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Unfortunately there have been career politicians as long as we’ve had a political system. We just live longer than we ever have so they don’t see any reason to step down. Most aren’t capable of holding another job where they could command that salary, much like tenured college professors. It was mentioned earlier but there are minimum ages to run, we need a max too. Term limits wouldn’t hurt anything but it’s not a cure all
It’s almost like we need someone who was never in politics to come in, do their 1 or 2 terms to fix stuff, and then get back out to the private sector. Problem is, establishment people on both sides hate those people. When people come in and fix stuff quickly it makes career politicians look bad.
Many of the founding fathers were pretty long in the tooth.
James Monroe was 18
George Washington was 44
Alexander Hamilton was 21
John Adams was 40
James Madison was 25
Thomas Jefferson was 33.

Average age of the signatures on the Declaration of Independence was 44. Benjamin Franklin was the only one to sign in his 70s.
It’s almost like we need someone who was never in politics to come in, do their 1 or 2 terms to fix stuff, and then get back out to the private sector. Problem is, establishment people on both sides hate those people. When people come in and fix stuff quickly it makes career politicians look bad.
I share that opinion - be successful in life, make a contribution to your country in office, then let somebody else have their turn. Doug Duren has a saying about land management that “It’s not ours, it’s just our turn.” If politicians looked at it that way and were more concerned about leaving it better than they found it rather than pilfer everything they can as long as they can we could be headed in a much better direction.

They aren’t interested in fixing stuff, it’s about getting in office then getting re-elected.
Demonized by a bunch of deplorables who couldn't or wouldn't grasp that it was her turn...all those skids greased in vain. Do you believe every voter who voted against her were illegally manipulated. Look duds, Trump is a narcissistic POS, no argument...but wasn't he once the darling of New York liberal celebs and Democratic Pols until he got hooked on the ultimate attention high and limitless grift of politics and waded into their pond.
Indubitably! Your opinions are well considered. Ken. I'm always glad to see them clearly expressed. The left side of your view overlaps w the right side of mine, I suspect most of the time. And that works fine for me. Could it be that what we agree on is more important than the rest of it?

Yes, Trump had the stench of impunity and immunity back in his NY days, and it has intensified in proportion with his political power. And Hillary was anointed for party procession before Obama had to groom her in his administration, making her an easy target for the GOP. That cult of personality is the sausagemaking I was referring to, as intractible as it is popular and longstanding. And it remains politically expedient, long after we all should know better. When we value, elect and promote more principled, more effective candidates, I believe we can regain our trust and cooperation with each other. In my view, Biden is closer to that standard than Trump. I wish we had better choices this year, we can in the future if we start selecting them now.
I'm a little right of center, but of all the speeches last night, Bobby's made the most sense. I know, he's a liberal, etc, but if you dig down he's more reasonable than either, except on energy; windmills in every field in MT, no thanks. Maybe we can sway him. Only one who seems able to actually go after the alphabet agencies though.
It’s genetic. No amount of swaying will work!
Completely agree, but it's our fault. It isn't about ideas or policies or "values" (WTF that is), it's about standing behind the team. And that makes a third party candidate almost impossible. Cheney was viewed as as republican as they come. She voted with Trump over 90% of the time. Then she became anti-Trump. It's funny how the right turned against her, but it shows what the Republican party has become. Manchin had my attention for a hot minute, but he saw the reality of it all too. A candidate has to appeased the extremes to move through the system as structured.

@Bullbrl, all talk no data. Change my mind.
Both sides do it 100%. The difference is the Dem side is unified in their dysfunction and the Rep side is still trying to figure it out.
What channel? I don't see that.

But note that Trump's lawyer said, under oath, that they viewed the President's position has being all powerful, including arresting or assassinating a political rival. Something Donald better be hoping that Joe forgets.
Too busy watching “The View” can distract a person for sure!
It’s almost like we need someone who was never in politics to come in, do their 1 or 2 terms to fix stuff, and then get back out to the private sector. Problem is, establishment people on both sides hate those people. When people come in and fix stuff quickly it makes career politicians look bad.
Wait….. you just described what Trump did his first term…wha what??
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