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The New Cam Hanes Flick

WWMRT? That's all you have to ask yourself. Pretty sure Matt would give this film a 0% on the rotten tomatoes scale.

At what point will this industry stop self-aggrandizing? I couldn't imagine wondering if people think I was some bad ass hunter or not.

We kill animals with half our intelligence. Its not like racking up a body count is equal to a cure for cancer or solving some paradox. Insert your means of harvest, private/public land, wealth tags, etc excuse. You outsmarted an animal with half your intelligence or less, that's the end of the argument. :poop: No one cares.

I'm just happy to get out side, spend time with friends and family. Its not some mythical pedestal to be placed on because you kill lots of animals or lots of big ones.
@Big Fin … This right here is why I don’t know what I’d do if you ever cut HT loose. In the same thread we have gracious @Nameless Range providing his thoughtful, philosophical considerations and then @Bambistew , the guy with a most-enviable Dall wall, grounding us by saying, “Look, they’re idiot animals with an IQ of 5.”

Where else, I ask, would we find such quality in the wide world of interwebs???

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This thread piqued my interest so I watched twenty minutes of it until I got interrupted by cooking smash burgers with my son.

I’m often conflicted with the messaging of “influencers”. On one hand I enjoy watching different experiences and am often inspired or motivated to try and experience something similar if a film or post exposes me to something that interests me.

Hard and difficult challenges that are overcome successfully are inspiring when the challenge exists because of natural obstacles or sometimes because a person wants to experience something his way.

The problem comes for me when folks leverage self-induced difficulty in a comparative manner to make themselves appear more extreme than others with the main goal of enhancing their reputation. They then seek to profit from their reputation in either status or money.

For me, hunting and experiencing the outdoors is always synonymous with relationships and spending time with people I enjoy and can continue friendships with beyond a singular experience. When I encounter someone who makes it apparent that they view life, experiences, relationships and overcoming obstacles with an egocentric perspective, I tend to not be inspired or impressed by their accomplishments or by them. I don’t have enough time and energy to do all the things I want to do with people I sincerely care about and I know care about me. I would rather invest any available time with those people than waste it on people who vibe a MO of “me, me me”.

Personally, I get the latter vibe from these kinds of videos. I have friends who are inspired by Cam and similar folks who implement the physical discipline and work espoused by Cam very successfully. For them, Cam is an inspiration. It just isn’t for me.
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I don’t know if it’s akin to asking a woman her dress size or age, but I’d be very curious to know just how sweet that honey is that these guys take. Just how lucrative is it to “sell your soul” to major brands?

Randy for instance in some of his old videos (talking season 1 OYOA) is hunting with Remington 700s, Leica binos, blue jeans, Coleman coolers, etc. and fast forward to todays episodes for quite the difference. Sponsorships and endorsements would have to be a semi-lucrative deal or why else would people have to wear such and such brand camo on camera or use such and such brand bino harness or backpack.

Agreed with @Gerald Martin, only so many times I can see a guy self-induce suffering and then attempt to get accolades for enduring that self-induced suffering.

What an interesting time we live in.
Ok , for me it all seemed superficial and embellished . I get the whole making money aspect , but I don't get the hero worship that this guy and others receive .Why are people attracted to this kind of person ?
I mean , it was mildly entertaining , but not to the point I would try to emulate Cam or see him as a role model .

Funny , this very topic is being discussed on a different forum right now and the discussion is much different , with many people defending Cam to the point of being hostile about it .

And lastly , this is more fodder for the anti hunters to use against us , IMO .
I had no idea who this even was and 5 minutes in and I had to stop it already. I could bash people and say why I stopped it, but I'm not going there this time. All I'm going to say is I don't get why anyone watch these types of people's "content".
I watched it, granted I skipped forward multiple times. Seemed like they could have condensed it into a far shorter film. Overall I found it fairly boring. The only thing I came away with it from is wondering if Cam has any emotions whatsoever.... He is almost totally flat at all times.
Cams view on carrying guns during a hunt bothers me...he says he doesn't carry one because he is ok with dying and getting eaten which is goofy to me and sounds corny, but then when he hunts around dangerous game, he usually had Roy behind him with a 45-70 and then now in this hunt with a full arsenal behind him.

I didn't have time to watch the entire vid, but in the parts I did, sounded like CH was slightly disappointed the rifle ended the hunt before he put another arrow into it at 15(?) yards. Not sure how that would have turned out. I'd not really watched anything of his content before -- he sprinkled in a few thoughts, like a modern day Instagram Ralph Waldo Emerson I guess. Looks like he has quite a few views for that video, but also quite a few haters on reddit etc.
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I didn't have time to watch the entire vid, but in the parts which I did watch, it sounded like CH was slightly disappointed the rifle ended the hunt before he put another arrow into it at 15(?) yards.
Ya he drew his bow back and the bear started charging him at like 10 yards, then the guy damn near saves his life potentially and shoots the bear. Then later, Cam says his destiny was interrupted, like he was planning on dying all along by a bear lol. Corny if you ask me.

I can see being disappointed that your shot wasn't what did your animal in be upset if my destiny was always to end up as bear poop, especially wearing under armor 👀
I don't get bowhunting dangerous game with rifle backup.

To me, if you want to bowhunt big bears, go ahead, but understand the consequences. Having rifle backup is, in a sense, an admission that archery gear isn't up to that particular task. Why not just get close and shoot them with a rifle? It always seems like there's some weird elitism going on when someone has to use a bow, but they still want backup. I like to bowhunt, but I just don't get it.

As far as the film, I won't watch it, because I don't feel like giving him the clicks. There are plenty of people who go out and hunt hard because they just love to hunt, and I'll save my admiration for them.

And what's with the cover image? It looks like they are about to land at Normandy or something........
Lift run shoot everyday
Keep hammering every day
Talk about doing it all so you can be perfect when that moment finally comes to swiftly and mercifully take your target's life because you are a professional bowhunter.

Time comes, wound animal like the average fat guy who purchased his bow at a garage sale and eats at flea markets every day.

Sell people products espousing what a bad ass you are. Success!
I watched it. Was pretty corny.

Also was kinda funny that the guy talks so incessantly much about not being afraid of dying, that you get the feeling he thinks about his mortality a lot, like it probably just comes up in his everyday life.

“So would you like your order to stay or to go?”

“To go. I’m not afraid to die.”
I watched it. Was pretty corny.

Also was kinda funny that the guy talks so incessantly much about not being afraid of dying, that you get the feeling he thinks about his mortality a lot, like it probably just comes up in his everyday life.

“So would you like your order to stay or to go?”

“To go. I’m not afraid to die.”
👆🏻 My nomination for a Talkie Award for best post from a new member with less than 10 posts

@Hunting Wife
I started writing this long rambley term paper about the ills of selling the holy for one’s own self aggrandizement when I was struck with my own movie idea:

@Nameless Range what would you say about teaming up with me to make a hunting film that basically just consists of you and I refusing to leave the truck while @neffa3 and @SnowyMountaineer spray us with a hose and blast puffs of air into our faces with a bb gun in a glorious effort to get us out of said truck. We’ll call it, “We Were Marmots.”

Bet we’d sell a lot of t-shirts…
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“To go. I’m not afraid to die.”

This guy has a family, wife and kids.

He doesn’t value being a good spouse, or a father… inculcating a love of the outdoors… conservation… raising children who respect others and work hard…giving back to his community, the less fortunate.

He’s willing to die, not to protect others, his family, or the ideals of his country…

but rather his own goal to blast an animal with a bow.

Cam is everything I loath.

If you think he’s a hero I don’t respect you.

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