This is why we can't have nice things

I've never reported or tattled on a member. Don't have anyone on ignore. Bet I am on those lists though. Sometimes you have to put on big boy pants as they say. If you have to cry to Randy, might be best to move on. mtmuley
...and then people taking the leap to PM others when they need a tissue.
Pretty lame.
I like to be able to read this forum whether one of my kids is reading over my shoulder or not. We don't curse in our family and don't expose them to it if it can be avoided. Whether it's strong cursing or near nudity I'd prefer it stays elsewhere so I can not only enjoy the site in general, but also not feel the need to hide it from kids and/or wife.

I understand I might be in the minority. I also understand that I can simply not visit the site. But there are already so many corners of the internet that I have to avoid. It's nice to (generally) enjoy this one without those unnecessary additions.
I like to be able to read this forum whether one of my kids is reading over my shoulder or not. We don't curse in our family and don't expose them to it if it can be avoided. Whether it's strong cursing or near nudity I'd prefer it stays elsewhere so I can not only enjoy the site in general, but also not feel the need to hide it from kids and/or wife.

I understand I might be in the minority. I also understand that I can simply not visit the site. But there are already so many corners of the internet that I have to avoid. It's nice to (generally) enjoy this one without those unnecessary additions.
I should print this and stick it to the wall over my desk. Sometimes it is difficult to tell if the internet has made us wiser or more stupid. I think it has definitely downgraded us as human beings.
I like to be able to read this forum whether one of my kids is reading over my shoulder or not. We don't curse in our family and don't expose them to it if it can be avoided. Whether it's strong cursing or near nudity I'd prefer it stays elsewhere so I can not only enjoy the site in general, but also not feel the need to hide it from kids and/or wife.

I understand I might be in the minority. I also understand that I can simply not visit the site. But there are already so many corners of the internet that I have to avoid. It's nice to (generally) enjoy this one without those unnecessary additions.
I so agree with this..... My initial reason for joining this forum was its positive platform.
Let's get beyond Highschool level interactions and be Intelligent adults.