Kenetrek Boots

The Gun Cabinet of Regrets,,,Wish I didn't sell it, or Wish I bought it.

I sold a 250-3000 Savage without regret. It was in great shape but had that fat beavertail forend not the sweet slim shnabbel so many 99's are adored for. It was so fat in my saddle scabbard, just bugged my knee no end. Also, if again, I would get the later 250 Savage. It had the twist for heavier bullets and really upgraded it's ability to kill larger game.

I had a featherweight 99 in 308 cal,,,what a kicker! I sold that with slight regret. The stock was low comb for peep sights and my eyes were getting old then.

All that said it was a fine saddle gun.
I had that 99 .308

Was my first rifle. No wonder I'm so recoil sensitive
I sold a S&W model 66 w/the 4" barrel for $300 one Christmas to make sure there was enough cash for presents. Should have asked twice as much for it. I miss that little K frame everyday.

Traded a Glock 23 w/night sights for a H&K USP 40 and regretted it every second I had that H&K. I couldn't miss with that Glock.

Sold a Winchester Model 12 w/ a corn cob on it to buy reloading gear. Another regret.
Just bought a new one....
Traded a very nice nylon 66. Still regret it. Didn't buy a 1976 200th year ruger 1H in 375 for $350. It was a great deal but I couldn't swing it at the time. Baby, tuition and mortgage came first.
Kenetrek Boots

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