
This is why Bozeman is kind of annoying.

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Ultra running more inclusive? Nobody is banging down the door to run 100 miles! Sorry just found it to be ridiculous.

One of the dumbest threads I've seen in a while...

Some of these ultra mountain races are super competitive to get into. So yes, a lot of folks are banging down the door to run them. The local race in Bozeman's backyard (although not an ultra) is one of the most popular in the country and extremely challenging to get drawn for.
And to further screw up the state, here's his next installment "The Madison" - apparently he doesn't GAS:

As someone who lives in the Madison Valley, I’m really dreading this.
I can’t believe I read that whole article. Color me shocked when I read she was from California.

Honestly though, I do find ultra running, and running in general a little discriminatory. Like I can’t be a fat bastard and eat cookies all day and still be competitive. It’s simply not fair.

You really can. I'm a cookie eating fool and have done 2 50 milers and a handful of 50ks. Competitive, no. But I got the same distance on the same course as the elite runners, plus I took more time to browse at the aid stations like they were an all you can eat buffet.
One of the dumbest threads I've seen in a while...

Some of these ultra mountain races are super competitive to get into. So yes, a lot of folks are banging down the door to run them. The local race in Bozeman's backyard (although not an ultra) is one of the most popular in the country and extremely challenging to get drawn for.

Everything about ultra running is exclusive as it should be. Most people genetically can't even do it period. For example in 2024 there was around 2900 ultra marathon events. About 100 racers per event on average. On average about 44 racers of the 100 completed each event. So more than half the people "banging down the door" to enter these events shouldn't of been participating in the first place, because they might of took the place of someone capable of actually finishing the race.

Ultra running is unique and exclusive because the people that are actually capable of doing it are amazingly unique. Most people aren't built to run ultras and that's okay.

I get it people disagree with my stance on it. That is totally fine, but it doesn't change my opinion that the sport is exclusive and should be, not because of man made barriers of sexism or it doesn't get enough airtime or your to busy at home and work or your scared and dont know where to start. The barriers are the fact that about .01% of people possess the incredible physical and mental capabilities to complete such an event.
capability to compete, ability to finish, and ability to try are all different.

anybody can go try and no one is stopping them. not exclusive.

9 times out of 10 a shmuck who doesn't finish doesn't because they didn't train hard enough or are mentally weak... probably mentally weak because they didn't train hard enough. no one is stopping them but themselves.

whether or not you can truly compete is in the hands of god, so that's where to take your gripe.
Somebody has been watching way too many Cam Hanes videos.
Yea somebody has been watching to many videos of a guy who lies about his split times so he looks like he hammers harder than he did. Thats it, your right ya got me.
I'm sorry you take this so close to the heart since you know the amazing athlete that started the group based on what i consider false barriers. You can disagree and move on with your life anytime now. Maybe post your hilarious @#)(# stroking cam hanes meme next that will be funny. I like that one.
"The barriers are the fact that about .01% of people possess the incredible physical and mental capabilities to complete such an event" hold yourself in way too high esteem. There is zero data backing that claim up, just your ego.
Yea somebody has been watching to many videos of a guy who lies about his split times so he looks like he hammers harder than he did. Thats it, your right ya got me.
I'm sorry you take this so close to the heart since you know the amazing athlete that started the group based on what i consider false barriers. You can disagree and move on with your life anytime now. Maybe post your hilarious @#)(# stroking cam hanes meme next that will be funny. I like that one.
I am not following a single sentence in that entire post. Congratulations?
Everything about ultra running is exclusive as it should be. Most people genetically can't even do it period. For example in 2024 there was around 2900 ultra marathon events. About 100 racers per event on average. On average about 44 racers of the 100 completed each event. So more than half the people "banging down the door" to enter these events shouldn't of been participating in the first place, because they might of took the place of someone capable of actually finishing the race.

Ultra running is unique and exclusive because the people that are actually capable of doing it are amazingly unique. Most people aren't built to run ultras and that's okay.

I get it people disagree with my stance on it. That is totally fine, but it doesn't change my opinion that the sport is exclusive and should be, not because of man made barriers of sexism or it doesn't get enough airtime or your to busy at home and work or your scared and dont know where to start. The barriers are the fact that about .01% of people possess the incredible physical and mental capabilities to complete such an event.
So, by your math and reasoning....there are about 8 people in the Bozeman area that "possess the incredible physical and mental capabilities" to run such an exclusive event.
Solid argument. :ROFLMAO:
So, by your math and reasoning....there are about 8 people in the Bozeman area that "possess the incredible physical and mental capabilities" to run such an exclusive event.
Solid argument. :ROFLMAO:
Doesn't matter if 10,000 of the .01% that are capable of actually competing live in Bozeman it doesn't change the percentage.
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