The official 2025 Wyoming elk hunt for Dave N thread.

Sucks getting older. Started off Saturday with a sore shoulder joint that happens once in a while and goes away. Sunday and Monday I took it easy as I could and took a bunch of meds to knock the pain down and let me sleep. Today was a struggle to get out of bed with how much it hurt. Took 2 Norcos by noon and it just made it tolerable to sit around and not do much of anything. Going to load up at bedtime and hope for the best. If I can't get it under control I guess I'll have to go to town and see a doctor. Yippee. Nothing broken so I'm thinking they won't see anything with an x-ray and go with an MRI. Another yippee. 🤷‍♂️
Absolutely killing me this morning. Decided to suck it up and go to the ER. 10 minutes to get my jeans on! Xray showed nothing but some arthritis, just like I thought. Doc said probably a torn rotator cuff and referred me to an ortho guy. Got a pain shot, sling and a script for Norco. Lori would have been PISSED about that since she was cut off from hers. And of course, drugstore was out of stock. Guess I'll call and get an appt. with the ortho. Yippee. 😞