said it wasn't for sale, and he asked what it would take to buy it. I named a number way, way too high, and he started digging money out of his pocket. DAMN IT.
I’ve got three rifles I regret selling. Top choice is a Remington 700 Alaskan Wilderness rifle in 7mm saum Was such a comfortable and accurate rifle. Second was a 7mm mashburn super that @noharleyyet owns. Man that thing was accurate. 3rd was my first “semi custom” Remington 700 25-06 ackley sitting in a McMillan Mcswirly mountain rifle pattern. All the rest I haven’t had been real attached to them
Never sold a gun but many times I wish I sold my 1st gun I got for Christmas as a 14 year old 500 mossberg combo. I have clicked in cold weather to many times on deer. Fool me once shame on me fool me 2 more times I am an idiot with my deer gun choices.
Wish I bought Ithaca 37 16 GA made before they put it on 12 GA frame. $129. Looked at it day before and closed on nice mortgage in morning went back at Lunch and just sold 10 min before I got there. Still looking for that gun at a crazy price. Been on Christmas list for 15 years but wife has only bought a gun for me when. I kind of did it on prodeal when engaged.
Regret a Howa Hogue 1500 .308 I paid too much for at a DU auction. Probably had a couple drinks in me. Don’t care about the price as that is what those auctions are for but I can’t get that thing to shoot to save my life. All over the paper no matter the load.
I wish would have bought a lighter weight 7mm08 when I sprang for one. I already had plenty of 7.5-8.5 lb deer rifles. A nice lighter weight 7mm08 would have been a great addition. If I would have waited a year or two I would likely have bought a Fieldcraft.
I wish would have bought a lighter weight 7mm08 when I sprang for one. I already had plenty of 7.5-8.5 lb deer rifles. A nice lighter weight 7mm08 would have been a great addition. If I would have waited a year or two I would likely have bought a Fieldcraft.
Having a lighter rifle is hunters heaven as we get older. On the open more level plains i completely enjoy my old vintage heavy rifles. When going into steep and STEEPER country, light is right. I have a Sako finlight in 308, weighs 6.25 pounds. Still "bites" my neck/shoulder when slung for longer climbs.

I got a Kimber hunter in 280AI, weighs 5 3/4 pounds. On long steeps climbs when slung over my shouder that "bite" does not happen at all. A half pound passes some threshold.
Lets see:
Fist rifle I wanted a Remington .30-06 Semi Auto Woodmaster - dad said he'd equal any money that I raised. Worked my butt off all summer but had one week where I had gone to a camp (Football I believe) I came up like $50 short - asked my dad for a loan on the $50 and he refused. Got the money but the rifle was gone. Ended up with a single shot H&R .243, I always hated that gun. Refused to take it with me when I moved out. Dad still has it and wants to give it to me. I may pick it up for a kid but I doubt it.

My second regret is I won a rifle from Friends of the NRA- I had a buddy who was raving about 6.5 Creedmoor and so I got a Ruger American Go Wild in 6.5 Creedmoor which is a fine rifle and I am turning it into a hunting rifle for Caribou/Deer for my wife and kids. But the other rifle still available was a Winchester 70 Featherweight in .270. And I kick myself every time I pickup that American for not getting that Featherweight! (I bought myself a semi custom built on a Kimber Montana so I'm ok now - .280AI).

My final Regret was during the Obama/McCain Election I sold a 1980 pre safety Colt Combat Commander - I spent a few hundred dollars upgrading - and I sold it to buy an AR. All the AR's in Juneau, Alaska were sold out and they weren't getting any back. I bought an AK with mags, mods, etc. Hated it so I sold it and tried to buy back my Colt Commander but it was GONE. Probably my MOST disappointing sale. Especially because I still have never gotten an AR. HAHA.

I had an opportunity when I worked for a company that sold guns to earn a discount on a Weatherby Mark V. I took all the tests, got qualified and then I went to order the gun and it was a MASSIVE discount - picked out a rifle and then didn't pull the trigger - it was a a month or two lead time with the program and I quit and moved to Alaska a month after qualifying. Regret that 100% - would have been an awesome rifle!
Lets see:
Fist rifle I wanted a Remington .30-06 Semi Auto Woodmaster - dad said he'd equal any money that I raised. Worked my butt off all summer but had one week where I had gone to a camp (Football I believe) I came up like $50 short - asked my dad for a loan on the $50 and he refused. Got the money but the rifle was gone. Ended up with a single shot H&R .243, I always hated that gun. Refused to take it with me when I moved out. Dad still has it and wants to give it to me. I may pick it up for a kid but I doubt it.

My second regret is I won a rifle from Friends of the NRA- I had a buddy who was raving about 6.5 Creedmoor and so I got a Ruger American Go Wild in 6.5 Creedmoor which is a fine rifle and I am turning it into a hunting rifle for Caribou/Deer for my wife and kids. But the other rifle still available was a Winchester 70 Featherweight in .270. And I kick myself every time I pickup that American for not getting that Featherweight! (I bought myself a semi custom built on a Kimber Montana so I'm ok now - .280AI).

My final Regret was during the Obama/McCain Election I sold a 1980 pre safety Colt Combat Commander - I spent a few hundred dollars upgrading - and I sold it to buy an AR. All the AR's in Juneau, Alaska were sold out and they weren't getting any back. I bought an AK with mags, mods, etc. Hated it so I sold it and tried to buy back my Colt Commander but it was GONE. Probably my MOST disappointing sale. Especially because I still have never gotten an AR. HAHA.

I had an opportunity when I worked for a company that sold guns to earn a discount on a Weatherby Mark V. I took all the tests, got qualified and then I went to order the gun and it was a MASSIVE discount - picked out a rifle and then didn't pull the trigger - it was a a month or two lead time with the program and I quit and moved to Alaska a month after qualifying. Regret that 100% - would have been an awesome rifle!

I am not at all a fan of auto loading semi's, pistol or rifle. My thing is hunting firearms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I do have two "fit hits the shan" firearms.

One is a flawlessly functioning Satin Chrome Series 70 Colt Commander in of course .45ACP.

And the other is a Colt AR-15 "Z" .223 with heavy bullet twist upgraded sights and factory camo teflon fiisinh. Minus 10 shots to sight it, it is NIB.

Colt only made 150 total of the "Z's".

Both have lots of ammo and mags.
The only gun I regret selling was my Sig P220 SAO. I bought it new, and at the time it came with a coupon to buy the .22 conversion slide for $200. After I modded the .22 mags to hold 15, the thing was the perfect handgun. Great caliber with a perfectly functioning .22 conversion. Ultimately, I decided to prune down the collection, and decided to stay with the 1911 as my .45 platform. I still miss the fit and feel of that P220. If the P220 SAO in 10mm wasn't so pricey I'd probably pick one up.
I sold a 250-3000 Savage without regret. It was in great shape but had that fat beavertail forend not the sweet slim shnabbel so many 99's are adored for. It was so fat in my saddle scabbard, just bugged my knee no end. Also, if again, I would get the later 250 Savage. It had the twist for heavier bullets and really upgraded it's ability to kill larger game.

I had a featherweight 99 in 308 cal,,,what a kicker! I sold that with slight regret. The stock was low comb for peep sights and my eyes were getting old then.

All that said it was a fine saddle gun.
Something about the savage mod 99. Friend of mine in Montana had one in 250-3000 but it was a saddle ring model. Savage rep was by the store he worked in and he told him about the gun. Sight unseen the rep offered him any new Savage O/U he wanted and $2000 for it! My friend decided to turn it down!

I've gone through a lot of rifles and shotguns over the years. Two gun's R really miss are a Colt Diamondback in 22LR and a Colt Trooper MK IV in 357 mag. Also had a Dan Wesson 15-6 that was a super gun but just a bit heavy.
Just thinking about this again and realization hit me there is two rifles I wish I'd have bought at some point. Can't spell the Italian one, Mannlicker Schonauer full stock in 6.5x52, about a 1950's version! Saw one as a kid, friend of the family had one and I can still see that thing today! The other I saw in a sporting goods store in Kalispell, Montana around 1972 or 73. Colt/Sauer bolt action. One of the best looking rifles I ever saw but out of my price range. Now it's been years since I've seen one.
I wish I hadn't sold a Ruger #1 chambered in 7x57 Mauser, I couldn't get it to shoot better that 1.25" with that rifle/caliber combo that would have been plenty good.
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