Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

The Season of Stupid (& elk)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 52098
  • Start date
With 3rd season CO just a few days away, it's been an interesting week here at the MtnElk household and with the people I am going hunting with. Let me start by saying that even though I am a novice (see entire thread), I am incredibly passionate and focused on not only being a good hunting partner, but a good hunter. I am realizing that not all hunting "partners" are the same. And I am really going to miss hunting with someone the likes of @Dsnow9 on this upcoming hunt.. and not just for his expertise and guidance, but that Deacon is all in. He puts in the effort and the time, he shows up prepared, he's focused and enjoys being out there, etc.

I've known who I was hunting with for this third season and where since June 1. That would be 159 days ago. Here and there over that last 159 days, I have asked what kind of spots, zones, drainages, etc my two hunting "partners" thought looked good. For 157 days, I heard nothing. On sunday, I get several pins that don't look any different than this:


This spot is less than a mile off a very popular road, and less than a few hundred yards from a very popular BLM road. In fact, so popular, that everyone who enters this area of the unit, uses that road. Not only would this essentially be the CO equivalent of Norris Road, but these guys have driven this road a bunch and we've never seen elk. There other spots are also right off of roads... in a unit with immense OTC pressure, limited cow tags and a TON of deer tags and known to be a very hard place to hunt ha. AND the weather is calling for mid 50s. The elk are not going to be anywhere near that area unless the weather suddenly turns Antarctic and dumps 10 feet of snow between now and friday.

On top of that, the only reason I hadn't backed out of hunting with these guys and come up with a strategy to return to the death march in Wyoming, is because we were all going to be staying in my wall tent - and I didn't want to leave them hanging. It's huge and plenty comfy - ask @Dsnow9, even Mr. Pain and Suffering thought it was pretty dang sweet. Well they call me last night that they now want to bring their trailers instead because there is no snow. I don't really care where they sleep, it's just their last minute attitude that gets under my skin. Not only did I spend the weekend getting everything ready, boxed up, wood stacked near the truck, etc but these two just seem to be in their own little world.

After a call with Deacon this morning, instead of jumping ship and heading to WY, I am just going to setup a small tent next to their fancy trailers, and hunt my own hunt. Let them chase whatever elk they want (they have a OTC bull tags and a cow tag). I'll be up way before them anyway and have a ton of spots I want to explore in this large and soul shattering unit I am hunting. I have a few spots that would definitely align with the "Season of Stupid" theme, and that will likely be where I'll get one

I am excited to hunt this unit and hopefully come out of this place with more meat, but I am starting to realize that who you hunt with can also make or break the hunt as well. It's a lesson that will definitely have me keeping these guys as friends, but not hunting partners going forward.

Let the stupidity continue...
With 3rd season CO just a few days away, it's been an interesting week here at the MtnElk household and with the people I am going hunting with. Let me start by saying that even though I am a novice (see entire thread), I am incredibly passionate and focused on not only being a good hunting partner, but a good hunter. I am realizing that not all hunting "partners" are the same. And I am really going to miss hunting with someone the likes of @Dsnow9 on this upcoming hunt.. and not just for his expertise and guidance, but that Deacon is all in. He puts in the effort and the time, he shows up prepared, he's focused and enjoys being out there, etc.

I've known who I was hunting with for this third season and where since June 1. That would be 159 days ago. Here and there over that last 159 days, I have asked what kind of spots, zones, drainages, etc my two hunting "partners" thought looked good. For 157 days, I heard nothing. On sunday, I get several pins that don't look any different than this:

View attachment 300766

This spot is less than a mile off a very popular road, and less than a few hundred yards from a very popular BLM road. In fact, so popular, that everyone who enters this area of the unit, uses that road. Not only would this essentially be the CO equivalent of Norris Road, but these guys have driven this road a bunch and we've never seen elk. There other spots are also right off of roads... in a unit with immense OTC pressure, limited cow tags and a TON of deer tags and known to be a very hard place to hunt ha. AND the weather is calling for mid 50s. The elk are not going to be anywhere near that area unless the weather suddenly turns Antarctic and dumps 10 feet of snow between now and friday.

On top of that, the only reason I hadn't backed out of hunting with these guys and come up with a strategy to return to the death march in Wyoming, is because we were all going to be staying in my wall tent - and I didn't want to leave them hanging. It's huge and plenty comfy - ask @Dsnow9, even Mr. Pain and Suffering thought it was pretty dang sweet. Well they call me last night that they now want to bring their trailers instead because there is no snow. I don't really care where they sleep, it's just their last minute attitude that gets under my skin. Not only did I spend the weekend getting everything ready, boxed up, wood stacked near the truck, etc but these two just seem to be in their own little world.

After a call with Deacon this morning, instead of jumping ship and heading to WY, I am just going to setup a small tent next to their fancy trailers, and hunt my own hunt. Let them chase whatever elk they want (they have a OTC bull tags and a cow tag). I'll be up way before them anyway and have a ton of spots I want to explore in this large and soul shattering unit I am hunting. I have a few spots that would definitely align with the "Season of Stupid" theme, and that will likely be where I'll get one

I am excited to hunt this unit and hopefully come out of this place with more meat, but I am starting to realize that who you hunt with can also make or break the hunt as well. It's a lesson that will definitely have me keeping these guys as friends, but not hunting partners going forward.

Let the stupidity continue...
Go get you one man. The natural world is fair. You will get what you put into it. The unprepared and ignorant (and often just unlucky) will be eating Walmart deli this winter.
Got a text from D late last night to come try and hunt deer with him for the first three days of the season before heading to hunt elk... so gave it a go this morning after driving to setup camp at 5 am. No dice, even with the help of a faster internet connection and some good will from a friend

Snowing up high in CO today, but temps for the weekend and next week range from the high 40s to high 50s. Hopefully I can get on them Saturday morning before all the snow is gone and punch that tag before it becomes even harder to find em

With 3rd season CO just a few days away, it's been an interesting week here at the MtnElk household and with the people I am going hunting with. Let me start by saying that even though I am a novice (see entire thread), I am incredibly passionate and focused on not only being a good hunting partner, but a good hunter. I am realizing that not all hunting "partners" are the same. And I am really going to miss hunting with someone the likes of @Dsnow9 on this upcoming hunt.. and not just for his expertise and guidance, but that Deacon is all in. He puts in the effort and the time, he shows up prepared, he's focused and enjoys being out there, etc.

I've known who I was hunting with for this third season and where since June 1. That would be 159 days ago. Here and there over that last 159 days, I have asked what kind of spots, zones, drainages, etc my two hunting "partners" thought looked good. For 157 days, I heard nothing. On sunday, I get several pins that don't look any different than this:

View attachment 300766

This spot is less than a mile off a very popular road, and less than a few hundred yards from a very popular BLM road. In fact, so popular, that everyone who enters this area of the unit, uses that road. Not only would this essentially be the CO equivalent of Norris Road, but these guys have driven this road a bunch and we've never seen elk. There other spots are also right off of roads... in a unit with immense OTC pressure, limited cow tags and a TON of deer tags and known to be a very hard place to hunt ha. AND the weather is calling for mid 50s. The elk are not going to be anywhere near that area unless the weather suddenly turns Antarctic and dumps 10 feet of snow between now and friday.

On top of that, the only reason I hadn't backed out of hunting with these guys and come up with a strategy to return to the death march in Wyoming, is because we were all going to be staying in my wall tent - and I didn't want to leave them hanging. It's huge and plenty comfy - ask @Dsnow9, even Mr. Pain and Suffering thought it was pretty dang sweet. Well they call me last night that they now want to bring their trailers instead because there is no snow. I don't really care where they sleep, it's just their last minute attitude that gets under my skin. Not only did I spend the weekend getting everything ready, boxed up, wood stacked near the truck, etc but these two just seem to be in their own little world.

After a call with Deacon this morning, instead of jumping ship and heading to WY, I am just going to setup a small tent next to their fancy trailers, and hunt my own hunt. Let them chase whatever elk they want (they have a OTC bull tags and a cow tag). I'll be up way before them anyway and have a ton of spots I want to explore in this large and soul shattering unit I am hunting. I have a few spots that would definitely align with the "Season of Stupid" theme, and that will likely be where I'll get one

I am excited to hunt this unit and hopefully come out of this place with more meat, but I am starting to realize that who you hunt with can also make or break the hunt as well. It's a lesson that will definitely have me keeping these guys as friends, but not hunting partners going forward.

Let the stupidity continue...
Got a text from D late last night to come try and hunt deer with him for the first three days of the season before heading to hunt elk... so gave it a go this morning after driving to setup camp at 5 am. No dice, even with the help of a faster internet connection and some good will from a friend

Snowing up high in CO today, but temps for the weekend and next week range from the high 40s to high 50s. Hopefully I can get on them Saturday morning before all the snow is gone and punch that tag before it becomes even harder to find em

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Oh, I just wanted the wall tent set up so I didn’t have to slum it in the bed of my truck!
Finally made it camp and got everything setup. In a strange turn of events, probably a good thing those guys have a trailer and I have my smaller canvas tent… as my wife and daughter have Covid. My daughter is bouncing off the walls and feeling fine, my wife however looks and feels like death. She’s a saint for letting me go hunting. Unfortunately, I woke up this morning not feeling great, so I’m glad I’m not sharing a tent with anyone. Covid is lame enough without giving it to others. Going to change and head out to scout an area that should be holding elk and if it’s not today, it’s still a killer glassing spot in case the ATV crews start pushing elk my way. Hopefully I can get one tmrw, get home and help my wife out while resting myself haha

Finally made it camp and got everything setup. In a strange turn of events, probably a good thing those guys have a trailer and I have my smaller canvas tent… as my wife and daughter have Covid. My daughter is bouncing off the walls and feeling fine, my wife however looks and feels like death. She’s a saint for letting me go hunting. Unfortunately, I woke up this morning not feeling great, so I’m glad I’m not sharing a tent with anyone. Covid is lame enough without giving it to others. Going to change and head out to scout an area that should be holding elk and if it’s not today, it’s still a killer glassing spot in case the ATV crews start pushing elk my way. Hopefully I can get one tmrw, get home and help my wife out while resting myself haha

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What size flex bow is that? Been mulling one over for a while now, but not sure on size.