The gun cabinet of regrets,,, wish I sold or wish I didn't buy it


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I have to give Maverick1 credijt for this thread.
I bought a Howa 1500 chambered in 270 Winchester, possibly the worst shooting rife I have ever owned, changed stocks, bedded it, tried different ammo the smallest group I could squeeze out of it was 2.5" pattern, got sick of it and finally sold it.
My brother has a Savage 99 chambered in 300 Savage I know he regrets owning, never could get it to shoot.
A long time ago I had a GM M1 carbine that came and went for $100. Could probably get a grand for it now.
Ruger Hawkeye in 300 WM. Couldn't get it to shoot for anything. I traded a home built AR for it. Should have kept the AR.

Ended up trading the Hawkeye for a Winchester Model 100 in 308 that needs a new extractor & from ring pin.
Bought a used (like-new condition) Kimber M84 in .270 WSM for about a grand. Pretty little rifle, nice wood stock. Would shoot 4 inch groups and wouldn't feed from the magazine. Sent it back to Kimber. They looked at it and said it "was built out of spec" and couldn't be fixed but offered to sell me another one at a discount because it was past it's one-year warranty and I wasn't the original owner. I'll never do business with them again.
Henry lever action .22 not only would it not cycle it also wouldn't extract empties. Worse than a single shot. I sent it back to Henry and 12 shots later, it kept sticking those empties I sold it to a pawn shop.
Bought a used (like-new condition) Kimber M84 in .270 WSM for about a grand. Pretty little rifle, nice wood stock. Would shoot 4 inch groups and wouldn't feed from the magazine. Sent it back to Kimber. They looked at it and said it "was built out of spec" and couldn't be fixed but offered to sell me another one at a discount because it was past it's one-year warranty and I wasn't the original owner. I'll never do business with them again.
I would be mad at the original owner. This is an issue they should have solved rather than just kicking the can down to the next guy or at least alerted you to the issue. Buying used always has its risks.
I bought a used Kimber 8400 in 270 wsm .
Very good looking wood is why I picked it up.
The gun store owner asked me to let him know if it shot well. Picked up 5 boxes of nosler 140gr accubond wouldn't group under 3 moa @100 yrds. With hand loads and 140gr btsp with 68gr and 73gr magpro it's shooting .860 moa @ 100 yrds. Picked up a new kimber montana in 270 win and it didn't like factory ammo as well. Mag box was pinching the receiver. And I glass bedded it with hand loads it's under 1 moa. Love the feel and weight of kimbers but they do seem to need fussing with.
CZ 550 Medium 300 WM. Kicked like a frickin mule. Only once got it to MOA and I think that was luck.
CVA Apex 50 cal and 300 wm. traded out the 300 wm under warranty and the replacement wouldn't shoot either. Sent that back as well, they were out of 300 wm so I selected a 7-08 rem. POS would not shoot either. Did the enlarge pivot pin to no avail. Gave the gun to my son in law as a muzzle loader. That part seemed to work ok. Sold the 7-08 barrel on Ebay as a inoperative part. Still lost my butt on that one.
Remington 700 XCR II 375 H&H. I bought it 15 years ago with the intent to go grizzly or moose hunting before looking into the price of grizzly, moose can be diy but still pricey.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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