The Rinella Effect

Anybody been in there yet? Strolled through yesterday after having a hamburger downtown. I could handle only about 3 minutes of browsing overpriced first light clothing and cookbooks. Place was empty except for the 3 bros behind the counter that fit the stereotype meateater bozeman hunter dude with finely trimmed mustaches and plaid attire. My final pass included a powerful crop dusting on the way out - once and for all. How does a place like that stay in business on Bozeman Main Street?
Left them a used green can did ya? mtmuley
Anybody been in there yet? Strolled through yesterday after having a hamburger downtown. I could handle only about 3 minutes of browsing overpriced first light clothing and cookbooks. Place was empty except for the 3 bros behind the counter that fit the stereotype meateater bozeman hunter dude with finely trimmed mustaches and plaid attire. My final pass included a powerful crop dusting on the way out - once and for all. How does a place like that stay in business on Bozeman Main Street?
I went in to look at an MKC knife(not a lot of places carry them) when the wife wanted to eat somewhere down there - they didnt end up having magnacut. I admired the heads in a quick walk around, noticed they had basically msrp pricing on everything and left.

The place was packed when i went - i think a lot of out of state travelers go there and go get something "meateater" branded.

I can tell you how that GD expensive yoga pants store stays in business though... do not get drug in there or let your spouse in.
I went in to look at an MKC knife(not a lot of places carry them) when the wife wanted to eat somewhere down there - they didnt end up having magnacut. I admired the heads in a quick walk around, noticed they had basically msrp pricing on everything and left.

The place was packed when i went - i think a lot of out of state travelers go there and go get something "meateater" branded.

I can tell you how that GD expensive yoga pants store stays in business though... do not get drug in there or let your spouse in.
Pictures of the yoga pants or it didn't happen.
Anybody been in there yet? Strolled through yesterday after having a hamburger downtown. I could handle only about 3 minutes of browsing overpriced first light clothing and cookbooks. Place was empty except for the 3 bros behind the counter that fit the stereotype meateater bozeman hunter dude with finely trimmed mustaches and plaid attire. My final pass included a powerful crop dusting on the way out - once and for all. How does a place like that stay in business on Bozeman Main Street?
Can you just go back to being Greenhorn? Looks the username is available.
Anybody been in there yet? Strolled through yesterday after having a hamburger downtown. I could handle only about 3 minutes of browsing overpriced first light clothing and cookbooks. Place was empty except for the 3 bros behind the counter that fit the stereotype meateater bozeman hunter dude with finely trimmed mustaches and plaid attire. My final pass included a powerful crop dusting on the way out - once and for all. How does a place like that stay in business on Bozeman Main Street?
People don’t know they have “I am a hemorrhoid” written on their face unless you tell them 😉
Some of it...I liked it a lot better when being country made you an outcast.
Around here we didn't know we were outcasts. Then it changed. Not so bad now, but wait till the river opens up and the flyfishers get here. We had a subcontractor from out if the area that joked about "Does every Toyota pickup sold here come with a free raft?" Fricken hilarious. mtmuley
Some of it...I liked it a lot better when being country made you an outcast.
Been country my whole life and have always worn the same thing. Work boots, jeans, t shirt, and ball cap. If that becomes popular, remember I was cool before the other folks.
Around here we didn't know we were outcasts. Then it changed. Not so bad now, but wait till the river opens up and the flyfishers get here. We had a subcontractor from out if the area that joked about "Does every Toyota pickup sold here come with a free raft?" Fricken hilarious. mtmuley
Took one of the boys to a rodeo a week ago. I've never seen so many clean work boots and trucks that have never left pavement. They wouldn't of known a bulls dick from a cows tit.

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